unfortunately for me i don't drive but i'll make note of it if get the chance to go there
I tried Soju + Beer(red horse)  1 bottle of soju and beer
It taste sweet. 

Your standard soju just tastes like weak vodka.  It's just alcohol.  It has no distinct flavor, though I find it has a slightly sweet aftertaste.

The best flavor is the plum  

The apple and peach flavours are the best :)  

After seeing the faces they make when they drink Soju, I personally have no desire to try it :p. I do want to try Sake sometime before I die though. Or even the Korean milky colored wine..is it rice wine too? Because they act like it tastes good.

You mean maekoli(i don't know correct spelling )right? Yes me too i want to try too.. there is a similar drink called chyang in my country. I haven't tried that too.. because I'm new to the drinking world.. i have so many drinks to try.. i want to have soju, soju bomb, fresh beer, maekoli.. 

I had rum and some type of cocktail before.

I really like the peach flavour and plum :)