Someone compared Gongs to Wufeng and said that both are bad - I don't think so, Gongs are guardians of Infinite Heat, and they are living in closed valley

Doesn't need a rocket scientist to work that out.  

The Gong & Co have a family unit.  They experience love and happiness like GSJ and GZY and GZS ie. they live like normal human beings.

GSJ is a killer but is kind and gentle at heart.  He experienced love and happiness when he was little.  That's why he spoils his Zhi Di Di.

Wufeng on the other hand are ruthless and overbearing.  The Elders do not show any love nor compassion to the juniors.  

Meanwhile, the Elders of the Gong family, have families so they are kinder and more compassionate.  The Elder Yue was said to be approachable compared to the other two elders.  The scenes where the young masters of Yue, Xue and Hua were having a chat about sneaking out to the front hill, they were being typical adolescents.  

Even when Master Yue confessed he saved a Wufeng spy, he only received scoldings from the Elder Yue. 

Thats why I don't understand how people can say both sides are bad ones and they want to see Gongs and Wufeng to perish together... 


Thats why I don't understand how people can say both sides are bad ones and they want to see Gongs and Wufeng to perish together... 

The Delulus.

Fastrack wins. Need session 2


Fastrack wins. Need session 2


It has full episodes but left in cliffhangers. Need Session 2. YWS were twins, wufeng leader was still there, SGQ ran away, in the hope of having a Gong offspring. The evil one was GHY, killed in the hand of GZY. YWS was back to Lixi town, knowing about her twin in the hand of the hooded wufeng leader. GZY was in despair but his face change into smile knowing someone had coming. Which YWS ?

The end

We can expect season 2 for sure!!!
Such an open ending... so I was right - YWS has a twin sister!!! :)  but I hate the ending...
how could they allow YWS to go alone to her birth town - and now someone is coming back so its either her or her twin sister... I think I will just ignore last few minutes


We can expect season 2 for sure!!!
Such an open ending... so I was right - YWS has a twin sister!!! :)  but I hate the ending...
how could they allow YWS to go alone to her birth town - and now someone is coming back so its either her or her twin sister... I think I will just ignore last few minutes

GZY will notice if her twin sister will cb to the Gong residence since she doesn't know martial arts.

Either YSW is forced to return as an assassin by taking her sister as a hostage or she was killed and replace by her twin sister.

But if her twin sister replace her, she cant be of no use to spy on the Gong residence.


We can expect season 2 for sure!!!
Such an open ending... so I was right - YWS has a twin sister!!! :)  but I hate the ending...
how could they allow YWS to go alone to her birth town - and now someone is coming back so its either her or her twin sister... I think I will just ignore last few minutes

This ending is so lame.


This ending is so lame.

Right!?! I'm actually so mad. We don't get to find out who the big bad is and then we don't even get the closure of YWS's ending? Plus let me be real, there is not going to be a season 2. This open ending trend in dramas is really pissing me off. They keep doing this. Either make the ending sad or make it happy. 

 Sirry Usly:

Right!?! I'm actually so mad. We don't get to find out who the big bad is and then we don't even get the closure of YWS's ending? Plus let me be real, there is not going to be a season 2. This open ending trend in dramas is really pissing me off. They keep doing this. Either make the ending sad or make it happy. 

there might not be second season of drama but there might be second part of the novel, so we don't know...

and there is also third option - that YWS wasn't sent there alone and they have killed that wufeng head... we can decide what kind of ending we want ourselves :D

Any way our tortures are over :) going to watch all episodes in few hours, only took a quick look at last scenes - at least all main leads stayed alive! ending is lame for sure...  so if someone doesn't want it just stop watching when you will see YWS heading to the Lyxi town... 

Yup. Basically this was IQIYiI original. If the demand of session 2 is high, they basically will make Session 2. But yeah, it will take a year or two. 

Open problems for next season:

1. Who is the next leader of Wufeng?

2. Why was GZY so lame to let his wife travelling alone? I know he could not leave Gong mountain, but it was his wife, that might carry his baby already. 

3. SGQ ran away with GJS's offsspring. Where would she hide? Was she back to Wufeng? Was she being captured?  How's her baby? 

4. Wufeng had major disruption because of sect splits, would they generate another weapon to surpress the splits?

5. Perhaps we are going to see 3rd generation of Gong. How about Jin Fan's children as well?

6. We saw Joseph Cheng in the last episode played as the older version of the blue hair boy. He should have more screen time though. Oh my...too many pretty boys though wkwkwk

7. Infinite heat plate, was in the hand of GSJ. What would he do about it? Was that plate the real one?

Was Wufeng leader revealed  at all?

Was Wufeng leader revealed  at all?

What does infinity Heat do?

Did GZY finished  all the trial or not?