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GreenApple wrote: Please don't repeat this statement when talking about Big Bang. That was a complete accident that caused sadness on both sides.

O_o did i word it wrong? sorry wasnt really talking about BB but the media in general. To be honest i dont even know what this thing is about, i dont really like reading articles that is labeled as a scandal. most of those articles are opinionated and can be really bias.
Starae wrote: And why shouldn't they overlook the scandals? There is absolutely no reason to look deep into scandals of bands, it's their own business and the press shouldn't even bother with it. All they are doing is trying to ruin reputation or point fingers saying "Oooh look what he did, he's so terrible!"

Not a single person on this planet has the right to judge others actions, and it should be kept personal and not revealed the world. How would you like it if your sex life was broadcasted all over the news, and in detail? So what if he is famous, it's his life! I don't think stars should have to watch their every move just because of their reputation, it's a cruel life to live, and the fans that look at them with disappointment and judge them because of it should be ashamed of themselves.

The only "bad ones" here are the press that are digging deep into this crap, not Seungri or the girl that claims to have slept with him.

Okay, here is the thing. He is an 'idol.' Some young impressionable people will look at this story and think it is okay. I have not read the story but I have seen enough to realize that what he is accused of doing is not sex, it is masturbation. She just happened to be there. And yet I see plenty of comments painting him as a saint and the female in the story as a horrible person even though we know nothing about what happened. I agree that the media goes too far in some (most) cases but this is not one of them.

cityhunter83 wrote: the whole thing just irks at one of my pet peeves; the cross-cultural conspiracy to brain wash young people into believing that sex MUST be about love and if you're having sex with someone you dont love it's bad.

Call me old fashioned but I hate how the media puts a focus on 'one night stands' being a good thing. Sex doesn't necessarily have to be about love, but when one person uses another to pleasure himself/herself it is not sex, it is masturbation. In today’s world you have to be careful. Always wear/ have your partner wear a condom kids.
here's why i think, if everything this girl said is in fact true that she is the "bad guy" here. 1. no one forced her to have sex. she WANTED to have sex with an attractive celebrity. if he did force her then she needs to go to the police, but her behavior is not that of a rape victim IMO. 2.no one forced her to comply with his sexual requests. if she wasnt into what was going on, then she could have said something. it is not HIS fault if she let him do things she was uncomfortable with. again her actions are not that of someone who was violated sexually anyway. 3. given his reputation as a ladies man i cant imagine this girl having real expectations of a meaningful relationship with him. 4. whatever her motivations they dont come from a good place. she was unahppy with the outcome of the encounter and set out to "get him back" this is the celeb equivilant of slashing his tires or keying his car, only much worse b/c she could have destroyed this man's career for no other reason than she was displeased with his sexual performance. 5. what has seungri ACTUALLY done? he had consentual sex.
cityhunter83 wrote: here's why i think, if everything this girl said is in fact true that she is the "bad guy" here.

1. no one forced her to have sex. she WANTED to have sex with an attractive celebrity. if he did force her then she needs to go to the police, but her behavior is not that of a rape victim IMO.

2.no one forced her to comply with his sexual requests. if she wasnt into what was going on, then she could have said something. it is not HIS fault if she let him do things she was uncomfortable with. again her actions are not that of someone who was violated sexually anyway.

3. given his reputation as a ladies man i cant imagine this girl having real expectations of a meaningful relationship with him.

4. whatever her motivations they dont come from a good place. she was unahppy with the outcome of the encounter and set out to "get him back" this is the celeb equivilant of slashing his tires or keying his car, only much worse b/c she could have destroyed this man's career for no other reason than she was displeased with his sexual performance.

5. what has seungri ACTUALLY done? he had consentual sex.

Exactly...this is why I find fault with her. Most victims of a sexual crime would never do things like this. This is someone who is has her panties in a bunch because she didn't get what she wanted.
Interesting thing I noticed: going back to that allkpop article review, did anyone notice what G-dragon was wearing on his head? Was he wearing that hat while giving that interview?
mangagirl wrote: Exactly...this is why I find fault with her. Most victims of a sexual crime would never do things like this. This is someone who is has her panties in a bunch because she didn't get what she wanted.

you know what i've been thinking, i think at least half of the "outrage" is simply that people are uncomfortable with his alleged sexual proclivities. even in america choking is viewed as odd and obscene, you cant just imagine how it's viewed in Korea.
SeRose wrote: Interesting thing I noticed: going back to that allkpop article review, did anyone notice what G-dragon was wearing on his head? Was he wearing that hat while giving that interview?

"lost in translation syndrome" he he he, i have a pic of TOP wearing a shirt that says "pearl necklace" {{smh}}
cityhunter83 wrote: "lost in translation syndrome" he he he, i have a pic of TOP wearing a shirt that says "pearl necklace" {{smh}}

I don't know... I was thinking that if you read his hat with a slight 'ghetto' ring to it.. It sort of sounds like 'calm dis (this) f%#* down. Which, assuming I'm not reading into it too much (always a possibility here) is kind of funny in context.
i think you're right its an engrish/ebonics hybrid way to say calm the f down.
i'm also a HUGE fan of Big Bang.they mix so well their voices even though they are so different. the choreography is superb and the lyrics are cleverly amazing. i always feel happiness when i hear their music. GOD bless them.
please go to CONCIERTO DE BIG BANG EN PUERTO RICO and give us your sign so we can bring them to my country.
Not saying ‘no’ does not give consent. His reputation is based off his on screen persona, if you believe that some of that is not an act you are very naive. Here is the thing, we don’t know if she was a fan. The articles just say that she was a Japanese woman. Add in her occupation and you could have a completely different take on the story. Maybe she is a trainee who got taken advantage of, maybe she was a prostitute that didn’t get paid enough, hell maybe she was a girlfriend that he broke up with to go out with the actress. We don’t know. It’s a shame that many of you are perpetuating the idea that it’s okay because ‘boys will be boys.’ Let’s face it, if it was a girl group member your responses would change and she wouldn’t have a job. Before you try saying anything remember how many of you were so quick to turn on T-ara. Those are my thoughts and I am not going to say anymore on this subject. Hope TOP get’s better soon, looking forward to the drama.
i guess maybe for me personally i have a hard time with the "boys will be boys" b/c i dont see this as a "boys" behavior. i know LOTS of women (myself included) who can be emotionally indifferent to their sexual partners. my acceptance of it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he's a guy, it's that given this girl's own story, i dont think he did anything wrong.
cityhunter83 wrote: i guess maybe for me personally i have a hard time with the "boys will be boys" b/c i dont see this as a "boys" behavior. i know LOTS of women (myself included) who can be emotionally indifferent to their sexual partners. my acceptance of it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he's a guy, it's that given this girl's own story, i dont think he did anything wrong.

I totally agree, and not only with this one particular comment. This is the first and last time I am going to express my pov on this issue. Call me crude, or what have you, but sex is just sex. So what he had consensual sex, and he's a little bit of a freak, big whoopty doo..

As for the "not saying no does not give consent" comment, um yes, where I come from, if you don't say no or fight, it does mean consent, with the exception of those who are drugged unconscious.
phoenixtearz9 wrote: I totally agree, and not only with this one particular comment. This is the first and last time I am going to express my pov on this issue. Call me crude, or what have you, but sex is just sex. So what he had consensual sex, and he's a little bit of a freak, big whoopty doo..

As for the "not saying no does not give consent" comment, um yes, where I come from, if you don't say no or fight, it does mean consent, with the exception of those who are drugged unconscious.

Here here....
I will say I can see the reason erotic asphyxiation is taboo...