Sirry Usly:

Theory posted by van aka @aftermoont on Twitter: "Situ Hong (one of the wang's in the Wufeng assassin rank is Ziyi, the woman Ziyu met in the first episode when he was leaving his house."

Personally, I think this is plausible especially because in one of the trailers, she's seen trying to attack Ziyi with her nails/claws. 

Which woman are you talking about? Who did gzy meet? When did he get out of the house)


Which woman are you talking about? Who did gzy meet? When did he get out of the house)

It's in episode 1. And I already said her name. Zi Yi. Check the cast list. She's there. She's played by Zhang Xue Han 

After watching todays episodes I am thinking that Lady Wuji is quite possible to be an anonymous as she was clearly a servant of ZiYu's mom... so the time she joined the mansion (if she came in during same brides selection) would fit perfectly. She can't get out of mansion to send messages but she has a lot of freedom inside... and no one is actually suspecting her

"If the pain of burning is too torturing, use these herbs and make them into tea. After taking it channel your inner skills. Your inner skill, the Yunjin Heart Sutra, is an extremely corroding yin magic. This internal skill will make your body cold. But it can help you fight against the burning pain caused by the Fortnight Flies." - HYS

So, A'yun is probably going to use this same or a similar concept to help Ziyu pass the first trial. At least that's my guess right now. Will repost this to the clues thread as well. 

Ziyu's inner skill might be different from A'yun's. It could be something that can counter the extreme cold that if he channels, can help him with his trial. 


After watching todays episodes I am thinking that Lady Wuji is quite possible to be an anonymous as she was clearly a servant of ZiYu's mom... so the time she joined the mansion (if she came in during same brides selection) would fit perfectly. She can't get out of mansion to send messages but she has a lot of freedom inside... and no one is actually suspecting her

I'm thinking this too. 

 Sirry Usly:

"If the pain of burning is too torturing, use these herbs and make them into tea. After taking it channel your inner skills. Your inner skill, the Yunjin Heart Sutra, is an extremely corroding yin magic. This internal skill will make your body cold. But it can help you fight against the burning pain caused by the Fortnight Flies." - HYS

So, A'yun is probably going to use this same or a similar concept to help Ziyu pass the first trial. At least that's my guess right now. Will repost this to the clues thread as well. 

Ziyu's inner skill might be different from A'yun's. It could be something that can counter the extreme cold that if he channels, can help him with his trial. 

That's what I am thinking as well... What she said at the end of the episode wasn't just about flies - it was about helping ZiYu to deal with pond... channeling an energy to keep him warm in that icy water

I would say that Yun also started to realise that ZiYu can actually give her what she is longing for - love and a normal life

btw.  that long term hidden assassin either had been not poisoned with flies or they found a way to deal with them... or they were high rank and free from it...

Also HYS promised to let Yun free after she will complete a mission but I am thinking which assassins sect let their members to leave? they can only leave in one way - dead - I hope A'yun is smart enough to figure that out


After watching todays episodes I am thinking that Lady Wuji is quite possible to be an anonymous as she was clearly a servant of ZiYu's mom... so the time she joined the mansion (if she came in during same brides selection) would fit perfectly. She can't get out of mansion to send messages but she has a lot of freedom inside... and no one is actually suspecting her

But she is too obvious.if she is the spy she could say zy isnt a Gong to Sj with fake or reall evidence ,sow discord and ask sj to send her out.this way Sj will try hard to get rid of zy and there will be chaos .now that elder yue is dead and they are after the assassin if she is found out wouldnt everything she is going to say about zy lose credit?

Unless Sj is willing to let go of an assassin just to discredit zy which is unlikely.

Another possibility is that she is trying to lure sj into a trap and then claim that everything she did was under his order.maybe she is working with huan yu and isnt wufeng spy at all.

Also HYS promised to let Yun free after she will complete a mission but I am thinking which assassins sect let their members to leave? they can only leave in one way - dead - I hope A'yun is smart enough to figure that out

I think she is but at the same time, remember the conversation with her sister, how having hope will let her stay strong? I think that's part of it because if she does not allow her self to hope for a better tomorrow, now without her sister it might be hard for her to keep moving forward. 

maybe she is working with huan yu and isnt wufeng spy at all.

Ohhh, this is actually super likely tbh. 

Ep 8, some speculation: 

Very possible that Gong ShangJue has set up for the Anonymous WuFeng to kill Elder Yue, GZY have to come out from the trial and be given another chance to continue again, breaking the old sect rules. So with this change GSJ can force the other elders to also change the sect rules and give him a chance to re-elected, that will be very scheming.

And very possible as mentioned above that because of YWS’s poison and needing to use her inner power to cool her body, she can use it to help and transfer her inner power to GZY so he can dive in deep cold water and be able to pass the first trail…so JinFan is very smart to ask GZY to consult YWS on this matter.

Wei Shan went from mei to chi (this was revealed in ep 3)

We don't know that A'yun went from mei to chi. We weren't told what her status before was. Just that she became a chi. 


Ep 8, some speculation: 

Very possible that Gong ShangJue has set up for the Anonymous WuFeng to kill Elder Yue, GZY have to come out from the trial and be given another chance to continue again, breaking the old sect rules. So with this change GSJ can force the other elders to also change the sect rules and give him a chance to re-elected, that will be very scheming.

And very possible as mentioned above that because of YWS’s poison and needing to use her inner power to cool her body, she can use it to help and transfer her inner power to GZY so he can dive in deep cold water and be able to pass the first trail…so JinFan is very smart to ask GZY to consult YWS on this matter.

Based on my analysis on his character, there's no way he would selfish to the point of harming his own family for fame! No matter how scheming he is I still can't agree with this based on things he has been doing


Based on my analysis on his character, there's no way he would selfish to the point of harming his own family for fame! No matter how scheming he is I still can't agree with this based on things he has been doing

I agree. GSJ, no matter what, is always moving in the interest of the Gong family's well-being. If he was not, he wouldn't investigate Ziyu's background to see if he is really a descendant of the Gong family, but straight up cook some mishap and have him dead. 

I think is Huan Yu is Anonymous, because he is least suspect, he sand off GSJ , faked his death , also he can kill Yue to bring ZY back to the palace so he has more time to prepare for trial...

Also if he was good character we will probably see such moments in trailer, I mean moments after his "death" 

GSJ 1000% not anonymous or work for him, we also know he will die later, Im sure he genuinely care about his clan and family, he just too prideful and have a lot prejudice towards GZY , he genuinely believe GZY not good as leader and illegitimate son.. so when GZY will prove he is worthy of this position, GSJ will also accept him


I think is Huan Yu is Anonymous, because he is least suspect, he sand off GSJ , faked his death , also he can kill Yue to bring ZY back to the palace so he has more time to prepare for trial...

Also if he was good character we will probably see such moments in trailer, I mean moments after his "death" 

GSJ 1000% not anonymous or work for him, we also know he will die later, Im sure he genuinely care about his clan and family, he just too prideful and have a lot prejudice towards GZY , he genuinely believe GZY not good as leader and illegitimate son.. so when GZY will prove he is worthy of this position, GSJ will also accept him

I do not agree - he was born in the mansion so had no chance to train in Wofeng for many years, it has to be an outsider who got inside 22 years ago...