American Fan:

I'm loving his quirky/nerdiness role, haha. But those brows man....


Thor/Oye :) and let me say imo he has one of the prettiest brown eyes

I've loved his eyes since Star in My Mind *heart eyes* I kept thinking (I'm still thinking) someone give Thor and Pepper a lead role stat

 American Fan:
Yak has sexy eyes (and yeah, I noticed other things too)

Please tell what other things *imagine the smirk emoji*


Please tell what other things *imagine the smirk emoji*

Use your imagination. "smirking back at yacha emoji"


For me its:

  1. We Are 
  2. Wandee Goodday
  3. Only Boo!

I’m in love with “We Are” but it’s such a long show, so much time to dissapoint me lmao

Okay I wanna join too!

  1. Only Boo!
  2. We Are 
  3. Wandee Goodday/My Stand-In 

Idk if any other can beat Only Boo, it makes me feel like when I was watching MSP, all soft and warm

Only Boo, it makes me feel like when I was watching MSP, all soft and warm

Yes, that's a good comparison - also with the quality of the music and dance. (It astonishes me that some supposedly music-themed BLs, e.g. "2gether", have such lame music.)

everyone im leaving this place 

bye bye na 


@axdxex idk why I can't quote you but thank you for the recommendations! I'll definitely check them out 

I think the post might be too long! Have fun, drama watching!

Well, I made a mistake, so I intended to watch War of Y but didn't realise that I watched My Universe instead because they are both anthologies. Anyways now I have My Universe to finish; I am at episode 4 out of 24 and I have yet to like any of the stories; each 2 episodes is dedicated to 1 couple and their story. This feels like torture, help!!!!


Well, I made a mistake, so I intended to watch War of Y but didn't realise that I watched My Universe instead because they are both anthologies. Anyways now I have My Universe to finish; I am at episode 4 out of 24 and I have yet to like any of the stories; each 2 episodes is dedicated to 1 couple and their story. This feels like torture, help!!!!

You can drop that series if you don't like it though, no one's forcing you to watch it.


Well, I made a mistake, so I intended to watch War of Y but didn't realise that I watched My Universe instead because they are both anthologies. Anyways now I have My Universe to finish; I am at episode 4 out of 24 and I have yet to like any of the stories; each 2 episodes is dedicated to 1 couple and their story. This feels like torture, help!!!!

That sounds horrible ;;

I only watched ep 7-8 , 9-10 and they're pretty fun. You might like those...


You can drop that series if you don't like it though, no one's forcing you to watch it.

@RiqueXinw   if you're against dropping, these stories all have individual pages, mark those as watched lol


Well, I made a mistake, so I intended to watch War of Y but didn't realise that I watched My Universe instead because they are both anthologies. Anyways now I have My Universe to finish; I am at episode 4 out of 24 and I have yet to like any of the stories; each 2 episodes is dedicated to 1 couple and their story. This feels like torture, help!!!!

In the year 1928, Alexander Fleming famously discovered penicillin by lucky accident. Perhaps you, too, are destined for greatness.

You can drop that series if you don't like it though, no one's forcing you to watch it.

That is the worse part about it. My mind won't allow me because the voice in my head will keep saying, "what if you drop it but it actually turns out good or what if you miss a good scene?". Has this ever turned out to be true for me no, no it has not, but I am going to think about that, also no.

I only watched ep 7-8 , 9-10 and they're pretty fun. You might like those...

Fingers crossed.

@RiqueXinw   if you're against dropping, these stories all have individual pages, mark those as watched lol

Yeah I saw those I decided not to watch them in order (which is killing my perfectionist soul) I will just go by what descriptions appeal to me more then watch the others last.

Perhaps you, too, are destined for greatness.

One can only hope. 

That is the worse part about it. My mind won't allow me because the voice in my head will keep saying, "what if you drop it but it actually turns out good or what if you miss a good scene?". Has this ever turned out to be true for me no, no it has not, but I am going to think about that, also no.

I used to have a no drop rule too, but I just couldn't keep it up after trying to watch certain series. I think Cutie Pie did it for me when it comes to dramas. I just couldn't get past the first 3 episodes, no matter how hard I tried.

Today for example, I have dropped Our Skyy 1 and 2 because I just couldn't do it anymore. I think at the end of the day, you gotta remind yourself that life is short, far too short to watch/listen to/read anything that you don't like. Drop that series, skip that song and DNF that book if you so wish.

Unrelated but, I love this series, Utsukushii Kare ❤️