Question for the group...and it might seem silly since I've been on MDL since 2018, but I don't always understand how things work right away, and I'm still figuring out how this site is laid out.
Where in the forums is this club housed? I usually only see messages from the clubs in my notifications and on the side in the forums, but I had a hard time finding this particular club when I wanted to come ask a question. Is there a dedicated "club" section in the forums (and if not, should there be?)
Also, is this club very different from the Bistro Kino: The J-Dramas & Films Club?
Lastly, and this is somewhat related, I'm also in the BL Drama Lovers club and the Umbrella Fandom and I have no idea where they normally are located in the forums either.
Thanks for your help!
I can only help with a couple of these questions unfortunately. Where this club was created can be seen at the top and above the title. So for this one you would need to go to "Home" in the forums followed by "Japan" and then finally "Japanese Drama & Movies"
As far as I know there isn't a dedicated clubs section but definitely would love this myself. Unfortunately it depends on where the creator of the club decides to create it so club locations are varied.
I'm not sure about this club being different from the other one you mentioned so I can't answer this question :(
Like this one the locations can be found above the title of the page. BL Drama Lovers Club can be found in the General Asia Forum and the Umbrella Fandom can be found in General Discussion :)
Hope this helped!