Hyouka: Forbidden Secrets
Of course, a two hours movie won't cover a 23 episodes long anime, and they didn't try to. So the film was decent! Wish it was a full-fledged live-action TV series!

Eureka (2000)

Ended up being one of my fav movies.

Little Forest: Summer & Autumn

I loved it, easily one of (in not the) my favourite movies ever

Kiokuya (2000). This had been sitting on my DVR for several months -- I think I recorded it for someone else and never actually erased it. Somewhat piqued since the two leads were in a drama I'd just completed.

Was aight. A little sappy to me and kinda questionable characterizations regarding the conclusion.


Liked it a lot. I like psychological thrillers and this one had some good twists.


Kiokuya (2000). This had been sitting on my DVR for several months -- I think I recorded it for someone else and never actually erased it. Somewhat piqued since the two leads were in a drama I'd just completed.

Was aight. A little sappy to me and kinda questionable characterizations regarding the conclusion. 

I was watching the ongoing drama where the two leads were in (Posted in this thread in May). But, I picked it for different reason. The ending wasn’t to my liking but, what can I do when they starts playing Jidai as the ending song  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Birthday card - 10/10

"Call Boy".  

It's been a while since I watched this type of film. Compared to others of a similar ilk, it was good.  

There is one image from a scene in a nightclub that has been seared into my brain:- Izuka Kenta's (as Hirada Azumo) stunning face with a halo of fair hair and glistening black eyes; an image of extreme beauty.

The Blood of Wolves Level 2 (2021) I watched the two movies in one sitting. Really impressive. It's my kind of entertainment. 

Watched two shorts,

Hidaka-Kun, Who Is Always Reading Books That Seem Difficult
Bland, even if you consider the total duration of seven minutes.

Peeping Date
Atypical Japanese movie with a weird plot, nothing special.

The Last 10 Years
From the title or the poster or from the synopsis one can easily tell what kinda movie it is. It's exactly that kinda movie. A common Japanese movie plot but I will like em always.

Riding alone for thousand miles

Aozora Yell
The plot and overall film are decent. But, the thing that intrigued me most was the cast lineup. The movie was filled with so many now well-established stars and familiar faces. Tsuchiya Tao, Takeuchi Ryoma, Matsui Airi, Taira Yuna, Shida Mirai, and Matsumoto Honoka, it was a different kinda feeling to see them in their baby form. :)