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 The Butterfly:

THE FORUM QUESTION FOR OCTOBER IS "What's your favorite fall/autumn treat or meal?"   

This doesn't displace our sharing what we're having for dinner, just something to (pumpkin) spice up the usual chats.  ^^

If you missed September's it was, "What's your favorite meal?"  Feel free to share it this month as well. 


Pumpkin Soup

 Northern raveller:

Pumpkin Soup

I have two pumpkins sitting in my kitchen right now waiting to be made into soup!  I love pumpkin and butternut squash soups. 

 The Butterfly:

Do these savory pies use a pie crust or are they cooked in a pie dish?

Don't know what Penel does specifically, but usually we either make our own Fyllo (crust/dough/pastry whatever you wanna call it), or buy it ready made. 

There are many types of fyllo we can use, buy, or make for pies/pites, depending on the type of pie or filling, including but not limited to sfoliata (flaky puff kind made with many thin leaves and butter), kourou (the own more strongly resembling american pie dough, I think, since it's thicker), kroustas (the very very thin one that's in baklava, that the rest of the world refer to as Greek fyllo), etc.., and of course the various homemade. 

There are also Greek pies made without dough, e.g. a kind of tyropita (cheese pie) they make in Ioannina. 

Here in Crete, our home-made pie dough usually consists of flour, olive oil, yeast, raki/tsikoudia spirit, and sometimes full-fat traditional sheep milk yogurt and eggs. The latter is what we roll thin to use for Easter/spring savoury pies/mini pies. 

Thanks Estelll!  That was very informative.  We don’t make a lot of savory pies where I live so I was curious. 

 The Butterfly:

Do these savory pies use a pie crust or are they cooked in a pie dish?

Just as @Estelll wrote, there are as many different pie recipes as the different regions in our country.
With or without fyllo (dough), salty or sweet, full fat or lighter choices.
Even with the same recipe and ingredients, each housewife can deliver a very different, unique taste:
my two late grandmas made the same pies, equally delicious but with a distinct savour.
How I miss them both...


Just as @Estelll wrote, there are as many different pie recipes as the different regions in our country.
With or without fyllo (dough), salty or sweet, full fat or lighter choices.
Even with the same recipe and ingredients, each housewife can deliver a very different, unique taste:
my two late grandmas made the same pies, equally delicious but with a distinct savour.
How I miss them both...

I was thinking about this today.  Even with the same recipe, there are often differences depending on who is making it.  I miss my mom and grandmother terribly some days.  Both were loving and good cooks. 

Chilli Beef green peppers, sweet and spicy fired pork, pitan, carb and eggs dish, chicken noodles and Chinese dumplings with sweet soy sauce and chilli oil.. 

You guessed it tonight we are going to Chinese restaurant in China town to cash in on the discount coupons .. 


Chilli Beef green peppers, sweet and spicy fired pork, pitan, carb and eggs dish, chicken noodles and Chinese dumplings with sweet soy sauce and chilli oil.. 

You guessed it tonight we are going to Chinese restaurant in China town to cash in on the discount coupons .. 

i need to eat that !!!


i need to eat that !!!

The more the merrier... 

I convinced my parents to take me and it's drizzling all day so the mood is just right for a mystery lover like myself.. Hahaha 

enjoy your meal ! keep us posted !

hoping ren mashup edible

beyond (plant based meat) spicy links


brown rice

Our temperatures dropped dramatically.  I made red lentil and cauliflower soup.  

I forgot to answer October's question.  

I love apple desserts-apple pie, cake, or crisp.  Pumpkins and squash make yummy fall soups.   As northern raveller mentioned-pumpkin and butternut squash soups are delicious. 

i will have skate with rice today !

lentils, chicken and vegetable stock in pot

Black beans, yellow rice, avocado, and tomato