I like the last one and it is cool you are learning to play the guitar. I would like to learn to play the erhu.

Thank you that is sweet of you to say. I need to make more time  for practice. I've gotten out of the habit. 

Day 10: Fav hobbies or interests? Why do you love them? If possible share pics.  

  1. Reading. I read around 340 books in 2020 and again in 2021, right before I discovered Asian dramas. Now, I split that time between watching dramas and reading. I've read over 120 books in 2024, so far.
  2. Going to US National Parks. There are currently 63 of them and I've been to 24.
  3. Seeing solar eclipses. My first one was in 1999 in the Black Sea, and I keep making plans to see more.
  4. I've been rock climbing over 30 years and, sadly, I only climb a handful of times a year now. Before kids, it was a joint activity my husband and I participated in almost exclusively (over 100 times a year). And when the kids were little, we dragged them along. It's something I really love because it quiets my mind and forces me to focus only on the climb. Here's one of my favorites climbs in Malta.

Going to US National Parks. There are currently 63 of them and I've been to 24.

Love this! I've been to quite a few as well. They are National Parks for a reason, the beauty is awe-inspiring. Do you have a favorite or two?

I live in rock climbing country (and skiing) but you'll never catch me doing either one. You are brave, gurlll!!!


The Faery of Sparkling Innocence would prefer to not be liquidised into a drink. Shes still traumatised from Pans Labyrinth.........

Oh no, I take it back then! lol

wow we have so many talented and interesting members.

 American Fan:
They are National Parks for a reason, the beauty is awe-inspiring. Do you have a favorite or two?

Yosemite and Yellowstone are my favorites.

 American Fan:
I get so much joy from art and making things

I love how artistic you are. It's fabulous.

 American Fan:
I get so much joy from art and making things, I can't really describe it. I have three loves.

Beautiful pieces of all three, especially the beadwork. I always have admired those with the patience and skill to do detailed intricate beadwork and tangentially wire jewelry making too.

Day 9 - Personal Style
I am usually either in clothes for work, so office professional, or in my workout clothes. I really want to have more of a boho style but it doesn't look terribly good on me, so with this heat I'm more doing crops and cozy shorts. I think the most patent thing with my style is I like sweaters haha.

Day 10 - Hobbies
I like a variety of things. Like most other people, I enjoy reading. I do also like to write, but I haven't done that in a while. Because of my clothing obsession, I guess you could say I also enjoy shopping. I'm not as good at being creative like most people, but I do appreciate art. I love travel, but am also a big introvert. Oh, and I really like EDM so going to festivals/concerts is something that makes me happy. I like eating, too. That's not a hobby but I'll note it anyway. I also run a lot and like to hike. This isn't the most thrilling monologue haha. My tiredness is creeping in.


I love how artistic you are. It's fabulous.

Thank you! :-)


Beautiful pieces of all three, especially the beadwork. I always have admired those with the patience and skill to do detailed intricate beadwork and tangentially wire jewelry making too.

Thank you! Yes, patience is key. I tried but never could get my fingers to be coordinated with wire. 

going to festivals/concerts is something that makes me happy. I

You and was it FortPeat (?) that go to concerts, lucky dog! I'd love to go, but I hate to admit loud noises are difficult for me. Go figure since I crank up the volume in the car. 

I've only been to one concert and it's cuz - Stray Kids!!! I absolutely loved it, but wow was I drained after 3 hours and thousands of fans screaming their heads off, lol. And yes, I would do it again in a heartbeat. 

Meet You at the Blossom  EP 10

I'm up to date now and already feeling sad that only 2 eps remain. I sure hope we get more historical BLs.

Going to see what else I'm behind on and see if I can catch up.

 American Fan:

Your state has twice as many N.P. than mine, lol. I've seen about 20 and my top two favs are Black Canyon of the Gunnison and the Grand Canyon. I guess I like canyons.

Here's a pic of the Black Canyon while I was on the water.

What is the highest altitude you've climbed? That's my last question!! haha

I haven't been to Black Canyon. It looks beautiful. 

So, the highest altitude I've climbed at is at Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite National Park. It's at 8600 feet above sea level. But if you want to know the longest climb I've done, it's also at Yosemite, called The Royal Arches. It's about 1400 feet of climbing. IIRC, it took about 9 rappels to get down. 

 American Fan:
#3 - Painting.

I love these! I would totally hang them in my house and office. So pretty!

I really like EDM so going to festivals/concerts is something that makes me happy.

My younger child loves EDM, so believe it or not, I have been to a Skrillex concert. My older kid and my husband are also into music, so pre-COVID, we would attend tons of concerts. My husband started attending as soon arenas opened up, but I shied away from big crowds for a while. My return to concerts was this past May to see Jacob Collier. He was fantastic and the whole family attended.