Those eyes... *sigh*
beautiful Asian, almond shaped, chocolate colored, slashy goodness...He's so pretty.
Whoops...New page! Time for some Pretty! *Sigh* Happiness is a Shota spam.

I love his hair! And he is totally saving my seat in that last
I'm not quite sure what's up with those red suspenders up there but his facial expression, his eyes and hair more than make up for them. cutie pie.
Okay, I know I always spam pictures of Matsuda Shota in here. I know you all think I'm obsessed with his face. I know I seem like a shallow girl who only appreciates outer beauty! Oh Contraire! I also appreciate good acting too. What? ..I do! and I can prove it! Here's a Q/A about Shota's upcoming movie Hard Romanticker. I found this on AsianMediawiki and thought I'd share. I can't wait to see this movie. I have a feeling it will make me uncomfortable watching (which if it does, I think it will have done it's job well.) But I also look forward to Shota-kun being amazing!

Q&A for "Hard Romanticker" took place after a screening of the movie at the 2011 Busan International Film Festival on October 7, 2011. Appearing as speakers are actor Shota Matsuda & director Su-Yeon Gu. AsianMediaWiki editor Ki Mun was there and transcribed/translated the session.

Su-Yeon Gu (director) - (Speaks in Korean) Nice to meet to you, I am Gu Su-Yeon. I'm glad to meet you. I can't speak Korean well. Thank you for coming here.
Shota Matsuda (actor) - Thank you for watching this movie today. I think this movie shows pain, aches and it doesn't lie. Did you have a good time? (Speaks this part in Korean) Thank you.

Audience Question - This question is for Shota Matsuda. During filming did you get injured?
Shota Matsuda (actor) - No, never. I finished the movie in perfect health.
Moderator - How about the director? Did you get hurt during the filming?
Su-Yeon Gu (director) - I did. My right foot was injured. After that, I walked with a limp. A lot of people did get hurt during the filming.

Audience Question - Question for Shota Matsuda. You played the lead character who is an ethnic Korean living in Japan. How do you view ethnic Koreans living in Japan?
Shota Matsuda (actor) - First of all, my generation isn't that well versed in the history of ethic Koreans living in Japan. I do have a relative who is an ethnic Korean living in Japan. That person lives in Shimonoseki. I don't think of people in terms of ethnic Koreans or Japanese. I do enjoy Korean culture and I like the mixed Korean and Japanese culture that Shimonseki has.

Audience Question - This question is for director Su-Yeon Gu. All three of your films deal with ethnic Koreans living in Japan. Can you explain why?
Su-Yeon Gu (director) - I am most famliar with that side.
Moderator - The background of "Hard Romanticker" is set in the city of Shimonoseki and you were also raised in Shimonoseki. You wrote "Hard Romanticker" as a novel first and then made it into a movie. Could you elaborate in more detail why you wrote the story? Is this from your own personal experience?
Su-Yeon Gu (director) - I was raised in Shimonoseki until the age of 18 or 19. After that, I moved to Tokyo. The environment of Shimonoseki and Tokyo are completely different. I thought there was something special in the environment of Shimonoseki. I made this story based on my story and the story of my environment while I grew up. Basically, because of my familiarity. I don't put special meaning in the fact that I am an ethnic Korean living in Japan or I don't think about that specifically. I wanted to express more humor from where I came from and my own experience in moving to a bigger city. The story just came out this way.

Audience Question - What percentage of the movie is based on your own personal experience?
Su-Yeon Gu (director) - Honestly, I would say about 50%. About 80% of the movie comes from things that actually happened around me. Of course it happened a long time ago. 50% or a little bit less than 50% actually happened to me.

Audience Question - Which actress from South Korea do you like the most?
Su-Yeon Gu (director) - I like women. I like many actresses.
Shota Matsuda (actor) - Kim Tae-Hee. She is beautiful.

