Jeaniessi wrote: Oh! That's great. I don't know why your post gave me the impression you only saw HYD. Wasn't Don Quixote hilarious! and so sweet.

**and I'm sorry my memory is so terrible and I didn't remember you posting here Mirichan!** Biene

Haha I am trying hard to keep the japanese forum active :p
Yes Don Quixote was hirilous xD I loved him there <3
LisNoir wrote: Is this from the other Taiga drama he did? He had done another one before Taira no .....

Haha I am currentily watching that Taiga :D Atsu Hime is really worth watching :)
I can come up with a few myself...:D
PinkDiamond wrote: Um, is that rhetorical? I can come up with many reasons why he's hot. *swoons* LOL!

It was a sigh with some words attached...My brain was GUH PD!
PinkDiamond wrote: I'm sitting here wondering how many reasons we can come up with between the three of us fanatics! LOL

and one of us is a could go on for quite a long while and sound good too. I have a long list but posting it here might put me over the top.
Lets see... Bad ass acting skills, beautiful eyes, slashy sexy eyebrows, lovely little pock mark scar and tiny cute moles, amazing hair, puffy kissy lips, a scowl that will make your toes curl, tall lanky body; perfect for wrapping around...things, chocolate smooth voice, Awesome comedic timing, scary ability to pull off dark emotions, fashion model savvy, long fingers and big feet OMO! Perfection.

Anyone want to think of some more? I left out his ears.

I remember when I was watching Hana Yori Dango I didn't really pay that much attention to Matsuda Shota. Maybe because he didn't have that many lines or something. I just thought "who's this angry looking guy?" I was focused only on Matsujun. But then in the second series he suddenly got SUPER cute. Maybe his hairstyle changed? Maybe it was him on the motorcycle. I don't know what it was but suddenly i wanted him in more scenes. Now I'm watching Liar Game and it's like I'm having a MS overload!!! Now I keep looking at this thread! Why must you all post such great pictures?!!
Your gif cracked me up. and to answer your question: We must because we love....and he deserves only the best posted here. and...I'm crazytown fangirl in lurve with him. He's shamazing.
Jeaniessi wrote: Lets see... Bad ass acting skills, beautiful eyes, slashy sexy eyebrows, lovely little pock mark scar and tiny cute moles, amazing hair, puffy kissy lips, a scowl that will make your toes curl, tall lanky body; perfect for wrapping around...things, chocolate smooth voice, Awesome comedic timing, scary ability to pull of dark emotions, fashion model savvy, long fingers and big feet OMO!, perfection.

Anyone want to think of some more? I left out his ears.

Hmm....thinking, but you've got it <3

noireangel wrote: I remember when I was watching Hana Yori Dango I didn't really pay that much attention to Matsuda Shota. Maybe because he didn't have that many lines or something. I just thought "who's this angry looking guy?" I was focused only on Matsujun. But then in the second series he suddenly got SUPER cute. Maybe his hairstyle changed? Maybe it was him on the motorcycle. I don't know what it was but suddenly i wanted him in more scenes. Now I'm watching Liar Game and it's like I'm having a MS overload!!! Now I keep looking at this thread! Why must you all post such great pictures?!!

Jejejeje....I think that's how we all are when we see him. And maybe some drooling on the

Isn't he great?! *sigh* That new LG movie's release date should be moved up!

Jeaniessi wrote: Your gif cracked me up. and to answer your question: We must because we love....and he deserves only the best posted here. and...I'm crazytown fangirl in lurve with him. He's shamazing.

He does! I <3 Shota-kun!

It's been a while since I've posted a song for

wrote: However far away I will always love you
However long I stay I will always love you
Whatever words I say I will always love you
I will always love you

Very Nice Lis-ssi!

*edited to add some gorgeous to page 62!

For some reason, I love this picture. Greasy pompadour and all!

Imagine this is your bathroom...and you are taking the picture! heeheheee

So cute!
Cute and Funny Gifs.