Steam of conscious 4Minutes reaction incoming:

Another body? Do we have a serial on our hands? Who the hell is out here bludgeoning people? Rude ass.

Been wondering what the hell happened to him.

You ass. Still ignoring Tonkla. I don't care how nice the ass is. You're a huge one.

I'm starting to wonder if the clock at that time is when he switches dimensions or something. It's not 4 minutes in the future, it's a different timeline or whatever.

Bro doesn't look good. In therapy terms, he's dissociating like a champ.  But Tyme bringing him tea is adorable.
WAIT WHAT. OMG THIS IS WILD.  Literally freaking wild. I'm sorry? WUT DOES THIS MEAN.

"I want to get to know you better" is code for get in your pants.

So now that you saw into the future, he didn't get to ask you about dinner. Dammit. Okay good. You asked him. BUT now he thinks you're bonkers. Oh well. The hot ones always are.

Why 4 minutes is the golden question. Great, you look great in a suit. Pun partially intended.

Why is them trying to get a stuffed animal so cute. This is an adorable first date idea. And now they have a colony of cats.

YES. PUT YOUR HAND ON HIS. FIRST MOVE VIBES ARE WILD. FUTURE SEXYTIMES VISIONS ARE FABULOUS. I swear to god if this is one of his 4 minutes things, Ima throttle the show. Okay it wasn't but grammy ruined the kiss.

AWEEE. Him giving him the stuffy is everything. My heart is so full. Please don't let them die.

I'm guessing this cop is one of the cops on the payroll. Taking it to cover up.

Still no idea who Tonkla's brother even is. Ahhh.

Tonkla, bud. You're high and sad. But I mean, okay. Do it. I won't complain. Jesus on a pogo stick mah lord have mercy. But man, you're being a meanie pants when you're done. Your boyfriend is a butthole, at least copper was good to you.

I am so sad at how lonely Tonkla is. I hope he doesn't sabatoge this with the cop because he deserves someone good to him.

They're really showing us the freaking pic of them as kids?! SHOW ME WHO HIS BROTHER IS.

Well. We found Tyme. Dammit man.

Oh shit. Great knows. He has to know who it was. Update. Great definitely knows.

Absolutely infatuated with the show. They'd have to really fumble to mess this up at this point.

4 Minutes - Episode 3

I have a boner. Before we talk about that let me talk about the plot because we (me) must remain sagacious of the fact that there is actually a seemingly well written plot being executed here. Let me use the spoiler feature:

There are a lot of theories I have. We now know that Tyme and Non (double agent lady) are working together but we still do not know why Tyme is working against Great's family business. I have a feeling it has something to do with his ex-girlfriend that is nowhere to be seen.

Regarding Great's condition of seeing into the future by 4 minutes, I am wondering if what we are watching is just a playback of events that took place because in the first episode it opened with Great being under the knife (in surgery) with his heart stopping so could what we are watching be him stuck in limbo during the surgery? Also the clock is always stuck at 11:01 when he is alone but I noticed that when he is with the doctor the clock starts moving because after today's episode with him and the doctor the clock is has now moved to 11:02. 

Of course we have the story-line of Tonkla and the cop but the CSO will handle today's events shortly so let me just speak of it in terms of plot. In today's episode the cop is forced to drop the case of Tonkla's brother's murder and the chief takes over the case. The cop is suspecting that the chief  is trying to cover up for someone. There is also the question of if these series of murders (as a second body was found) are connected to the illegal gambling business Great's family is running and Tyme is trying to stop. On the romance aspect Tonkla is now using the cop just as how Korn is using him - just for quick sex. Again in this sex scene with Tonkla he asks to be taken raw; putting aside the smutty aspect this can be seen as him craving deep trust and intimacy from someone; something that he never got from Korn. Especially in this dark moment when he has lost his brother he now sees the cop as an opium but it for the cop he seems to genuinely like Tonkla and we can see him realise that Tonkla may be using him especially after Tonkla pushed he away after climaxing. 