Audience Question - This question is for both Shota Matsuda and director Su-Yeon Gu. Which scene is the most impressive to you?
Su-Yeon Gu (director) - Using a common saying, I would say every scene is impressive to me. If you ask me to pick just one scene I would say ... the last fight scene at the imoya restaurant. When we filmed that I was nervous, but highly focused.
Shota Matsuda (actor) - Like the director mentioned, the imoya fight scene is the most memorable for me as well. In that scene, while I was lying on the floor, I was hit continously. The director did not call cut for about 10 minutes and during that time I was hit with 2 or 3 really hard punches. Also, the rape scene in the park. My heart ached during that scene.

Audience Question - I came away very impressed with this movie. I'm a student studying filmmaking. For the director and actor what parts did you guys focus on the most? And for that scene what special efforts were put forth?
Su-Yeon Gu (director) - Of course, I can say that I focused on every scene. I kept thinking about how I could better express the gap between what I had in my mind and what I could express on the screen. If I expressed everything I had in my mind the budget would be way too high. Also, if I expressed all the violent scenes I had in my mind people would have gotten hurt. Based on these limitations, I kept thinking about how we could express reality more. I also kept looking for original ways to express certain thoughts. About the actor. I have been asked before what if another actor performed the main character. When we filmed the movie, we concentrated on creating a character that only this actor could convey.
Shota Matsuda (actor) - I sought to implement as much realistic action as possible. Especially, during the violent scenes. For example, the car accident scene. I tried to express the emotions of seeing the unexpected suddenly occurring. I tried to keep that sense of things happening suddenly and abruptly. My mindset was of a beaten man.

Audience Question - Question for director Su-Yeon Gu. What does the movie title "Hard Romanticker" mean?
Su-Yeon Gu (director) - First of all, the title refers to a hard romanticist. Also, the title refers to a hard rocker. I didn't really think that deeply about the title. As a man, when the man loves, there is a romanticist aspect and non romanticist aspect. In Japan, a romanticist has a weak and frail image. When it gets harder, they can say it is strong weakness. This movie is about a person who can't give up a type of lifestyle and persists to have that kind of lifestyle. I made the title because I can combine two meanings. Another reason I went with that title is that I had a desire to become a rocker. I hope people who watch the movie uses their imagination freely about the film and the title as well. If I explain in certainty that explanation becomes like concrete. I would rather you watch the movie freely and make your own opinions.

Audience Question - In the movie, you play a main character full of charisma. Seeing you in person, you have an intense gaze. Personally, I'm a fan of Shota Matsuda and also Yusaku Matsuda, your father. Do you refer to your father's acting or what aspect of your father do you respect.
Shota Matsuda (actor) - My father went to Hollywood. That was when I was around 3 or 4-years-old. After that, he passed away. I was raised by my mother. I choose to become an actor by myself and I don't think I am that influenced by my father. I do keep inside and keep thinking of the qualities my father had as an actor and a man.

Moderator - Could you tell us about your next work?
Su-Yeon Gu (director) - I don't have anything scheduled. Like I have done so far in my career, I hope I can make a different movie and at the end of the film the audience can experience various feelings.
Shota Matsuda (actor) - I will play a Japanese emperor in the NHK historical drama "Taira no Kiyomori". Also "Liar Game Movie 2" will be released. In the future, whether I play a supporting or lead role, I will try to show you my best.

Makes me uncomfortable just looking at the poster for the movie!
I moved my Shota pictures in photobucket and now I have to go back and repost them...darn...what a hardship!
oh's time! More Shota-kun btw..that Vogue photo shoot where Shota is all kinds of nekkid? I found all the nekkids in that spread. I will be posting the others in Chat when I'm on next. In the meantime...

Magazine Covers

I have a sickness...sue me

Gah...I feel so stupid for deleting my photobucket album. Why do I always forget these are directly linked from that? Oh well... There's new ones back there if anyone cares to look and here are some more... From Liar Game...

I love when he looks dangerous and dirty

But I also like when he looks happy

And this is just sublime

He's such a doll
Hahaha I thought you went to bed! Guess you just can't resist Shota Jeanie haha
cookoo for cocopuffs! :p