For Thai dramas, Q means Queue. As in which set/day of filming they are on. So Q2 means theyre on their second day of filming.

Athena explained it the other day! Right now, for instance, 23.5 is on Q16 and Love Senior on Q4! 12 episode series usually have around 24, 26 Qs :D


Athena explained it the other day! Right now, for instance, 23.5 is on Q16 and Love Senior on Q4! 12 episode series usually have around 24, 26 Qs :D

Oh okay, that makes sense. Thank you. So, does that mean we can expect Love Senior and 23.5 to air this year or next ?


Oh okay, that makes sense. Thank you. So, does that mean we can expect Love Senior and 23.5 to air this year or next ?

yes!! we were discussing this in the 23.5 comment section the other day, actually. no dates were confirmed, but my guess is that 23.5 should air in late october/early november, and love senior around december! i really hope im right


yes!! we were discussing this in the 23.5 comment session the other day, actually. no dates were confirmed, but my guess is that 23.5 should air in late october/early november, and love senior around december! i really hope im right

Yay, I'm so glad to hear that filming will be finished soon. I really need some new gls to binge lol.


Yay, I'm so glad to hear that filming will be finished soon. I really need some new gls to binge lol. 

SAME!! we also have Lucky My Love confirmed for October! it will be a mini series, but also looks very good!


SAME!! we also have Lucky My Love confirmed for October! it will be a mini series, but also looks very good!

We are so lucky to have three gls airing later this year. I can barely contain my excitement. I can't wait to watch these !


Oh okay, that makes sense. Thank you. So, does that mean we can expect Love Senior and 23.5 to air this year or next ?

Now that can be harder to predict. For one, several days (weeks even) can go by between queues/sets. For reasons such as cast/crew schedules, or the availability of the filming sets/locations (as you mightve noticed, BLs and GLs (and other lower-budget productions) cycle through many of the same filming locations). Sometimes, they might even do part of a Q on one day, and the other part on another (the productions that do this typically more strictly align with Q = Location, with all scenes at that location being one Q).

And then after filming, they go into post-production.  Editing. Review. Broadcast Licensing. Streaming Negotiations. Advertising. Broadcast and Event Scheduling. Etc. And some of these steps may have to get repeated several times as issues come to light. This also doesn't include considerations of common courtesy - such as not marketing two shows from the same main cast/studio at the same time. Or two shows of the same premise at the same time. If there is one thing a production company does not want to do, it's divide their viewership up into choosing, or create a scenario that causes excessive comparison, while airing. Note that the avg. drama watcher is a casual one. 

But the Thai BL scene (which GL seems to be following) does tend to have a very fast turnaround from filming to airing (with some BLs even airing while they are still filming scenes). So we might very well be seeing these sooner rather than later. Especially Love Senior, since StarHunter has a line up of dramas to release after it’s done.


But the Thai BL scene (which GL seems to be following) does tend to have a very fast turnaround from filming to airing (with some BLs even airing while they are still filming scenes). So we might very well be seeing these sooner rather than later. Especially Love Senior, since StarHunter has a line up of dramas to release after it’s done.

Thank you so much for clarifying this for me. I understand the filming process much better now. 

But the Thai BL scene (which GL seems to be following) does tend to have a very fast turnaround from filming to airing (with some BLs even airing while they are still filming scenes). So we might very well be seeing these sooner rather than later. Especially Love Senior, since StarHunter has a line up of dramas to release after it’s done.

its honestly kind of wild to see the pace in which thai dramas are made! specially compared to western media, that take years and years to be released, and that was what i was mostly used to before


its honestly kind of wild to see the pace in which thai dramas are made! specially compared to western media, that take years and years to be released, and that was what i was mostly used to before

Actually, most of the major studios (and no, GMMTV is not major, even though it is a subsidiary of a major broadcast company and is the most well-known for queer thai media) also tend to take a long time to release (they also tend to be a lot quieter during filming. A LOT. It’s annoying). The BL industry is the main section throwing dramas out at such a wild pace (and it typically shows). Everyone is rushing to ride the wave while it’s cresting, so they’re not really taking their time to get there to make sure they’re steady.

But of course, for Thai BL actors (because again, the Thai BL industry is clearly currently set up as the precedent for the thai GL industry at present) it probably works in their favor. Many are in university or working in career jobs outside of the industry at the same time.

Another new GL! The actress Apple Lapisara seems to be involved in this one, she was the one who tweeted the casting call! She is sapphic in real life and played a sapphic role in Friend Zone :D

Just saw that Charlotte, from Show me Love, has officially come out as part of the LGBTQ+ community! Earlier this year, she and Engfa announced that they were trying a romantic relationship, but were going slow. However, it might take a bit longer to finally recognize ourselves as Queer, even when we're already in a relationship. So I'm really happy that Charlotte was able to get to know this part of herself and come out on her own terms! Wish her all the happiness, love and support

MORE LOVE SENIOR PICS!! let's hype this show up!!

Some 23.5 pics as well!! Silly ongsasun, angel luna and silly happy ongsa again!!