Finally Great has now discovered that Tyme is up to something with how the episode ended with him stopping Tyme from escaping after Tyme attacked his brother (Korn) in the bar nearly slitting his throat. I wonder though if that was just him seeing into the future again? So many questions ahhhh. Well I look forward to the next episode.

Also can we talk about Bible in that one scene near the end where he was just standing in front of the apartment's huge floor to ceiling glass windows in just white boxers with a cigarette smoking at night with rain falling against said windows with the slow music in the background playing on his vine player and the bulge was eye-catching. To make it even more sexy, is the dark shadow cinematography this series uses that makes everything have a suspenseful air to it as well as makes the atmosphere dark and dangerous; I love it. Somebody cool me down! hot damn! I am having fantasies I never knew I craved until now! This scene will be a future thought in a boring meeting for sure lol.

Anyways, CSO time hehehe. This is where you stop if you do not want to read dirty thoughts.

Now lets talk about my cock I mean boner. Listen I saw some things that make me wonder how the hell can episode 4 be so bad that it has a strict 18+ warning like they must be planning to show naked bodies in full front view. 

"suck my nipples, suck me, fuck me raw" - these were all said by Tonkla during his sex scene with the cop. At that point my cock was up and my hands had to be kept away from my groin. Seeing the lube be squeezed out into Tonkla's hand then him getting the cop's cock wet for his hole. Then the fact that in that moment I could only think about precum because seeing the lube dripping, oh my.  Then for the cop to push Tonkla on his back and spread Tonkla's legs going in between them to fuck him into the bed. The sheen of sweat covering Tonkla as he took the cop's cock, sexy. I mean then for Tonkla to cry out that he is close. The moaning from Tonkla and the cop's thrusting with ass view. Then the kisses that swallow each groan and interrupt the moans. All for Tonkla to ask the cop if he will arrest him for sucking an officer. 

I need a stiff (pun very much intended) drink after reliving that! 

4 Minutes - Episode 3

Your thoughts were so much more organized than my stream of conscious but I think we had similar perspectives. I also especially enjoyed that rooftop scene with the white knickers. I particularly adore Bible, and despite not being religious, I was ready to put my hand on Bible and swear to God.


Your thoughts were so much more organized than my stream of conscious but I think we had similar perspectives. I also especially enjoyed that rooftop scene with the white knickers. I particularly adore Bible, and despite not being religious, I was ready to put my hand on Bible and swear to God.

This series has us all hooked!

As for Bible he I am willing to go down on my knees and pray *smirk emoji* he can explore my Garden of Eden even part my Red Sea...let me stop lol

4 Minutes episode 3 review - Part Two

Just to add in some Asian cultures the number 4 is considered bad luck because the word "four" is close to the word "death".

Also the heart can only be stopped for approximately 4 -5 minutes before significant brain damage occurs and remember the heart being stopped was mentioned in this episode. Which reminds me of an episode from Doctor X where Diamond stopped a patient's heart mid surgery and with only seconds left on the clock manage to repair the broken vessel and stop the bleeding it was EPIC.

These post are making me want to start 4minutes right now, and I didn’t even read the spoilers lol

 American Fan:
Anyways, I figured out why I didn't enjoy this drama as much as I hoped to have.

(re "Century of Love", which I loved) This is allowed. Even you and I are allowed to have differing opinions. As the old saying goes, "That's why they make both vanilla and chocolate." 

I need a stiff (pun very much intended) drink after reliving that!

Behave, you!  There are innocent young minds here! (Not me, of course - I've been around the block a few times - but there are others who you may be corrupting.)

On that same note, is anyone planning to see JimmySea in November?

If I can figure it out, I might. It will take a flight to get there, but not too far.

Thanks to EP 8 of Meet You At The Blossom

I found a new tag to add to my least favorite list. 


Poor Xiao Bao is growing up fast.


(re "Century of Love", which I loved) This is allowed. Even you and I are allowed to have differing opinions. As the old saying goes, "That's why they make both vanilla and chocolate." 

