I’ve gotten into the habit of binge-watching and I only focus on one show at a time. I also have a pretty bad memory where watching multiple shows will just end up confusing me. 

How about you guys? 

I've tried to focus only one drama...then started another one. It's like a shiny thing. I must start a new drama, haha. I do occasionally just binge watch a single show usually because I liked the show or I've wanted to get it over and done with, but I'll have many other dramas in my list that I'm cw.

Lately I've been watching two at a time. Usually, I'll watch two episodes of one drama and then two episodes of another and alternate.

I watch one drama at a time and I too have a habit of binge-watching. 

I used to watch one at a time when I first started k-dramas (borrowed the DVDs from the library)

now I like watching multiple dramas unless the drama is really addicting I want to keep watching that one? 

If I am live-watching then yeah, multiple dramas. But if I am bingeing? Then I only focus on one before moving on to the next.

i think i have a unique but sloppy style of watching dramas. 

first i choose a drama read its entire synopsis. look for its book/novel/manga. then start watching it. i watch 16 episode each one hour drama in maximum 3 hours or less. i SKIP . i SKIP so goddamn much.

its mainly because i am more of a reader than a watcher. i can't contain my interest in a series for a long time. if you see my on hold list you'll understand

I like watching multiple dramas at once (but not too many), alternating between currently airing and finished ones. But I never had the habit of binge-watching, I prefer to watch only one or two episodes of the same drama in a day.

Depends.. If its ongoing, I'll watch multiple drama at once. If its completed, usually I'll binge watch it, unless it's not interesting enough,I'll jump to other dramas. 

I'm a crazy binge-watcher but lately i have started watching currently "airing" shows - ex: You're my destiny, so i'm waiting for subs & in between i binge watched/Skim watched 3 shows - Chasing Ball, My Youth & Love Equations. Clearly i'm able handle 3 shows at once.

Multiple. I'm watching 7 rn lol. I watch 3 on the weekday, 1 episode of each a day. And the other 4 I leave them for the weekend, 

Multiple. I can never focus on one drama at a time. Also I have a attention span of a fly and get bored very easily, so if im tired of watching 5 episodes of one drama, I watch another one.

Lol after reading everyone’s replies I see the beauty of watching multiple shows at once! 

I normally have two dramas at a time - one which is more dark and serious (e.g thriller/crime/action) and the other drama being a lot more casual (e.g comedy/romance)

I generally like to finish watching one and then move on to other cause, just the very thought of having multiple unfinished dramas stresses me out....don't know why :P But, when I 'm super busy an am watching only ongoing ones then I tend to watch multiple dramas to keep me occupied during the entire week.