------SPOILERSSS-------------- Guys who do you think is philia, who is blue cat?? My opinion philia = hoshino blue cat = the girl from the coke stand yuichi = doesnt have any idea about the site The film said that philia almost died two times and that thing only happen with hoshino ( the flying fish almost hitting his head and the drowning ). Philia also said that his former girl classmate introduce her to lily and that classmate is kudo. People says he is blue cat because he has the apple at the concert, but I think that he only received that apple from blue cat, and blue cat is the girl who stared at yuichi at the COKE stand, obviously she knows about that apple. This is a brilliant film, I want to know your opinion too.
For a second I thought this was a terrible computerized spam post because it was so loopy. I didnt watch the drama so I am unable to chip in =(
as much as i remember you are right. it didn't impress me as much as you do, but it sure is a different movie.