
I love you so much right now it is not even a joke. I have been searching for a good gif of this NC scene since forever. To my profile IMMEDIATELY.

You guys are going to make me cry. It is like gif wonderland!!

Lol XD  :) you are welcome <3

 American Fan:
I had a cat buddy like that too. He was a Main Coon and with me for 15 years before he passed. I haven't had a pet since.

I'm sorry to hear about your beloved cat. Losing a pet can be incredibly difficult, as they are often like family to us. I can't even imagine how tough it will be when it's time to say goodbye to Gracie. He sounds lovely, and it's clear that you have a special bond with him. Out of curiosity, what was your cat's name? Buddy? Maine Coons, are known for their majestic and regal appearance. As for my preference, I've always been drawn to ragdoll cats, but I understand that finding a reputable breeder for any specific breed can be quite challenging.

 American Fan:
I'm not sure what to make of them

Finding a man with the right amount of "bad boy" edge was quite a challenge. Most of them seemed to need to be more gentle, lacking the tough exterior I sought. This is why I jokingly refer to them as "softcore Bad Boys.

 American Fan:
Thank you for your info!!

I adore Full Moon wo Sagashite and Love Live School Idol Project. Both anime series hold a special place in my heart and bring me a great sense of nostalgia. The characters, music, and stories in these shows have profoundly impacted me, and I love revisiting them whenever I can.

secretly I like destroying souls in debate - maybe that is a bad trait, no wonder my friend list is so short lol). 

I like bad boys and you're on my friend list. You're in the right place!


I guess this is going on my "ever growing list of shows I will watch while airing" lmao

I actually do have a color coded chart lol

I haven't decided if I'll watch while airing.  I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed atm. I'm starting to majorly procrastinate ilr. I need a color coded chart for me, let alone dramas. **sigh** **really deep sigh**


I love you so much right now it is not even a joke. I have been searching for a good gif of this NC scene since forever. To my profile IMMEDIATELY.

You guys are going to make me cry. It is like gif wonderland!!

Now that I know where yo get high quality gifs no one can stop me lol

He sounds lovely, and it's clear that you have a special bond with him. Out of curiosity, what was your cat's name? Buddy? Maine Coons, are known for their majestic and regal appearance.

He really was. Lovely and a special bond. I rescued him from someone that was in line to check him into the humane shelter. He wouldn't have lived long there. I saw him in the box and it was love at first sight. He had fluffy light grey & white fur with brilliant green eyes. Very smart and loving. I'm embarrassed to say his name, but oh well...I called him KittyPoo. I keep his framed picture on my art desk.

I adore Full Moon wo Sagashite and Love Live School Idol Project.

I'll check them out for sure then!


Now that I know where yo get high quality gifs no one can stop me lol

I don't know where. Please tell me too!

 American Fan:

I don't know where. Please tell me too!

Tumblr.com is the best one, I just google the show series + ep number and 'tumblr' 

 American Fan:
called him KittyPoo.

I appreciate the sentiment, and I absolutely agree with you. The name you mentioned is indeed very cute! I believe that rescue animals are incredibly special because they have so much love and gratitude to give. Although some of them may require extra patience and care to warm up to humans, once they do, they become the most loyal and loving companions. It warms my heart to think that they are thankful for being rescued and know the value of a loving home. When I was younger, my family's experience with rescuing huskies was truly unforgettable. During one summer, we had the joy of caring for 12 Huskies, and two of them, Nikki and Sebastian, held a special place in my heart. Nikki, a stunning black husky with captivating blue eyes, and Sebastian, a charming red and white husky with striking blue-brown eyes, felt like they were my personal dogs. Sebastian, in particular, exuded a natural leadership quality and served as the guiding force for our little sled dog team. While they were eventually adopted by loving families, the bond I formed with them during our time together was incredibly meaningful to me. 

June Challenge - Day 20 - Most Loving/Tender NC scene

I Feel You Linger In The Air - Ep. 12

This scene was full of so much love and care but alas it was bittersweet as Jom was about to disappear and so this scene show them pouring out their love for each other in the purest form as well as their fear of losing each other making the emotions raw and palpable. Not only did Yai and Jom break down in tears but so did the audience. This scene was one of the many throughout the series that made me rate it an unapologetic 10.

DAY 20 - Most Loving/Tender NC Scene 

I have opinions on this show, but we're not talking about that today.

Today, I present to you Cutie Pie Ep 8

Today I present to you Cutie Pie Ep 8

Oh God! How could I have left out their NC scenes when we did the hot NC scene challenge *sobbing*


Oh God! How could I have left out their NC scenes when we did the hot NC scene challenge *sobbing*

Because of this challenge I HAVE TO do research *coughs* and re-watch all these NC scenes, hard work I tell you lmao


June Challenge - Day 20 - Most Loving/Tender NC scene

I Feel You Linger In The Air - Ep. 12

This scene was full of so much love and care but alas it was bittersweet as Jom was about to disappear and so this scene show them pouring out their love for each other in the purest form as well as their fear of losing each other making the emotions raw and palpable. Not only did Yai and Jom break down in tears but so did the audience. This scene was one of the many throughout the series that made me rate it an unapologetic 10.

I'll have to agree with this one, you could definitly feel the emotions through the screen, 10/10

Oh God! How could I have left out their NC scenes

The kitchen  scene was so intense and gripping that it seemed to last forever, but I was amazed when it carried over to the next episode. I was completely engrossed and couldn't tear my eyes away from the screen. At one point, I was so absorbed that I even forgot to breathe!


Tumblr.com is the best one, I just google the show series + ep number and 'tumblr' 

Oh I see why I have trouble. I'm not googling the right words, lol. Thx!!

I believe that rescue animals are incredibly special because they have so much love and gratitude to give. A

Absolutely!  I'll stop goin going on about pets cuz they aren't a BL topic, but I enjoyed our chat. We could be friends if you want and use DM for other topics whenever. No strings!


All this hotness posted before lunch even....I turned on the A/C.