Yes! I need new pics to drool at. Mmmm~ So delicious~
Just watched antique bakery to keep me until his comeback to showbusinnes. whatever he choose to do i hope he'll enjoy himself and gift us with great things. thanks for sharing his letter. the pictures are very much appreciated by my partying hormones ^_^
*waiting rather impatiently* Wake up, buddy! Give us some news!
Oh wait it's already april so ignore me. Hm, then I guess he's being discharged for real laters?
He was discharged on April 4th but he said like his enlistment, his discharge will be unofficial too! So there will be no press conference or fan meeting, he just got out like normal people. *sadness*
Awww I really hope that doesn't mean he's serious about a hiatus D: *sobs* I want my KJW back! I only have a few Kdrama actors I like and he's on my top list. D: <--Actually he pretty much owns my list XD
The thing is, it's a complete different story when it comes to KJW in my case. I'm just obsessed with him, I simply can't list him with anyone or anything else.............I really don't care how he acts or how he sings, I will watch it and listen to it! God, I need help!
Haha I love him that way too. I don't see the negative people see with him. I think he's brilliantly talented in all he does and it would so be a shame if he really will take a hiatus. I would even be content with him just doing his music. I can't imagine a world without KJW. T-T I'm even going to buy black nail polish and wear it for him. XD He's always made it look so cool so I want to give it a try.
So, he will probably make his comeback with "Walrus"! YAY, whatever!

Last tweet: Let me start again! (or so does it says in Google translate)
Yay! Maybe getting into Walrus again will make him want to model which in turn will make him want to act again! I'm hoping D:
:D Happy to spam around!
Kim Jae Wook is probably the best good looking man in Korea and he's amazing in everything he does! Ahhh you just haft to love him there's no other choice!:P