I'm only managed to watch 12 of them. (Sucks!)

Don't compare yourself to me. I have no life ;)

In the end I managed to watch another 2 movies, 

Milky way Dad  8.5/10 - semi fictional biography is always fascinating because it felt real. I gave it quite a high rating.

Single8 8.5/10 - I watched this as my last movie. Didn't have any expectation but it turned out better. I loved this inspired from real-life-experience kind of story. It is nostalgic thinking how when we were young we always eager to discover new things together with good friends of us. Loved also the film-making stuffs featured in the movie. I wish my school and teacher from back then were as supportive as the one shown in this movie though.

I wanted to watch 24 Eyes but the duration was holding me. Also wanted to watch I Am What I am but the story was so familiar I kept postponing....and at the end no time to 

Not a fan of horror so I intentionally avoid those. BL Metamorphosis's plot felt not relatable to me so I did not plan to watch this movie from the start.

My top 3 (independent from my ratings)
Anime Supremacy
Daimyo Tosan
Milky Way Dad

I wanted to watch 24 Eyes but the duration was holding me

It's an old classic and available several places including safer ones. I first saw it from a library DVD.


It's an old classic and available several places including safer ones. I first saw it from a library DVD. 



Don't compare yourself to me. I have no life ;)

FYI, I... don't really have a life myself. ;)

When I was poking around the JFF website a while ago, I found this JAPANESE FILM FESTIVAL ONLINE 2024 Feedback Form - Films ( -- maybe there are other people like me who love filling out questionnaires and feedback forms ;)
This is for the films part, so we can give our feedback now. It asks for your opinion on the five most impressive films, and near the end, there's also a free-form field for any remarks you might have.
There's also a more general contact form Contact Us - JFF+ (

It's unfortunate that they chose google docs but what can you do.

I've started Rikuoh:

 i watch too many dramas:
When I was poking around the JFF website a while ago, I found this JAPANESE FILM FESTIVAL ONLINE 2024 Feedback Form - Films (

Oh thanks for the info!! Did not know they have such survey. I'm not sure to fill it or not though.

 i watch too many dramas:
I've started Rikuoh:

In case you missed it we also have discussion thread for dramas

From the questionnaire "Q18. Would you recommend JAPANESE FILM FESTIVAL ONLINE 2024 to your family and friends?"