Synopsis :

Sprout is based on a popular manga by Nanba Atsuko that's been serialized in 'Bessatsu Friend'. The love story in 'Sprout' evolves when two high school students, named Souhei and Miku, start living under the same roof after Miku's parents turn their home into a boarding house. The heroine will be played by Morikawa Aoi (16), and it will also star A.B.C-Z's Hashimoto Ryosuke (20), Kawakita Mayuko (20), Kojima Fujiko (18), and Johnny's Jr. members Lewis Jesse (15) and Tanaka Juri (16).

Cast :

Yuri Chinen - Sohei Narahashi
Aoi Morikawa - Miku Ikenochi
Fujiko Kojima - Miyuki Ozawa
Jesse Lewis - Hayato Katagiri
Ryosuke Hashimoto - Naoji Takigawa
Mayuko Kawakita - Kiyoka Taniyama
Kentaro Yasui - Arata Kimijima
Juri Tanaka - Takeshi Umino
Ami Maeshima - Ami Uehara
Shuka Fujii - Fumiko Hasumi
Yuta Jinguji - Wataru Katagiri
Yuu Kikkawa - Haruka Hayase
Shintaro Yamada - Seiji Okunuki
Keisuke Horibe - Tsuyoshi Ikenouchi
Ritsuko Tanaka - Hiroko Ikenouch

Who is watching or plans to watch this ?
I'm watching this. I'm disappointed by the lack of bickering and forced living situation hijinks but it seems like a pretty sweet story. I'll keep watching especially because the length of the drama and each episode is short and watchable.
Is it too dragged?
I Love this drama. Despite of only having seen the first episode until now,
This is doubtlessly a drama which is worth the watch. Love the comedystyle, And the romance is just too adorable.
Found the main character to be annoying at first, But in time as she tooned it down over the first episode, The drama just became even more to my likes. I hope the 2nd episode will be equally good as the first one.

If this drama ends well, I guess I will be reading another manga in the future.
Seeing a potential for a painful romance between the lead characters though.
It seems like there aren't but one person interested in the lead female.. Sugoi!!
Can't wait for the next episode to be subbed. The first episode was perfect, Just the right pace.
Rourou wrote: Is it too dragged?

Well I just finished the second episode, but it doesn't seem to dragged out. If you watch episode 2 you'll know what I mean. Besides its 10 episodes long and 30 min per episode. It doesn't have time to drag.
i liked it too so much that i wrote a review on dc. i haven't written a review since last summer for ikemen desu ne. it's a sweet drama so far. i wish epis were aired more frequently, sucks to have to wait a week. oh and subs are up on dc.
I think that the synopsis sounds exciting, i will watch it !
is anyone else watching this drama. it's so cute and young and innocent. i'm loving it. it's reminding me of my teenage drama. if u're looking for a sweet teen romance jdrama this summer this is ur pick. another bonus is the hot young actors. the johnny's juniors are too cute. makes me feel like a pedophile looking at them. lol
I am watching it and yes,that is cute and innocent.It really is a summer drama.There have been a lot of kiss for a japanese drama I think!(even if we actually don't see anything).Actors aren't really good but they aren't bad either. The story is nice and simple and it feels good watching it.
I'm actually a bit annoyed with their acting.. but because the I like the story; a simple summer romance drama.. I still watching it.. :) it's only 30 minutes a week, anyway... :P
you're not the only one....

anyway, i love this drama in overall. it's gentle yet so interesting. and i have to add that the OST is awesome.
an example:
It's light, short, one more time light, cute and... it's summer romance... watch, enjoy and then forget~ hihi~ I like watching it, but really, the acting leaves to wish the best, and I like Hayato more~
the kissing is the only thing that annoys me cuz there is no actual kissing for a drama with so much kissing. it is shot at an angle to make it appear like they kiss then the camera pans away to the back of one of the characters head so u get a shot long enough to give the suggestion of kissing. i want to see actual lips touch damn it!! and not the boring pecks thing we're been fed in jdramas for ever.

sigh... ok rant over. i love hayato-kun. i wish i could just squeeze him he's so cute. i love his boldness with miku but at the same time he still manages to seem cute and innocent. i'll be sad when this drama ends. i hope it gets 11 or 12 epis.

and yeh the OST is awesome. it introduced me to group love and i downloaded their music. they're a good band so i have even more appreciation for sprout.
I just started watching this drama and i like it : i think it's cute (i'm rooting for Hayato!)
I will watch the 1st episode before sleeping, it's 30 minutes anyway.