So when I was a senior in high school (like 3 years ago) my Japanese class was the first of the day and I got along great with my Japanese teacher. Since he knew I had recently moved out of my parents place and was constantly working really late to pay bills while I attended school he would let me sleep in his class as long as I payed attention when he was actually teaching, didn't look like I was sleeping (I slept with my eyes open normally looking down at a book so it looked like I was reading), kept my grades up, during lunch I spent my time tutoring my friend (who was always failing his class), and I never missed a day of school. Well he scheduled for us to watch a movie during his class and I was so worn out I pretty much fell right to sleep. I'm now curious what that movie was and if it's worth my time. All I know for sure is that during the opening song a Japanese princess (who looked to be the leading lady) was roller skating through the royal palace. Normally I would just assume I'd never know what the movie was but roller skating through a palace is not a common thing. There might have been a stolen painting in the movie however I might have been dreaming I saw the movie say something about a stolen painting. Sorry I'm not that helpful. Thanks in advance.
soracantabile wrote: I think it's Anmitsu Hime

You are an angel. I will be praising your name till the day I die. Thank you so much.
It's funny because I already had that on my list to eventually watch. Again thank you.
Seems like a good drama. Placed it on my PTW.
bannie wrote: Seems like a good drama. Placed it on my PTW.

Agreed, I've just got to finish the Japanese show that I'm currently watching before I start it.