June Challenge 

Day 10 - Cutest scene

Now, you guys know I don't do cute so I had to really think about this one.

Cherry Blossoms After Winter - the scene where Jo Tae Seong misses Seo Hae Bom and when they are back together in the room, Seo Hae Bom jumps on him. 

✨Day 10 - Cutest scene? 

All of Takara-kun to Amagi-kun was just cute and sweet.

Definitely also my own choice for "cutest series". My problem is that I can't narrow it down to just one "cutest scene". Just too much cuteness!

I have never actually watched one of these reality series. I will have to check one out this summer at some point.

Done well, a reality dating series can be both entertaining and emotional. 

Oh before I forget:

The short film (14 minutes) The Masterbation drops today however it is only available to vip members of the YouTube Channel; the poster has the info. However I see a comment that says a cut version will be available to the general audience.

*We are mature individuals so we won't laugh at the name*.............HAHAHAHA

Day 10 - Cutest scene 

After much debating on which scene I was gonna choose I finally chose this scene from My Only 12%. <3 <3 CakeSeeiw

Day 10 : Cutest Scene

I had to choose this scene from ep 10 of LITA. Sky & Prapai were both so freaking cute here omg

It's the "If you're happy you should show it" and the "It looks like your carefree life has come to an end Ai'Pai" <3

Day 10 - Cutest Scene

Honestly I can't pick one! I will say everyone's picks have been the cutest!! Plus the days are busy atm...squeezing in BL stuff when I can. <3

Day 10 - Cutest Scene

So hard to pick just one but as a NomNom I think that PuenTalay kiss in Vice Versa is one of the cutest <3

 American Fan:

I'm gonna wait until next week to watch this week's ep. 

TBH, I don't rec Cooking Crush, but it might be cuz Not Me was sooo good that it felt like more of a "meh" series. But that's just me.

Good idea with waiting, I wish I had done that TT

Yeah I've heard a lot of viewers were disappointed so I decided to not watch it (cuz I was planning to watch it since I've never seen an OffGun drama before) 

Oh, let me amend that my last series for now will be SunsetxVibes I forgot it comes out Saturday. Well damn, when I look at it this really isn't a break because lets count the siring series I am watching:

Oh yeah I forgot about SunsetxVibes, I'm excited for that one (bet u can't wait lol XD)

Hehe well for Mut something is definitely going up 

 American Fan:

Choked on my drink at this lmao *dying of laughter*


"Cooking Crush" is a fluffy rom-com. It's a lightweight story, but I wouldn't call it particularly "cliché". Personally, I loved it, not only for Off/Gun but also the engaging and super-cute secondary couple, Neo/Aungpao. There is zero similarity to "Not Me" (or "Theory of Love"), and I suspect this is a major reason for most negative reviews, i.e. people had certain expectations. 

Hmm, how fluffy r we talking here? 

I'm willing to give it a go but if I do start the drama, then I'd have to finish it (I'm sorry DJ -@American Fan- , I just CANNOT drop a series)

After much debating on which scene I was gonna choose I finally chose this scene from My Only 12%. <3


I've rewatched it so many times I've lost count...come to think of it, this scene is probably my most rewatched scene out of all the scenes I've rewatched so far lol



I've rewatched it so many times I've lost count...come to think of it, this scene is probably my most rewatched scene out of all the scenes I've rewatched so far lol

XD Lol it is so good!!! <3

✨ Day 10 - Cutest Scene

Sing My Crush : I adore these 2 so much! <3

Day 10 of June Challenge: Cutest Scene

Oh man I can't possible choose one cute scene

There r so many in all the dramas I've watched...

I agree with all of the scenes mentioned so far on here but I'll choose all the scenes in Our Skyy 2: Vice Versa

This was the best Our Skyy 2 story out of all of them, I just loved how cute and healthy Puen and Talay's relationship was, it was just adorable 


XD Lol it is so good!!! <3

Ikrr I love Cake and See-eiw <3