[Directory] K-Movie Threads

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New here and just wanted to say thanks ofr having me.. its very had to find others with a true passion for Korean film like I have where I live. Even on Facebook I just cant seem to find the right communitys,. I am an older man middle aged.. and so many of the groups out there involve young girls and the entitire KPOP scene .. or young teen drama's.. and thats simply not an interest of mine.. I enjoy good films..and good drama's.. and am a bit of a colector as well... I really look forward to meetiong and speaking to each and every one of you.. and strongly invite people similar to me to add me.. Id love to create a new online community of friends with same interests.. BTW Im not great with "names" on actors..but am pretty well versed in films themselves..  I think one of my all time favorites is SIlenced and Korean version of Be With You,...  both actors (plus Mr. Penguin guy) in Be WIth You are some of my favorite Korean actors... she is absolutely stunning... OK well.thanks  again everyone..!!

i added above movie thread

xxmai locked this Jul 22, 2022 11:20 am