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 Rommelson Gonzales:

is there anyone who can invite me I can seed indefinitely 

The registration was open for two weeks, and this thread was bumped repeatedly to bring it to the top and yet you decided to wait until 2 days AFTER it closes to ask for an invitation?


Why didn't you register? 

The week for signing in was last month yep. That was in august so you missed the offer. Anyways, I m only giving Avistaz to some people.


"I'm only giving Avistaz to some people" - how?  You joined a  week ago and already have invites to give away? After giving away a few here at MDL I still have quite a few left, but they've all accumulated from donations made over the last few years. How are you in position to "give Avistaz" to anyone so soon?

I didn't know. I just created this account yesterday. I'm only checking invites in Reddit but its too late. I thought they will open around november

 Rommelson Gonzales:

I didn't know. I just created this account yesterday. I'm only checking invites in Reddit but its too late. I thought they will open around november

Welcome to MDL! I don't have any invitation, but I wish you'll be a AvistaZ member in no time:)

Seen quite a few new  members who joined already reach leech status. Gotta build that good ratio/buffer before you pick up the non-freeleech torrents you want. 


Seen quite a few new  members who joined already reach leech status. Gotta build that good ratio/buffer before you pick up the non-freeleech torrents you want. 

Yep. There were PLENTY of warnings and instructions and advice provided right in this thread, and, as I expected, they all went unheeded

 Rommelson Gonzales:

I didn't know. I just created this account yesterday. I'm only checking invites in Reddit but its too late. I thought they will open around november

welcome to MDL! I don't use Reddit but I would check the website a few times every month in case they open up again. 


Seen quite a few new  members who joined already reach leech status. Gotta build that good ratio/buffer before you pick up the non-freeleech torrents you want. 

yeah I became a leecher since I was new to torrents and luckily someone leeched off me with 8GB on a Thai drama so I became a regular member again. Plus with the bonus points from the Avistaz anniversary and treasure hunt game helps too. I noticed the seeding usually happens late at night for me 

When will they open again :(


When will they open again :(

Shoot i guess i lose my account :( i cant login so yeah :( i guess they will open it on the new year or november?

Downloaded a lot of free downloads, all of them are seeding but no one is downloading from them. Can anyone give me one good link so I can build my ratio? Is forever 0.48 I didn't even download any drama I really want to, my HD is full of things I don't want and yet I can't improve my ratio. I'm crying. 


Downloaded a lot of free downloads, all of them are seeding but no one is downloading from them. Can anyone give me one good link so I can build my ratio? Is forever 0.48 I didn't even download any drama I really want to, my HD is full of things I don't want and yet I can't improve my ratio. I'm crying. 

I have the same problem

 Lady Ginkgo:

I have the same problem

Hi! First: If you just downloaded 'free downloads', your ratio can't be 0.48, since free download doesn't count! So, maybe you downloaded some other things before?! Another thing is that if you could reach your ratio to 0.48, it might mean that you're on the right track, jus need to be more patient?!

In any case, I wrote some recommendations here before, I'm copy pasting here in case you haven't see that. But let me add one more thing to that first: This is a time-consuming process. To the best of my knowledge, there is some 'queuing' mechanism: You need to keep activated your torrent software for hours, even a day or more, so finally it's your turn. I might say that before crying or doing anything else, keep your software active for at least 2 days (2x 24 hours non-stop). It's just a guess based on my experience, but it seems to me that when you shut the software, you lose your place in the queue. On the other hand, when you prove that you're persistent, then things go unexpectedly well for you.

This is what I wrote:

There are some tricks to survive. The most important is to start with downloading some popular 'free-download' torrents (with Golden star sign) to then let others upload from you. Make sure that the torrent has enough leachers. Just after your ratio is ok, download what you want. Here, you can find free-download torrents that a newbie like you can download:
Three-four months ago, I started with downloading 'Crash Landing on You', a Korean drama I never ever watch! But it helped me massively to reach my ratio to about 5. It's still popular, but you might find better options. The higher the ratio of leachers to seeders, the better! I remember that for Crash Landing you, there was about 500 seeders and 50 leachers, but this is a good ratio. You just need be patient, people start to download from you.
As far as you don't rush into downloading things, you'll be fine! But it might be difficult when you suddenly find what you've searched for ages:) They are like the apple that Eve ate:)

First you say "download free torrents to let others upload from you " then you say they don't count.  I didn't download any other thing. My torrent software is active non stop since I joined I don't know weeks... anyway thanks for the answers 


First you say "download free torrents to let others upload from you " then you say they don't count.  I didn't download any other thing. My torrent software is active non stop since I joined I don't know weeks... anyway thanks for the answers 

When I said they don't count, I meant they didn't add to the amount of your 'download', but if people upload from them, this surely counts! This means that the amount of your 'upload' increases. In other words, they are just benefits without any harm (decreasing your ratio).

Another thing is that you wrote: "I Downloaded a lot of free downloads". To my experience, you don't need lots of them, you just need 'one good one' with the good ratio of leachers to seeders, the enough number of leachers, ...). This kind of free downloads are at least 20-30 gig (like Crash Landing on you which was my 'good one'). If you can download around 80 gig, there might be even better options (higher ratio of leachers to seeders), but I just had around 30 gig of free space. That was enough though to increase my ratio from 0 to 5!
And if you already did all these, we should think of other possible problems, like bad internet, maybe your torrenting software, ..., and possibly other things I'm not aware of:)