
Close Range Love 

I liked it 

Me too~!!

It's a good movie...

Definitely recommend others.

Jellyfish Eyes 

CGI Great but 75% of the movie is CGI, every thing else including story and acting is secondary. Got some evil pokemon feels from this and that same tiny guilty feeling i get when husband compares pokemon to dog and cockfighting. Also some pretty serious bullying in this, I recommend preview before letting anyone under 10 watch. 

Liked it 

The Hungry Lion

So good. I highly recommend this one; anyone can relate in one form of another

The Black Devil and the White Prince 

I thought that I would hate it but I actually ended up liking it. 

Fortuna's Eye - It was recommend to me by someone because I like the actress Kasumi Arimura, I thought it was ok, the story was interesting.

March Comes like a Lion - This one was pretty good and the same actress comes out in it, I'm planning on watching the second part soon.

AI Collapse

I recommend it 


AI Collapse

I recommend it 

Thanks for the recommendation~!


I liked it! But dont eat when you watch this movie.

Ring 1998

Didn't care for it...rated it 5.

He Won’t Kill, She Won’t Die 

I Loved it! gave it a 10/10

The 100th love with you

It's really good! 10/10


Its amazing 10/10


He Won’t Kill, She Won’t Die 

I Loved it! gave it a 10/10

Thanks for the recommendation~!


The 100th love with you

It's really good! 10/10

Thanks for the recommendation~!