Song Joong Ki - I honestly don't understand why people like him, I've seen DOTS and it was good but not thanks to his acing, then again after all that mess happened with the song song divorce, he's just awful

Namgoong Min
Cha Eun Woo
Jo Woo Ri
Jung In Sun
Kim Soo Mi
Lee Min Jung
Jeon Hye Bi

N O T E. I don't despise these actors, I just feel like (subjective) that they are (slightly) overrated. I only mention actors that are popular or famous, and leave out actors that don't have as much of a footprint (although there are more that I dislike in that category).

Ji Chang Wook (post K2). I think most of the series after K2, like Suspicious Partner (was ok), Melting Me Slowly (boring me slowly), and Backstreet Rookie (supermarket reality show) are just awful and his character is underdeveloped in them. Loved him in Healer, Empress Ki and K2, but not so much lately. I feel like he's just cashing in on his fame by doing easy roles.

Lee Seung Gi. I got mixed feelings about him. He was fine in King2hearts, but I haven't seen any of his recent acting so I can't judge. But I felt his acting in My gf is a gumiho was boring, and only watched one episode into Shining inheritance and was not encouraged by his acting.

Park Shin Hye. I have to agree with many here that I feel like her acting is quite stiff and emotionless, she feels always the same. I liked her in Pinocchio though, and she did good acting in You're beautiful. I'm watching Sisyphus now and so far it's a fine series, she's a badass, but still the same emotionless stiff acting.

Lee Dong Wook. I find his acting to be very robot like, fine as support main on Goblin, but I don't think he can hold up a series as a main lead.

Kim So Hyun. Lovely actress, she did awesome in Bring it on Ghost. I've seen her in many series but I feel like her acting is a bit off, she has only one "mode" of acting, she's cute but doesn't make my heart melt with her acting range. Tale of nokdu was just "so so" and and I've not seen Love alarm. I  feel like she can't handle being main lead.

Jang Na Ra. I've only liked her in The Last Empress, only because she fit the character of the story well., and she is a great actress. But I don't feel like watching series with her, she's one of those actresses that fit only certain roles.

this might not be a popular opinion but I really don't like Lee Min Ho and Park Bo Gum at all. Lee  Min Ho kinda always has that stud type of character in almost every drama, he doesn't vary his character too much . And Park Bo Gum, according to me does not know to act .

Jang Geun Suk
Lee Seung Gi
Le Da Hee
Yo In Na
Lee Jong Suk

i dont know why but , even if i try very hard not to despise her i end up despising them , park min young . i mean i respect every ones opinions , and when people around me talk abt them i never spread hate so dont scold me . But its just u know whenever i see them i feel annoyed and dont feel its interesting and just dont want to see her . I REALLY RESPECT PARK MIN YOUNG AS A PERSON BUT ITS JUST THAT I FEEL ANNOYED WHENEVER I SEE HER IN DRAMAS.  I REALLY RESPECT YOU AND YOUR FANS BUT MY OPINIONS ARE MINE , SO HOPE THEY WONT MIND ME!

Lee Min Ho
Jang Geun Suk
Lee Seung Gi
Le Da Hee

Barring very few, I generally dislike idol actors and actresses. They can't act very well and yet get lead roles

These are actors I've tried watching as I've liked the movies but they seem to ruin it for me so now I avoid any of their projects.

Park Min-Young

Park Bo-Young

Park Shin-hye

Koo Hye-sun

Go Ara

Yoo In-na

Shin Se Kyung

Choi Si Won

Maybe a translation error but 'despise' is a very strong word for another human. I mean if they're a murderer/rapist, fair enough, but otherwise . . . 

Not despise or hate ( to do that i need to know them personally unless like comment above me said are rapists or murderers ) but there are a few Korean actors that i can't stand or left a rather negative impression on me so far.

Male: Lee Jong Suk (happen to watch a few series that he's casted like Dr Stranger where he was main lead, because I'm a sucker for medical dramas. But other than that I'm trying to avoid him as much as i can)

Lee Min Ho (always typecasted however my thoughts might change about him after his upcoming antagonist role if he delivers well.) 

Yoo Yeon Seok, I was a big fan of him but his actions towards his co-star made me unstan him. 

Park Bo Gum- Never get the hype around him, i don't know his personality well so i can't comment on it, however his acting and presence never impressed me so far. I think he's popular solely on his cute appearance. 

That's just my personal opinion and observation, so fangirls pls don't attack me.

Female: Can't bring any names atm so sorry but none :/

same for me with Yoona and Soo Young

but my most disliked actress is Park Min Young. I don't know why, maybe it's because she seems to always play similar character character wise but I just can't bring myself to watch anything starring her, even if I'd otherwise love the story. Also I feel like she is one of the actors who is afraid to look 'ugly', like in having disheveled hair etc. Like in WWWSK she always had that ponytail that seemed to be glued to her head.  

edit: adding Mun Ga Young because I can't stand how she talks. I would've loved find me in your memory so much more if it wasn't for her and her mickey mouse voice