Lets do a poll, just for fun?

A. The son.                       B. Host (the daughter)

C. Gun.                               D. Mintra.

E. Korn .                             F. Pawin.

G. So.                                   H. Pitch.

I. Wayha.                           J. Wayu.

K. Lalit.                               L. Suicide.

just to mix things up J. Wayu

You left So's brother off your list.

kinda wild but

 Well in some moments of clarity he might've left that place on the sneak and got in there and killed her

I think So killed Ms. Suzie for covering up Gun's drunk driving hit and run of Sin.  I believe So will attempt to frame Gun for her death and acting like he accepts Gun's apology is a front.  

Was he really passed out drunk????  Me thinks not.  Gunna go back and watch ep 9 again.

Oooh Chickwifey and ZoogonyZen, I’m loving your detective work! That never crossed my mind for a minute!! 🖤🖤


I think So killed Ms. Suzie for covering up Gun's drunk driving hit and run of Sin.  I believe So will attempt to frame Gun for her death and acting like he accepts Gun's apology is a front.  

Was he really passed out drunk????  Me thinks not.  Gunna go back and watch ep 9 again.

I'm with you on this one. I have been waiting for So to go dark since ep 1. We have known since episode 1 who ran over his brother, and I have been convinced that he will execute his revenge once he realizes who is to blame.

He also released that material about the scandal himself and he was the one sitting in the dark at the bottom of the stairs staring at the pool suspiciously. He is the only one with a strong motive, too. It must be So.

The only alternative is Toey who we know nothing about at all. Since episode 2 I have been wanting to know who he had in his bed. He must have a story,

I pretty sure it was G.(so) because he has a motive since he found out that miss Susie covered up his brother accident with gun.

It’s looking more and more likely it’s So, or will there be a crazy twist at the end?!

 Old lady STAYTINY:

It’s looking more and more likely it’s So, or will there be a crazy twist at the end?!

So was shown with the murder weapon in ep 9 shortly before the murder happened. If it is not So, they have some explaining to do :-D

 Muttery Monkey:

So was shown with the murder weapon in ep 9 shortly before the murder happened. If it is not So, they have some explaining to do :-D

Did he have some food Suzie was allergic to? Totally missed it! 🖤

 Old lady STAYTINY:

Did he have some food Suzie was allergic to? Totally missed it! 🖤

Episode 9 at 26:24

Muttery Monkey 

7 days ago


I think So killed Ms. Suzie for covering up Gun's drunk driving hit and run of Sin.  I believe So will attempt to frame Gun for her death and acting like he accepts Gun's apology is a front.  

Was he really passed out drunk????  Me thinks not.  Gunna go back and watch ep 9 again.

I'm with you on this one. I have been waiting for So to go dark since ep 1. We have known since episode 1 who ran over his brother, and I have been convinced that he will execute his revenge once he realizes who is to blame.

He also released that material about the scandal himself and he was the one sitting in the dark at the bottom of the stairs staring at the pool suspiciously. He is the only one with a strong motive, too. It must be So.

The only alternative is Toey who we know nothing about at all. Since episode 2 I have been wanting to know who he had in his bed. He must have a story,

Just finished the finale ep...

YES! I felt something was off with So from the start.  

I just kept praying that they would not part our lovely Weha and Wayu.  The flash back on Susie catching them in the pool and Wayu standing up, fessing up and backing up himself was too forward for someone to not mean business.  

Who was in bed with Toey?????????????? I always thought it was Host in bed with him or just a random to show that he has a life.  

I think almost everyone could have had a great motive, but for me the red flag was that So was very ok with everything even though his brother suffered, he was ok and even said Sin would be fine knowing Gun went on to have a life.  BS!!

I sure hope Mystery BL will become a thing.  Not the best show, but the best kind of show.  Season 2 please...