Happy Independence Day!!

Thank You.

Finished EP 1 of Manner of Death today! It's been on my ptw for so long, so we'll see how this goes. This is my 1st show with Max and Tul. Have to say that I can't stop looking at Max though.. He's sooo gorgeous!!!

Great watch choice. If I recall correctly I gave this one a 10.

for a true BL -- it's going to hands down be Unknown. Absolutely beautiful storyline, amazing acting, side characters worth investing in... just perfect imho.


 American Fan:
This is prob one of the hardest questions of the whole challenge :-(

I feel like you deserve a cupcake after all that deep contemplation.

Is anyone watching the Chinese BL Blue Canvas of Youthful Days ? It's uncensored because it's being released on an international platform outside China. 

I am waiting until this one finishes so I can read reviews before starting.

I have just decided to go and jump right into Jazz for Two.

 American Fan:
Boy's Be Brave - I fell head over heels for Ki Sub. His cute-as-can-be looks and his funny, goofy and quirky character was the center of the show for me. I

Although this KBL wasn't one of my nominees (see p. 972), I also loved it. And yes, Ki Sub was an endearing and memorable character (as you say: cute, funny, goofy, quirky).

Jazz for Two.

I loved the overall style of the show, but I couldn't connect with the characters. The setting, mood, and music were great though. Can't wait to hear your thoughts after you watch it. Seo Do Yoon is my favorite character.

I have just decided to go and jump right into Jazz for Two.

I was lukewarm on it during the first few episodes but by the second half I was very engaged and quite liked it.

Day 7. Books. Do you read them? What genre do you enjoy most? What are you reading right now?

I have a The Storygraph account where I add all the books I've read. So far in 2024, I haven't read that many. It's probably because I was busy with uni and some projects so reading books always took a backseat. Right now I'm reading The Art of War by Sun Tzu. It's a really short book, very insightful, about strategy during war times. It can also apply to debating and dealing with generally unpleasant people and events.

I like reading BL novels (danmei), but I haven't done a lot of that tbh. What I like most is Virginia Woolf's novels. Sarah Waters as well. Especially The Paying Guests and Fingersmith. You could say I haven't read as many books as I wished in life, and you'd be right. I want to read many more books, but life gets in the way. I don't make enough time for reading and so on. I need to really step up my game here and begin reading properly.

August Challenge Day 7 ~

Day 7. Books. Do you read them? What genre do you enjoy most? What are you reading right now?

I love books. Even with access to the internet at my fingertips, nothing beats the smell and feel of a book. Speaking of which, I have to organise and trim my books and I'm resisting doing it because I have too many lol 

I haven't read a novel in a few years now though, which is usually a fantasy, but I am a lover of old classic literature like Dickens, Poe and Austen. A lot of classics from the Victorian/Edwardian era were my childhood bibles with thanks to my grandmother who let me read her old collection when we visited. I learned how to read with Jane Erye Lol The little princess was the first book I owned when I was around 8 years old. A day out at the coast with my parents, my siblings wanted toys, joke stuff and ice-cream and little quaint me wandered into the book section that was empty upstairs and my father, bless him, found me quietly thumbing through the penguin classics and he told me that it wasn't a library and he would buy one for me as my treat instead of the toys. This became our ritual when we went to the beach. I got a new book with my ice cream and I still have that collection safely stacked away. 

I also love a lot of folklore and old/ original fairytales like the Brothers Grimm. I was once asked by a coworker why 'a big girl like me' was reading fairytales, to which my response was, 'have you ever read the originals? They are not child friendly- despite liking them as a kid haha. I was not a Disney kid for a few reasons and old fairytales is one of them lol 

Right now, I am thumbing through some cycle syncing books I've had so it's non fictional at the minute. My physically healthy is abominable and I need to catch the reigns. I can easily look this up online but I like having at least one book I can hold onto. My favourite ones are the Mooncycle Cookbook by Devon lotus & Jenna radomski and The Happy Balance by Megan Hallett & Nicole Jardim. I have tried some of the recipes and I liked them. The beet and lentil stew from the second is sooo good. I will never crave beef stew in the winter again lol I love cooking and baking so I have a collection of those as well and another section which i believe will be tomorrow's answer haha.


I was born with a book in my hand according to my concerned mother. She tried to get me to do things that other kids did, like play outside or with each other, but all I wanted to do was read. Unless there were games to play! (Much later dramas came along...). I used to read mysteries, who-dun-its, thrillers, and romance, of course. 

At some point I switched from fiction to non-fiction, so it's been a long time since I've read a novel. The time I do have for books is mainly for reference or learning things like nutrition/recipes, art/mixed media techniques or projects, about birds, where to travel and so on.

