So I was going to do this  on my website but frankly I think it will be of more use here.

As a lot of you know i am teaching myself Japanese as far as I can get before paying for lessons (Cause I am cheap).  I have been using these apps for roughly 7 months now, so I have to back track but i will walk you through what I learned to where I am today.

I will do a separate post for each lesson.

So The first words I learned with out the apps and my avid anime/drama watching were

Ero-sensei (thanks Naruto--miss you Jiryah)

Sensei, Aniki, Kowai and baka. (I giggle every time Asta gets called Bakasta in Black every time)

yes I englished all of get to see the Japanese versions later in this thread (except ero -sensei  I dont think the apps will teach me "pervy sage")

So lets start with lesson 1 review for me

Duolingo first module review


San  3 さん  

ichi  1  いち

ni  2  に

chi  ち

n  ん

I  い

sa  さ

yo よ

pretty simple right this app relays on repetition, so you get to match pairs and identify each symbol over and over and over again.


Lingo deer Lesson 1 (Apparently I Did the Alphabets with this one too, but since I am reviewing it says I don't need to do that)

Nationality:  You get 4 pictures ..chose American


Choices are -アメリカ人 (uncle sam top hat), 日本人(kimono), イギリス人(beefeater hat), and 中国人 (t-shirt with dragon waving red flag)

American, Japanese, British and Chinese.

人 the end indicates person not country and in this instance the 人 symbol is pronounced “Jin”(other times it sounds like hito (hee-toe) but thats much much later)

So we choose American because that’s what it wants. And then do the same for Japanese and American again.

Next is listening skill

It says "nihonjin" and I am to chose out of the same choices as previously given 日本人 this time I am given the hiragana to compare にほんじん

Pictures again and I am to chose British イギリス人 and then Chinese 中国人

It repeats with pictures and sound only then for the last 4 it has you pick from character cards and you build the 4 words.

This program has a huge learning curve, so I recommend pairing this with another app.


Mondly languages

This one throws pictures and kanji at you for 7-9 “lessons” not as useful and I don’t use it every day

Lesson one Teaches you sister as Imoto when more correct would be younger sister, haha for mother, Ototo for brother (younger brother), and chi chi

Konichiwa. (こんにちは)-hello

This is my mother. 之女は私の母です

this is my father. 之 は私の父です

this is my (younger)sister. 之 は私の妹です

This is my (younger) brother 之は私の弟です


Ok great you taught me stuff more advanced than my brain could grasp in lesson one..thanks app. (But because of this app elementary kanji level 1 was a bit easier)



Koこ  nん niに chiち ha;waは  sa さ yoよ uう naな raら soそ

Hello- こんにちは

welcome ようこそ

good byeさようなら

This one is a good beginner app too as it starts with hiragana AND it adds “sounds of the natives” where a sound clip of someone actually speaking what you learned comes on and you have to chose what they said.  It is good reinforcement..

i did break down and pay for this one when it was 90% off 



shows you pictures for 5 minutes and tell you the word…only issue with this is its not just the word, it adds things to the word for example “my” is taught as watashino. Which is correct but watashi is polite and female I while the “no” is the indicator of possession like an English “ ‘s”.  It bothers me a little

First lesson was

Hiragana alphabet: (so this would be good to pair with duolingo in the beginning) gives you the pronunciation with the character


A あ   Iい   uう   eえ   oお   kaか   kiき   kuく   keけ   ko


I also us an app “ Hiragana and Katakana” lets you chose how many to learn at a time and it is multiple choice /flash card style.  It has everything in it to burn 2 of the three  sets of “lettering” The Japanese use.


Write it- Japanese” teaches you stroke order and you can use any touch screen to use this and practice.

Last but definitely not least is “Kanji study

80 for elementary 1, 160 for elementary 2, and 200 for elementary 3 (I am barely on 3).


Kanji for lesson 1 is:

八 -Hachi -8 

ON(ハチ) --I really don't know what this is but it is provided with each kanji---

KUN (や·ya · や.つyatsu · やっ.つyatutsu ·よう)  --this is what I have observed as "normal" yatsu and yatutsu being like 8th and .8

Lesson 2 of all the above apps

Duolingo Lesson 2 review

きる(Kiru) --while this means several things it is teaching "to wear" as in clothes

よむ(yomu)--to read 

のむ (nomu)-To drink

よる (yoru) - night

やさい (yasai)-vegetables

な -na  is also in this module

--I had trouble with read and Night..I consistantly transposed finally stuck though


Lingo Deer

Nationality Lesson 2

私 は 日本人 です (I am Japanese) Watashi (sometimes heard as Atashi) wa Nihonjin Desu (Desu sounds more like Des the u is Almost silent..its implied)

Also file for later -Japan is the combination of kanjis for  Day 日 and Book 本 combined with person人-Jin 

私 はアメリカ人です(I am American) Watashi wa Americajin desu

私 は中国人です (I am Chinese) Watshi wa Chugokujin desu

私 はイギリス人です (I am British) Watashi wa Igirisujin desu

I could not wrap my my brain around chinese for the life of me...grr it was rough


Oh lets see what Joy Mondly gives me today--seriously i think i like torture when i load this one

朝 asa for morning
 日 - hi (hee) for day
夜 - Yoru-Which we learned in another app was night it looked like this-よる
午後 -Gogo-for afternoon

おはようございます -good morning polite form (what you will normally use) Ohayougozamasu

こんにちは -Hello (good afternoon) -konichiwa

おやすみなさい- Good Night - Oyasuminasai

さようなら - Goodbye -Sayounara

元気 - I am fine -Genki

it says" Very well" but i cannot find the Kanji anywhere else to put here it sounds like Tai he ni yo i desu


Ahh drops the app that mushes words together

saさ   ku く   keけ   aあ    shiし  ko こ  ki き uう  e  suす  iい  seせ  oお soそ kaか  taた chiち tsuつ

this was 5 minutes on drops --first module



Module 2

aあ riり kaか gaが toと eえ iい  thank you (casual)ありがとうyes はいnoいいえ


Kanji for this lesson

一 ichi - one- also ひと(hito and hito.tsu)