I'm watching Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha now, and it made me realize just how few K-dramas I've seen that are  set in a modern Korean small town.  Almost all have been largely set in Seoul, a Seoul suburb, or are a historical drama.   The only ones I can think of are  Thank You (set on an island),  When the Weather is Fine   (up in the mountains), and Padam Padam (on the seacoast).  

I'm sure there are more. If you can think of some where most of the drama takes place in a small town, please let me know.  Thanks! 


Off the top of my head:

  I started When the Camellia Blooms earlier,  but only got to about episode four.  I will try Warm and Cozy. 


Warm and Cozy (or Dull & Snoozy as I call it) is set on Jeju. Another one also set on an island but a much smaller and much more "small-townish"  one than Jeju is Top Star Yoo Baek.  The thriller The Village: Achiara's Secret has "Village" in the title, but I don't know how small it actually is.


You can follow tags like Rural Village, Rural Life with Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha or any farming title. (They won't be sorted by country unless you do an advanced search.)

Great idea.  Thanks !  BTW, where do I find the  advanced search button?  I don't see it in any of the headings. 

Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha. Great show. Good ending. 

Kimchi Family - I'm not sure where it's set, exactly, but most of the story takes place at a traditional Korean restaurant nestled up against the mountains, amidst beautiful scenery seemingly in the middle of nowhere. While it may not be to everyone's taste (due to the sometimes slower pacing), I found it charming,  sweet and the characters delightful (and yes, there still is a plot, involving an ex-gangster, as well as a romance.) I wrote a review of it on this site (apparently the literal Korean name is "Fermentation Family" so that's what you'll find it under.)

Gourmet - Sadly underrated, but absolutely my favorite (okay, second favorite!) drama of all time.  (Kim Rae Won is so excellent as the male lead!) Some of the story initially takes place at (like the previous one I mentioned) a traditional Korean restaurant which appears to be far removed from Seoul, but you also get to see lots of countryside, woods, and lovely seaside towns, as the main character travels around the country having numerous adventures that all center around food and the theme of how it brings people together. Lots of sibling rivalry, as well as the age-old conflict between older and younger generations. And, yes, a romance that isn't front and center, but I found pretty cute, nonetheless.

Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol - this takes place in the fictional small town of Eunpo, a seaside town. I just have to say, this one is very quirky (some of the characters are even quirkier than the ones found in Hometown Cha Cha Cha.)   The main character is rather an airhead, although very kind hearted and determined. Overall it was a fun watch; main disappointment was the last episode which had one of those "whaaa?" kind of endings where you're kind of confused about what the script writers did at the end.

Thanks to everyone for their suggestions!    :)

Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol - this takes place in the fictional small town of Eunpo, a seaside town. I just have to say, this one is very quirky (some of the characters are even quirkier than the ones found in Hometown Cha Cha Cha.)   The main character is rather an airhead, although very kind hearted and determined. Overall it was a fun watch; main disappointment was the last episode which had one of those "whaaa?" kind of endings where you're kind of confused about what the script writers did at the end.

Good show. Enjoyed the music. I agree with you about the ending. Totally bogus.