Currently stacked on my little side table next to my comfy chair is:

The Pocket Cloud Book (How to understand the sky)

Where To Go When (The world's best destinations)

Creative Abstract Watercolor (Expressive & imaginative painting)

The Mysteries of the Universe, written for children (and me, lol) reveals secrets of more than 100 celestial objects. With beautiful illustrations it's inspiring for artwork!


I have a The Storygraph account where I add all the books I've read.

I've never heard of this, but looks really cool! Is it mostly for tracking fictional books or can it be used for non-fiction too?

I was not a Disney kid

Me either! Actually I don't really care for cartoon/animation at all. 

My favourite ones are the Mooncycle Cookbook by Devon lotus & Jenna radomski and The Happy Balance by Megan Hallett & Nicole Jardim. I have tried some of the recipes and I liked them. The beet and lentil stew from the second is sooo good. I will never crave beef stew in the winter again lol I love cooking and baking so I have a collection of those as well and another section which i believe will be tomorrow's answer haha.

HELLOO!! I'm so into cookbooks, cooking & baking as well. I look forward to "food talk" when Question 14 comes along. I've got a great lentil soup recipe link too, lol.

Day 7. Books. Do you read them? What genre do you enjoy most? What are you reading right now? 

I love books like everyone who replied  till now, I read manga , comics, novels and almost everything i can get my hands on. I havnt read anything for a while but currently i enjoy reading self-help books. and I do own a goodreads account , to keep track of everything I read 

 American Fan:
Is it mostly for tracking fictional books or can it be used for non-fiction too?

You can track non-fiction books too! I'm quite sure they have a decent library of non-fiction books as well. If not, you can always add new books or search them by ISBN if you can't find them by title.


You can track non-fiction books too! I'm quite sure they have a decent library of non-fiction books as well. If not, you can always add new books or search them by ISBN if you can't find them by title.

Nice! I'll give it a try. :-)

August Challenge (DAY 7) - Books

I love books, but I no longer read like I used to when I was a teen. When I sit down and read-- I get sleepy... That's what work does to a lot of us, it's saddd-- plus with drama watching I don't give reading as much time as I should.

That being said-- I do try and have a book on hand, either on my tablet or physically. My favorite genres are fantasy, sci-fi and romance.  I rarely if ever read non-fiction books, but if I do they are food and travel related. I avoid horror, suspense, and sad books in general. I do enjoy manga and the occasional webtoon. 

I also listen to audiobooks on the commute to work, since I have to drive 45 minutes each way.  I am currently listening to 'The Slaughtered Lamb Bookstore and Bar' by Seana Kelly. 

Befitting of this discussion board-- last night I started reading the first volume of 'I Hear the Sunspot.' I have 'I Hear The Sunspot : Theory of Happiness', lined up to read right after I finish that one. 

I don't own hundreds of books, but I've been buying more in the last year (probably because I basically stopped buying K-pop albums and my collector itch is still there), MOST OF WHICH I STILL HAVEN'T READ. 

Currently Collecting but I haven't finished reading:

  • Guardian (Novels)
  • Stars of Chaos : Sha Po Lang (Novels)
  • My Love Mix-Up (Manga)
  • My Happy Marriage (Novels)

This feels like it might run into the question for Day 10 (Hobbies)-- so I'll leave it at that.

Day 6 August Challenge: Pick your NUMBER ONE BL drama for 2024 so far! If you would give an award, who's the winner?

I haven't watched much BL this year, but my top 3 picks (in order) would be:

  1. Love for Love's Sake
  2. Jazz for Two
  3. We Are

I watched it because my favorite actors were in it, and it actually had a good plot, so I think these are my top favorites. 

Day 7 August Challenge: Books. Do you read them? What genre do you enjoy the most? What are you reading right now?

I don't read much, and I barely buy physical books, but I do like reading novels and webtoons online. My favorite genres would probably be mystery, fantasy, and romance. I am not reading anything at the moment.

Anyway, if you have any good new (and old) series I can watch and books I can read online, please give some recommendations.

Day 7. Books. Do you read them? What genre do you enjoy most? What are you reading right now? 

Yes I do read for pleasure and work. Romance, true crime, bio, and fantasy.
English translation of Heroin Are you Addicted
Friction 6: Best Gay Erotic Fiction

Hematite without Faith

 American Fan:

I've never heard of this, but looks really cool! Is it mostly for tracking fictional books or can it be used for non-fiction too?

Me either! Actually I don't really care for cartoon/animation at all. 

HELLOO!! I'm so into cookbooks, cooking & baking as well. I look forward to "food talk" when Question 14 comes along. I've got a great lentil soup recipe link too, lol.

My childhood was Jim Henson and a variety of 80s fantasy films lol I also have an addiction to recipe collecting LOL so i also look forward to the food talk