My official wrap up for February:

FINISHED in February:


I only enjoyed some of them, unfortunately. I also didn't have enough time to read the rest on my list so I'll just move them over to March.

1. A Midsummer Night's Dream (Shakespeare). I started it about a week ago and I'm about halfway done. It's one of his comedies (and it is funny) plus I now know where Chinese dramas may have gotten their template for that ubiquitous woman who pursues the guy even though he's implicitly or explicitly made it clear he's not interested ... sigh.

hey hey hey I like Helena! Bitch is the most honest character and that fucking Demetrius only wanted Hermia because he wanted to tap her. He already tapped Helena, hence, why he is now disinterested. Shakespeare also makes it a point to establish that both Hermia and Helena are EQUALLY beautiful. Fucking Demetrius has ruined Helena's rep too.


hey hey hey I like Helena! Bitch is the most honest character and that fucking Demetrius only wanted Hermia because he wanted to tap her. He already tapped Helena, hence, why he is now disinterested. Shakespeare also makes it a point to establish that both Hermia and Helena are EQUALLY beautiful. Fucking Demetrius has ruined Helena's rep too. 

No doubt, Demetrius is a pig. What gets to me the most is that he says such degrading things to her and she still follows him around; it drives me batty.


No doubt, Demetrius is a pig. What gets to me the most is that he says such degrading things to her and she still follows him around; it drives me batty.

Yeah, but she openly criticizes herself and how low she is willing to go because she stupidly and childishly loves him. She is portrayed as the truest form of love (though it is not reciprocated), it is the devotion she was willing to show (though he sucks). Neither Demetrius, Lysander, Hermia, or the rest ever showed a true form of love (meaning you care for their happiness even though it pains you). All they displayed was lust more or so. That is why when the potion happens, and things get mixed up, Helena immediately recognizes something is wrong moves away while Hermia is just confused and angry. 

[The Hunting Party] was an easy read.

[The Mortal World] is the 5th book of The Invisible Library series so I struggled to keep up with the characters and the events; because I didn't read the previous novels. The story is about 3 worlds that try to sign a peace treaty but the talks are stopped when a diplomat is murdered. The 3 worlds choose a representative from their race to work together with the other 2 to find the killer and the motive.

[March read] The Courage to be Disliked (non-fiction)

[Comment] 1 book and a half! Not bad for an ex-bookworm xD

If you couldn't read as much as you thought you would,  don't feel bad. We are all awakening an old habit and that is not an easy accomplishment. Be proud of your progress and next month is another opportunity to read more.

Everytime you get frustrated by a drama or it makes you sleepy, close it and reach out for your book!

# drama-lovers book club: “A Book A Month”

Status in February: FAILED, read only 57/144 pages

I know it's going to be difficult because I've been in reading slump for years and it's not easy to restore this good habit. So this book will be in my March challenge again. But I thought I should at least share what I get from my reading progress in February

❆ How to Get Things Done by Ann Jackman ❆ 《FEBRUARY === MARCH》

It is a good book, easy to understand and easy to apply in practice. Story examples put in the book sometimes resonate with you.
First chapter is To know yourself
What you want, your strength, weakness, and capability. If you want to make some changes, you should know whether it's something you are capable to make.

Second chapter is The key to succeed
  • Your motivation and willingness, 
  • Face your negativity in the inner voice, 
  • Your force to influence.


Second chapter is still not done, there are still 7 keys to succeed I haven't yet read.
And then there are third and fourth chapter.

  I'll start from page 58 in March. I hope this month I can finish reading the book. If I finish the book and still have time I'll pick another book even before next month.


@firefly - nothing you wrote seems to be appearing for me?

I finished Once Upon a Town and The Hidden Life of Trees.  Thanks, @ Penel for recommending THLOT, fascinating read about our green friends (I did have a 15 page head start on this one).   Once Upon a Town was heart warming and gave me hope for the human race. The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate―Discoveries from A Secret World (The Mysteries of Nature, 1) (9781771642484): Wohlleben, Peter, Billinghurst, Jane, Flannery, Tim, Simard, Suzanne: Books 

Once Upon a Town: The Miracle of the North Platte Canteen: Greene, Bob: 9780060081973: Books 

@Wandering_Queen , thanks for getting through the rant :) . I have ways to find e-books and audiobooks , although most in English, which is not my native language, but I have difficulties reading that way. It is a kind of ''books are in paper'' syndrome.  