Yeah I know! Sometimes I feel out-of-step with other's when it appears that a series is getting a lot of raves here, but when I watch it I don't feel the same. No one's fault, of course.  :-)


These post are making me want to start 4minutes right now, and I didn’t even read the spoilers lol

Me too, except all the dirty talk has me scared about watching it, instead of wanting to jump right in, lol. I'm clearing up a few on my current watch list then I'll see how I feel.

Re: This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans

I have to be honest I was not very focused on this episode because I fell into an American election rabbit hole on IG lol. However some things I did take away is that the side couple is developing in their romance so I am liking the pacing for them, I still hate Glasses (can't remember his name), and the main couple is about to face some DRAMA. 

All in all I enjoyed the parts I focused on lol.

My Love Mix-Up Ep10

Omg I feel like I’m the only one here still watching! I really do think that every new episode is better than the previous one, and I’m kinda excited to see how this series will end. Just two more episodes to go!!!

  • Half meeting Mudmee’s family was hillarious. Like that boy was ready to pee his pants, but now that he finally made up his mind to date Mudmee, nothing will derail him. That’s my boy!
  • What’s up with GMMTVs depiction of Japanese people? A little much no? At least they are actually using actors of Japanese descent, but the accents and tone feel gimmicky… (ie: Luke in Wandee Goodday, Mudmee’s mom here)
  • I love Kongthap and Atom!!! They’re growing up right in front of my eyes! The support and encuragement from both sides is so wholesome, I felt my cold heart warm up ;;
  • Can I talk about the train scene???!!! I love train scenes! I had a Bollywood phase as a teenager and that left an impact lol I just find them so romantic <3

I have a lot more thoughts about how this show is structured, but I’ll come back to it on my final review ^^

These post are making me want to start 4minutes right now, and I didn’t even read the spoilers lol


Behave, you!  There are innocent young minds here! (Not me, of course - I've been around the block a few times - but there are others who you may be corrupting.)

Yes indeed, I feel like I need to give a formal apology for my comments on the episode now that my mind is less foggy from the steam. To the innocent minds I must apologise for my indecent behaviour. I also will try in my next episode review to use more disclaimers and be even more filtered than I was today. I am being serious though I think I went a little too far in my descriptions this time around.

 For those who shared in my thoughts....GO TAKE A COLD SHOWER lol. 

While we are on the topic I went to the stats page for 4 Minutes Sultrier version to look at the age demographic numbers and it would seem that most persons are abiding by the restrictions ( at least those on MDL, or for now because there are those who plan to binge) only 2.1% of watchers are between the ages of 13 - 17 (then again there are those who may have lied about their age). 

 American Fan:
Thanks to EP 8 of Meet You At The Blossom

The heartbreak is just beginning

 American Fan:
Me too, except all the dirty talk has me scared about watching it, instead of wanting to jump right in, lol. I'm clearing up a few on my current watch list then I'll see how I feel.

I do think the script is very good and worth the watch but I do understand your preferences. I wish it was just me being nasty but the scenes really are that spicy, I am just adding descriptions lol. If you do decide to watch but want to avoid those scenes what I can do for you is tell you where they begin and stop (yes I have time stamps on lock down lol) or you can watch the cut version although I am not sure how spicy that version is. 

Now that I think about it I should have quoted the song that goes, "Is somebody gonna match my freak?", in my 4 Minutes post. I learnt of the song through social media. Since I listen to songs mostly from back in the day lol I keep up with what is playing in these streets through social media and my friends. I mean I am aware of what is happening in the streets because you know your boy is a GANGSTA in these streets (I said that out loud trying to sound tough and choked *crying emoji*) but the music aspect escapes me lol.

seeing all this about 4 minutes, i think its very close to prn. is there a cut version? if not i'll skip it 

Behave, you!  There are innocent young minds here! (Not me, of course - I've been around the block a few times - but there are others who you may be corrupting.)

peak parent behaviour:) (in a good way)