I just finished the 5th ep :
*Oww, my hateful hero Lee Kang To, u can't act nicely when u're around Mok Dan, u're totally weird, anyway he went back to his old self fast enough at least.
*Shame, the mother died without being proud of my hateful hero !!
*That Mok Dan girl is bad news, she's gonna create big troubles between Shunji and my hateful hero, i love those two's relationship, it can't be ruined plz!!
*I'm getting the feeling that the jap singer or whatever is going to make me happy, dunno why i have this feeling (maybe bcz my hateful hero saved her, u see he have an eye for things :p)
*Whoever who said that Joo Won can't act should really revise himself, dunno about the other dramas but here Omg, i'm so loving him : Could he be more hateful and adorable at the same time?!
My hateful sweet adorable hero Lee Kang To :Just amazing !
I'm sleepy but i won't go to bed until i watch the 6th ep, this drama is so addictive !