But I'll still put myself a challenge for March, hoping for either my mental restrictions towards e-books or the actual lockdown restrictions to end:

The hanging, by Lotte& Soren Hammer. Thriller mystery, so I guess it will be easier to read.

 The Butterfly:

I finished Once Upon a Town and The Hidden Life of Trees.  Thanks, @ Penel for recommending THLOT, fascinating read about our green friends (I did have a 15 page head start on this one).   Once Upon a Town was heart warming and gave me hope for the human race. The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate―Discoveries from A Secret World (The Mysteries of Nature, 1) (9781771642484): Wohlleben, Peter, Billinghurst, Jane, Flannery, Tim, Simard, Suzanne: Books 

Once Upon a Town: The Miracle of the North Platte Canteen: Greene, Bob: 9780060081973: Books 

Glad you enjoyed it! I've picked my March book and will post about it later today ^^

 fatema on a break:

[The Hunting Party] was an easy read.

[The Mortal World] is the 5th book of The Invisible Library series so I struggled to keep up with the characters and the events; because I didn't read the previous novels. The story is about 3 worlds that try to sign a peace treaty but the talks are stopped when a diplomat is murdered. The 3 worlds choose a representative from their race to work together with the other 2 to find the killer and the motive.

[March read] The Courage to be Disliked (non-fiction)

[Comment] 1 book and a half! Not bad for an ex-bookworm xD

If you couldn't read as much as you thought you would,  don't feel bad. We are all awakening an old habit and that is not an easy accomplishment. Be proud of your progress and next month is another opportunity to read more.

Everytime you get frustrated by a drama or it makes you sleepy, close it and reach out for your book!

You book-pick for March seems very intriguing! Looking forward to your feedback about it :)


You book-pick for March seems very intriguing! Looking forward to your feedback about it :)

I'm excited to read it too ;) I'll share my thoughts and the quotes that I find interesting or helpful.

> March Books <

Author: James Carnac

Polish title: Autobiografia Kuby Rozpruwacza 

English title: The Autobiography of Jack the Ripper

Genre: Biography (is it tho?)

I mean... I love criminal profiling and I am interested in psychopathy so it is an interesting read even tho it's questionable if it really is autobiography.  

Author: Szymun Wroczek

Polish title: Piter

English title: Piter

Genre: Apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction, Military science fiction

I like post-apo, but I'm not the biggest fan of military stuff so we see how it goes. 

Author: Paul Christopher

Polish title: Notes Michała Anioła

English title: Michelangelo's Notebook

Genre: Thriller, Suspense, Adventure fiction

Another one of these random adventure books I picked up from that cheap bookstore in my city. These are just quick and easy read.

Author: Andrzej Wardziak

Polish title: Infekcja: genesis

English title: Infection: genesis

Genre: Fantasy, Science fiction

This is a re-read but I feel I need it before starting 2nd book in the series. Anyway, zombies starts killin people, the capital of Poland is a closed area and we follow quite a few characters in different parts of the city and how they deal with what is going on. 

So, I said I will pick up less books this moth, but both Michelangelo's Notebook and The Autobiography of Jack the Ripper are fairly short so I think I might manage. If not, some will be finished in April, not a big deal :) I actually started them all in the last week of February some I'm quite a few pages in. 

 fatema on a break:
[The Mortal World] is the 5th book of The Invisible Library series so I struggled to keep up with the characters and the events; because I didn't read the previous novels. The story is about 3 worlds that try to sign a peace treaty but the talks are stopped when a diplomat is murdered. The 3 worlds choose a representative from their race to work together with the other 2 to find the killer and the motive

omg hahaha so you picked up 5th book in a series without reading the rest? interesting choice.