I don't like very much japanese dramas but this is one of my favorite dramas from this category.. I really loved it so I rated it 9.
lol at the subbers at Dramacrazzy they say some funny stuff during the previews this show is just okay for me..I watched the first 3 episodes and stopped for a while, but now I have gotten used to Japanese style I have come back to finish it..mostly because Kami is just sexy lol I also find that little kid just too adorable
I love this dorama. and I rated it 9. But trust me, the anime and manga so much better than the dorama. I didn't really laugh whan I watched the dorama. but I laugh out loud when watch the anime
I bought a cd of this...and i love it..both the anime and the dorama... the guys are cute specially the little boy...
goldenseal50 wrote: lol at the subbers at Dramacrazzy they say some funny stuff during the previews

this show is just okay for me..I watched the first 3 episodes and stopped for a while, but now I have gotten used to Japanese style I have come back to finish it..mostly because Kami is just sexy lol

I also find that little kid just too adorable

Lol I remember that. They were hilarious.
I loved this drama, watched it twice so far! It's in my top five list! There's just something about it...I gave it a 9. I really enjoyed the relationship Kyohei and Sunako...and that scene between them real close to the ending (with the skull) was so freakin' cute, I could watch it all day. Oh and Kyohei with a ponytail is to die for in my opinion. :)
This drama had both high and low points for me but there were two things I loved.

One was the way Kyohei and Sunako fought and then kind of fell in love. It was sweet. I loved how she could kick his butt but then would also get dazzled by him and then head butt him! That would crack me up. But when she'd get PO'd at him...Like at the wedding... so funny. The second thing I loved was the scene at the Tea house when they were all trying to get their friend to come home and Kyohei cut his hair and they stood up to the dad. That whole long scene from when they arrived to the end was one of the best parts of the whole show. I loved it.