Hi, I know this is morbid but someone doesn't want to believe me that in Korean dramas children can die. I only found a movie as proof https://mydramalist.com/10421-detective-k-secret-of-the-lost-island but I'm worried a movie won't be enough.

Could you help me? One more thing, the child cannot be brought back to life. Thank you.

Children of Nobody 

have also seen this happen in a few 100 episode daily dramas:

The Promise 

A Place in the Sun 

A Man in a Veil 

Just Between Lovers, The FL’s younger sister dies in the beginning (mall that collapses).

 Chocolate:    https://mydramalist.com/32879-chocolate

It's done quite sadly but beautifully as the child ( who believes he is from another planet) is told he is returning to his home planet as he dies.

I forgot the best one of all--Kim Yoo Jung as a 12 year old in Moon Embracing the Sun.  I almost never cry watching dramas, but her death scene had me crying buckets, as she lies in her father's arms and willingly accepts the "medicine" that she knows is actually poison and will kill her.  It is one of the most amazing performances I've ever seen, by ANY actress, much less a young girl, as she plays the scene with such calm pathos and poise that actresses 10-15 years older wouldn't be able to pull off.  There is also a twist to the scene but I'll leave that unsaid.  

 Now of course, KYJ is a great actress as an adult, although still only 22.



In Vagabond, the nephew that the Male Lead is looking after dies.  I was hoping there would be some twist in the end and somehow survives the plane crash, but right form the get go, the child dies.