I'm from germany :3
So, if there are any germans who want to talk about kdramas, feel free to add and message me.

Ich bin Deutsche, bin in Deutschland geboren, aufgewachsen und lebe dort ??

I'm from Spain, but I've been living in Mexico and USA

I am from Germany.
I havent met anyone who likes dramas except my twin sister (we watch everything together) , so i can only use MDL or other sites to discuss.

I am in Germany too....maybe we can talk about Asian dramas more.

Born & grew up in Singapore. Move to US and currently in Germany


Ich komme aus Deutschland :3
Also, wenn es irgendwelche Deutschen gibt, die über kdramas sprechen wollen, können Sie mich gerne hinzufügen und mir eine Nachricht senden.

I am also from Germany 

Barbados. It's in the Caribbean. 

I'm from the beautiful Hungary. :)