I thought to myself to create an account here because there are a bunch of k-dramas that I will binge. A bunch of dramas like the glory, crash landing with you, and the goblin caught my attention and here I am introducing myself to MDL. Hi, I am an anime fanatic and I would also love to engage in the MDL space so thank you for having me here :)

Happy to meet another drama/movie crazy person. Looking forward to chatting with you about your likes/dislikes in drama. 

you are welcome ||

Welcome to MDL ?

Welcome (´・ᴗ・ ` )

Hi, I initially created this account solely for the purpose of updating all the drama shows I watched but then all the school stuff in college dropped by and I was having a scheduling conflict between my personal me time and school stuff so yeah super duper late reply but thanks for the greetings lol. Hopefully this week, I'll be able to binge some shows and give my thoughts abt it. I swear if I have scheduling conflicts again.