I'm watching Melo is my nature and Rookie historian go hae ryung. But I feel like Rookie Historian is too soft and not exciting. I'm not a big fan of Eunwoo.

But not many people have seen Melo is my nature and I would like to know if it is really worth seeing, because I am very demanding with the series. 

Sorry for my english.

I like Rookie historian, but its not for everybody. I haven't watched Melo is my nature, but I have heard really good things about it.

Definitely Melo is My Nature. The  main couple was fun and super hilarious, also most supporting characters had their own narrative and depth, lastly the director BFF of the FL story was heartbreaking and compelling.  

Though i have to confess I Havent watched Rookie Historian. Shin Sekyoung always tends to be lacking in depth, i tend tp stay away from any and all her dramas . And Cha Eunwoo is  a wooden statue, handsome but stoic.

Of the two, I've only seen Rookie Historian, which is my absolute least favorite Korean historical drama. I don't expect much historical accuracy at all from fusion sageuks, but there was honestly no point in setting this drama in the Joseon period. The characters behaved like they were living in the 21st century 90% of the time. Really the writer wanted to make a show about gender in the workplace and for some ridiculous reason thought Joseon would be the right setting. Absurd. I might be a bit more forgiving if historians and historiography weren't the subject of the show, but it seems rather hypocritical for the writer to have their characters going on about the truth and integrity of historical records when they have completely ignored said historical records. 

I've already forgotten what the plot was about; it was some very generic, mediocre conspiracy plot. The romance was cute at the beginning, but just got annoying, because FL acts like a 21st century career woman who doesn't what to get married. Even if you don't get annoyed by the anachronistic behavior of the characters like I did, everything about this drama is pretty mediocre. The only merit of this drama is that viewers gain some awareness of Joseon historiography. 

I will defend Shin Se Kyung and Cha Eun Woo a bit regarding Czakharina's comments. I don't like Shin Se Kyung much, and in some of her previous dramas I've had very negative impressions of her, but I do think Rookie Historian the best performance I've seen from her. Cha Eun Woo is not a particularly good actor, but he was quite charming. I wouldn't call his performance in this drama wooden (if anything he overdid some fo the facial expressions). Sure it's much more cute idol than charismatic prince, but its a pretty fluffy show, so I'd say his performance was passable. (I haven't seen him in anything else.)

I haven't watched Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryung yet, but I totally recommend Be Melodramatic, I absolutely loved it. I love the comedy and the slice of life, I think it's a really good watch. (I'm actually not a big fan of historical dramas though)