I read somewhere that there are some clues for XL's possible resurrection/rebirth in novel/drama - is this true?

Yes, there are a ton of clues to XL's resurrection in both the novel and the drama. I wrote about a few clues in the novel in another thread. I plan on doing a full writeup of the resurrection/reincarnation clues in the novel sometime, but for now, here are some previous posts:

Xiang Liu:
Who do you want most to spend your life with?
[Montage of Xiao Yao with Cang Xuan, with Jing and with Xiang Liu]
Tell me.
Who do you wish most to spend your life with.
[Xiao Yao feels pain in her head]

Chishui Feng Long:
[At the wedding with Xiao Yao]
You would prefer to leave with him
rather than marry me.
In your heart, I, Chishui Feng Long
cannot even compare with an
idle libertine?!

I just read that this is a question/answer sequence in the trailer and thought I'd share it here.

Xiang Liu asks, "Who do you want most to spend your life with?"

In the montage of YaoXuan, YaoJing, and YaoLiu, notice how close XY is to each person. In the first scene, XY stands at a distance from CX. In the second scene, XY stands close to Jing while holding the same umbrella, because they are weathering life's difficulties together. However, it is snowing. Snow is a symbol of XL, so the memory of XL will always be between XY and Jing. In the third scene, XL is hugging XY, so they are the closest.

Xiang Liu asks again, "Tell me. Who do you wish most to spend your life with?" Then, we immediately cut to Feng Long saying, "You would prefer leave with him rather than marry me. In your heart, I, Chishui Feng Long cannot even compare to an idle libertine?" This is the answer to XL's question. XY most wants to spend the rest of her life with XL/FFB.



I read somewhere that there are some clues for XL's possible resurrection/rebirth in novel/drama - is this true?

Yes there was some discussion about what solarlunareclipse posted.  There were definitely some clues, even if every didn't agree about all of them. ;p

I think the main ones were his missing demon core and the unknown connection to the mysterious Gui Fang clan, which had some resurrection means.

Not sure what we'll get in the drama.

I just read that this is a question/answer sequence in the trailer and thought I'd share it here.

Xiang Liu asks, "Who do you want most to spend your life with?"

Okay, I like this take on it.  Though I'd still rather not have her 'see' a montage at all, cause the only answer is XL.  The struggle is with herself, not trying to pick between the three.

Copy and paste from the other thread.

So if debts are not paid back, karmic entanglement between the two people remain unresolved, and will need to be resolved in the future. XL doesn't want XY to repay her debts to him because he still wants something to do with XY in the future.

Please no! YX already made her choice and she married Jing. She should have that nice, quiet life with the companion that she had chosen. With any luck, she'll achieve some much-needed growth and healing.

XL already did all that he could for her. Hopefully, he'll be going somewhere better - achieving another state of enlightenment. If he has to reincarnate, may he and Chubby be free to roam the world together. And may he find someone who is able to love him and choose him wholeheartedly. 

If Jing had no redeeming qualities and showed no growth, I'd seriously question XL's judgement in pushing XY towards Jing, which is what I do with the novel's depiction of Jing.

Can XY take responsibility for her choices and actions instead of acting like some victim? Aren't they selling her as some "Big Female Boss" character?

XY chose Jing and it's a reflection of her truckload of issues. Jing has his issues, but his issues are the perfect fit for XY's. Without them, she probably wouldn't have wanted him. No one forced XY to marry Jing.  Girl could have said thanks, but no thanks. No one is responsible for that but XY. It's like dealing with a loved one who continues to make poor choices. After a while, there really isn't anything that you could do except hope that things will work out. And XL isn't responsible for XY. He isn't her father, brother or family member. He did what he could for her. She wanted 17, and she got 17. Now she can deal with the outcome and try to make it work.

