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While I'm at it, I currently concentrate on japanese and maybe korean media, does anyone have fitting recs for me?

Love My Life
Until Rainbow Dawn
Transit Girls 
My Fairy Ghost

These are all japanese.


Based on the tags, I wouldn't recommend Transit Girls to anyone. /disgust

I wouldn't recommend Transit Girls bc it doesn't have much to offer than cute skinship but to call it disgusting is a bit far no?


Count me in!

I'm a big fan of queer media and its sad how mlm dominates queer representation so I'd like to see more wlw coverage.

While I'm at it, I currently concentrate on japanese and maybe korean media, does anyone have fitting recs for me?

Here are two favorite movies J: Ride or Die, K: The Handmaiden. Both are adult and r rated so just skip it if you're not into it

for starters though, I'll always recommend Out of breath. it's on youtube


It's not far at all when you see tags like "step-sibling love/romance" and "adult-minor relationship". This is one of the disgusting series Japan sometimes releases and at this point I'm going to call it what it is: homophobia, specifically lesbophobia. How can you release this kind of bs when the lesbian community is already marginalized as it is? There's no room for inc3st and ped0philia in decent societies.

Ah, then we have very different opinions. 

How is Transit Girls pedophilia or even incest, did we watch the same show ;) Maybe read the comments on that page, or did you not watch the show and are simply judging by the tags


It's not far at all when you see tags like "step-sibling love/romance" and "adult-minor relationship". This is one of the disgusting series Japan sometimes releases and at this point I'm going to call it what it is: homophobia, specifically lesbophobia. How can you release this kind of bs when the lesbian community is already marginalized as it is? There's no room for inc3st and ped0philia in decent societies.

It's absolutely okay if "Transit Girls" is not up your alley. But let's please keep in mind that some people do like that drama, both within and outside the lesbian community.

There are a few possible reasons why those specific tags may not be considered disgusting to some: they became stepsiblings very recently, possibly even after they already developed feelings for each other; one is 18 and the other 17, or another similarly close age gap that only qualifies as adult-minor on technicality. Besides, there's always the chance (like I have seen in a few films and dramas) where these and other controversial tags are not romanticized, but rather commented on. Japan especially likes to explore these controversial stories. I'm not saying that it's the case with this drama, as I have not seen it - but things are not always as cut-and-dry/black-and-white as those tags may make them seem. 

These kinds of stories are extremely prevalent even in straight romances, so I wouldn't call it homophobic/lesbophobic - especially since there are plenty of titles who don't utilize such plots. 

If these tags are a definitive no-go for you, that's 100% okay. But be mindful of the fact that there are fans on here and people who know more about how those plots are handled/incorporated. So calling it disgusting was a bit far.


Hi, i am interested to join!

Count me in!

Welcome!! I'm happy to have you here!

If you want, why don't you share your favorite GL story/storyline?
Also, feel free to participate in and lurk the polls and lists that are all linked on the first page of the club. 


Well, why hasn't anyone mentioned any details about this series to counter what I said? Have you watched the series to know if what you listed actually happens?

It's lesbophobic because there are so very few GL series as it is. Going for controversial topics is really not the best move they could make in this case. Not that I'm at all okay with series like Goblin; even if they're het, it's still trash.

Absolutely. I don't have a problem with you having a problem with the drama. And I don't think Chiha does either. It's definitely a worthwhile conversation to have about how good and uncontroversial representation is all that much more important when there isn't a lot of representation to choose from.

The issue is that by calling it "disgusting," you aren't critiquing the drama. You're insulting it. Which is among a few users' favorites - and you don't know why it is. And I think that's what Chiha was getting at.

I haven't watched the drama. So I really cant speak to what it does, how it does it, and/or what other good points it may have. I just want this space to feel like a safe space to share favorites and recommendations without feeling judged.


Well, why hasn't anyone mentioned any details about this series to counter what I said? Have you watched the series to know if what you listed actually happens?

It's lesbophobic because there are so very few GL series as it is. Going for controversial topics is really not the best move they could make in this case. Not that I'm at all okay with series like Goblin; even if they're het, it's still trash.

Why hasn't anyone mentioned any details to counter what i have said<< 1. The number of people here are few, 2. Fewer have gotten around to watch it, 3. Kardasx dude where you at ;) 4. As for me, I don't want to engage with you since

a. i don't think anything I say will help us reach an agreement b. You are entitled to your taste but you can't seem to understand that we are to ours without being called "disgusting" and c. I am watching an extremely sexy show right now so don't have time

You question Athena on whether she has watched the series but she unlike you got the facts right. The age gap is non existent. The incest is non existent. But you don't seem to have watched it and don't seem to want to watch it. Why trash talk a show you haven't even watched and then be an hypocrite about it?

As for watching trash, many people think Ride or Die is trash. My favorite movie ever. If it's trash and I'm trash then so be it, i am past caring what people think irl, particularly not on an app from a person I haven't interacted with before. Stay pressed *shrug*

Exactly Athena, I wasn't even trying to get to nightingale. I for one might think x drama is trash, but i understand users like it and I am free to write a review and post on why i think what i do but I won't specifically call it names that by extension insult the viewer, particularly not without getting my facts right. 

I wouldn't recommend Transit Girls bc it doesn't have much to offer than cute skinship but to call it disgusting is a bit far no?

I recommended it, because I saw and liked it. It is basically an adaptation of Citrus... or very similar to Citrus. There is nothing disgusting in it as you wrote. 

Two females become sisters, because their parents decide to create a family. Yui is 21, Sayuri is 3 years younger... so 18? I don't know why that adult-minor tag even appeared there. Maybe because adulthood in Japan was 20 years, but recently it was changed to 18. Except few kissing scenes and some light skinship there is nothing inappropriate (no sexual content). 

Japanese dramas like to explore many controversial topics and this is one of them. People can't choose who they fall in love with and so similar situations happen in life and so also dramas or movies about it are created, especially in Japan. There is eg. also movie about 26 year cop, who marries 16 years old student, because Japan had law, where it was legal for women to marry in that age (P to JK), it was a good comedy btw. There was also nothing inappropriate and it contained good life lesson (but it is not gl, so offtopic).