Woop! Love them! (I double post pictures here and there in this thread. It's okay... It's Shota!)
Jeaniessi wrote: Woop! Love them! (I double post pictures here and there in this thread. It's okay... It's Shota!)

Thanks unni, i will be sure to post more ^___^
and like u said it's Shota :D
I think besides Hyun Bin's thread and his count down to freedom this thread has the most amazing eye candy in page after page... I've kind of been obsessed...but I am only surprised that others haven't picture spammed the heck out of their chosen Drama Loves. maybe it's just me that is freaky. Oh well.. I don't care.
LOL i used most those pic on the shota collage xD
I have so many pictures on my computer and photobucket. Most of them have already been used here.... reposts WILL happen. but trust me...I will find new ones and they will be posted!
Keep looking Jean unni, obsession doesn't matter as long as u express it :D
Rourou wrote: Keep looking Jean unni, obsession doesn't matter as long as u express it :D

I only wish I could post my Shota nekkids... but alas... I cannot test the waters.
Lol, Sky rules ! To say the truth everyone wishes to post some nude chest picture, actually when i was going through Shota's pictures earlier i saw many of them and thought "Shame i can't share them" but then i thought again "I'm keeping them for myself, no Jean unni peaking on Shota's naked chest pictures" bwahahaha :p
Rourou wrote: Lol, Sky rules !
To say the truth everyone wishes to post some nude chest picture, actually when i was going through Shota's pictures earlier i saw many of them and thought "Shame i can't share them" but then i thought again "I'm keeping them for myself, no Jean unni peaking on Shota's naked chest pictures" bwahahaha :p

Trust me...I already have them... I mean that.... I already have them.
i want them. sky's rules suck! bring on the eye candy, if sky appears we'll pretend we don't see him. :D
boutux wrote: i want them. sky's rules suck! bring on the eye candy, if sky appears we'll pretend we don't see him. :D

I'll PM you but I can't post them here! No way am I taking a chance he will close Shota's thread.

But I would be surprised if you didn't have them already?
well good god almight!! i've seen the liar game and love shuffle screen shots but the others noooooooooo maam! very nice. u have quite the collection jeanie. thanks for sharing with me lol.
boutux wrote: well good god almight!! i've seen the liar game and love shuffle screen shots but the others noooooooooo maam! very nice. u have quite the collection jeanie. thanks for sharing with me lol.

Isn't it sad they can't be here too?! they would make this thread even more pretty! LOL
boutux wrote: i want them. sky's rules suck! bring on the eye candy, if sky appears we'll pretend we don't see him. :D

Jeaniessi wrote: I'll PM you but I can't post them here! No way am I taking a chance he will close Shota's thread.

Like Jean unni said what if Shota's thread is closed down by the rule maker *hiding* let's just look at them alone even though it's nothing like sharing and looking at them toghether.

Jeaniessi wrote: Isn't it sad they can't be here too?! they would make this thread even more pretty! LOL

Exactly sharing is caring , they would make this thread *collective nosebleed*
Rourou wrote: Like Jean unni said what if Shota's thread is closed down by the rule maker *hiding* let's just look at them alone even though it's nothing like sharing and looking at them toghether.

Exactly sharing is caring , they would make this thread *collective nosebleed*

This thread won't be closed because anyone who posts a naked in here will be spanked! cyberly and very hard on their virtual bottoms!