Okay, I like this take on it.  Though I'd still rather not have her 'see' a montage at all, cause the only answer is XL.  The struggle is with herself, not trying to pick between the three.
My best guess for these three scenes are as follows:

Leaked script Ep20 (originally S02E28 scene 19) - Cang Xuan giving Xiao Yao the Ruomu flower at the poinciana forest on Zhao Yun Peak at Xuan Yuan mountain, just before her wedding to Jing

Leaked script Ep10  (originally S02E18 scene 13) - Jing and Xiao Yao at Xiao Yue Summit after Hou and Yi Ying's affair is exposed and he is free to be with her at last

Leaked script Ep19 (originally S02E27 scene 17) - Xiang Liu holding Xiao Yao in his arms at Gourd Lake when she collapsed and passed out after giving so much of her blood the last time they met (his chest wound from the arrow is just barely visible)

This snake-in-the-grass montage editing was only for the trailer. If liddi's guesses for the scenes are correct, then all the montage scenes happened after the scene where XL asked XY who she most wanted to spend the rest of her life with.

With any luck, she'll achieve some much-needed growth and healing.

I think TH implied in some interviews that she does grow and heal after the end of the novel.

If he has to reincarnate, may he and Chubby be free to roam the world together. And may he find someone who is able to love him and choose him wholeheartedly. 

People say TH's clues in both the novel and the drama point towards XL's reincarnation + reunion with XY. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news :)

Can XY take responsibility for her choices and actions instead of acting like some victim? Aren't they selling her as some "Big Female Boss" character?

She isn't a big female boss character. TH set the novel during a time where there weren't that many options for women. 

A Nian saw that Xiao Yao wasn’t ready to go back to Five Gods Mountain with her, and said, "Since you don't like living on Five Gods Mountain, and Shen Nong Mountain isn't suitable for you to stay long-term, there's only one way out."


"Get married! Marriage is the only way out for a woman, unless, of course, you plan to go to Jade Mountain and become the Royal Mother." A Nian sighed, "But even if you get married, there will be troubles. I see Feng Long staying in Zhi Yi for a long time, and Cang Xuan might reward him with a residence on Shen Nong Mountain. Feng Long is very sociable and is the Chi Shui clan leader. His wife should be versatile and socially adept, but you... you're somewhat socially awkward, don't know how to talk, and can't even dress properly. People are already laughing at you behind your back, and who knows how many more embarrassing situations you'll cause in the future. If you don't get on the good side of the Queen, what will your life be like down the road... Alas!"

Xiao Yao said, “Don’t say any more. I'm already feeling desperate enough. If you continue talking, I'll really feel like a complete failure with no hope for the future."

— Vol 2 Ch 13 (Chapter 30)

If XL didn't have his obligation for his cause, XY must've wandered around the world with him already 


If XL didn't have his obligation for his cause, XY must've wandered around the world with him already 

I could definitely see that.

One thing I really like  about the trailer of season 2 is how they end it off with the iconic scene of "if I die, can you live"?  That's basically the core of lost you forever and most importantly  the core of XY-XL tragic love story, XY surving XL and IMO they did a good job emphasizing on this aspect by ending the trailer with this particular question. If this scene would have been in the middle or in the beginning of the trailer, it wouldn't have mattered much, but by putting it in the end is like making it the most important part of the plot. 


One thing I really like  about the trailer of season 2 is how they end it off with the iconic scene of "if I die, can you live"?  That's basically the core of lost you forever and most importantly  the core of XY-XL tragic love story, XY surving XL and IMO they did a good job emphasizing on this aspect by ending the trailer with this particular question. If this scene would have been in the middle or in the beginning of the trailer, it wouldn't have mattered much, but by putting it in the end is like making it the most important part of the plot. 

For people who haven't read the book or been spoiled in the comments section, it is very very effective.  It was totally kick a$$ and crying at the same time.

I am petty enough to have my VINDICATION!!! dance ready at the end of the series with XL's epilogue, when those naysayers realize just how wrong they were.  lol

Friends which forum now main for XL worshipers ? 

Sorry I was absent I almost didn’t watch anything and wasn’t in Mdl (( also not very nice life stuff , but I’m happy back!!


Friends which forum now main for XL worshipers ? 

I think this thread is for XL/XY relationship. If it's just XL then it would be this one :

It's a combined XL/TJC thread where you can swoon, sigh and cry to your heart content. 

And of course the season 1 board had similar threads if you want to look at past discussion.

Thank you !! But looks like this one more active))


Thank you !! But looks like this one more active))

Yes. Maybe once it gets closer to the air date more XL and TJC fans will come back and the other thread will pick up. But post wherever you liked, someone will engage, I'm sure :-)