There are some discussions I can't view. It always shows "You can see this page because the URL you are accessing cannot be found." Why is that? Do I need to buy subscription for those specific discussions? 

hello, when I sign in en French I can't see and access to Forums and other things. When I asked, the support say that was not an error. Maybe  it's that.... Days ago, the notifications had bugs...


If you're seeing the "URL cannot be found" message, it's likely because those discussions have been deleted or moved, or you might not have the necessary permissions to view them.

You don't need a subscription to view discussions on MyDramaList, but some threads might be restricted to certain user levels or groups.

If you're unsure, try logging in and out or clearing your browser cache.

Hope this helps!

 Adrita Medha:

There are some discussions I can't view. It always shows "You can see this page because the URL you are accessing cannot be found." Why is that? Do I need to buy subscription for those specific discussions? 

It also may mean you were blocked by another user.


It also may mean you were blocked by another user.

thanks for the infos. I din't know  a user could block another. I just saw locks.

If you're referring to the comment section, it's possible that the user has blocked you. However, if you mean the thread itself, someone might have blocked you or they might not have. You should still be able to access their thread.

"You can see this page because the URL you are accessing cannot be found." this msg always shows when you try to access those thread which are deleted or someone profile who has blocked you .


"You can see this page because the URL you are accessing cannot be found." this msg always shows when you try to access those thread which are deleted or someone profile who has blocked you .

Thank you...