
Yep , I mean she was so brave , honest, didn't tolerate any buls**t  

Compare how weak her character looks now

But how much of that was due to gender?  WXL as a man could be that way, with no expectation of romance ... except, well sort of, with XL.  XY as a woman, whom romance and marriage play such a big role, and whose life was restricted by society's expectations of a woman, as well as her family and her status as princess.

Anyway, some things I've been thinking about.


But how much of that was due to gender?  WXL as a man could be that way, with no expectation of romance ... except, well sort of, with XL.  XY as a woman, whom romance and marriage play such a big role, and whose life was restricted by society's expectations of a woman, as well as her family and her status as princess.

Anyway, some things I've been thinking about.

Yep be no name man or princess its really not the same , you know I thinking that WXL is for XL, but XY is for Jing

WXL and XL really match each other freak 

When with Jing, it's more like she pretend who she wanna be , and life she wants 

Because how she dropped Jing after one time, when he run away when CX came with A Nian , but tolerate all his lie and disappoinment now


She did seem to.  I've been thinking about this a bit more and what Tong Hua is trying to say about gender.  Just need to gather the thoughts and see if I can make an argument.

This is an easy one to answer but would require a clear head to type it out. lol. word... patriarchy.


This is an easy one to answer but would require a clear head to type it out. lol. word... patriarchy.

Yes, I'm sure it has something to do with that.  lol   But the ideal that you can only be your true self if you are a man is ... not good.

Jingers saying XL is the plot device without character development.Ha!!!!!I just can't with them!

 Xiang lu forever:

Jingers saying XL is the plot device without character development.Ha!!!!!I just can't with them!

blahhahahahahahahahahha do they even know what a plot device is? they not have any counterargument instead of lip service other people's ideas and trying to twist it. 

They are scared to put it in the main comment section bcoz they know they can't prove it.


blahhahahahahahahahahha do they even know what a plot device is? they not have any counterargument instead of lip service other people's ideas and trying to twist it. 

Just bcoz they  don't see him often he is a plot device that's their logic.

 Xiang lu forever:

They are scared to put it in the main comment section bcoz they know they can't prove it.

Just bcoz they  don't see him often he is a plot device that's their logic.

Even Chatgpt is smart than them:

Yes, a character designed solely to meet the romantic requirement of a female lead, without any character development, can be considered a plot device. This type of character primarily serves to fulfill a specific function in the story—namely, to provide a romantic interest for the female lead—rather than being a fully fleshed-out individual with their own arc and growth.

Such a character might exhibit the following traits:

1. **Lack of Depth**: The character does not have a detailed backstory, motivations, or personal goals outside of their relationship with the female lead.
2. **Static Nature**: The character does not undergo any significant change or development throughout the story. They remain the same from beginning to end.
3. **Utility Focus**: Their main purpose in the narrative is to serve the needs of the plot, specifically by being a romantic partner for the female lead, rather than contributing to the story in multiple ways.
4. **Stereotypical Traits**: The character might embody clichéd traits or archetypes commonly associated with romantic partners without much originality or complexity.
5. **Limited Screen Time**: They often have less presence and fewer scenes dedicated to their own perspectives or experiences, as the focus is primarily on their role in the romance.

### Example:

Imagine a romantic comedy where the female lead, Sarah, is a hardworking executive. John, her love interest, is introduced as the charming barista she sees every morning.

- **Lack of Depth**: John’s character is not explored beyond being the "perfect boyfriend" who is always supportive and understanding.
- **Static Nature**: He starts and ends the story as the same idealized romantic figure without facing any personal challenges or growth.
- **Utility Focus**: John's primary role is to be there for Sarah, providing emotional support and being the reward for her personal journey.
- **Stereotypical Traits**: He possesses all the ideal traits one might expect from a romantic partner but nothing unique or original.
- **Limited Screen Time**: The narrative spends minimal time on John’s thoughts, background, or independent actions.

In this scenario, John functions more as a plot device than as a fully developed character. His presence drives the romantic subplot and provides emotional payoff for Sarah's character arc, but he does not contribute significantly beyond that role.

Nah man, come on. Serves me right to even set foot into that fox lair.

No hate but Xiang Liu has no character development. Dafuq is this?

Why are people like this? Why is there a grey blob inside every skull but some blobs are not used as they should? Is this a blob holiday? July 4th and folks decide to stop using their blobs?

Jingering in excess got me blabbering about blobs. Hope they're happy now. Damn. 

 Xiang lu forever:

Jingers saying XL is the plot device without character development.Ha!!!!!I just can't with them!

Lord have mercy.


blahhahahahahahahahahha do they even know what a plot device is? they not have any counterargument instead of lip service other people's ideas and trying to twist it. 

Yes.  It's the 'No, YOU are,' response.

I almost not see any comments except that Tree ?? maybe they already blocked me))) because I told one time I was claimed as DW hater ???

I also blocking that Tree user , I didn't do it before because I love read your all answers , but she become too annoying 

I better block all annoying jingers and enjoy your comments in peace ?


I better block all annoying jingers and enjoy your comments in peace ?

I usually just ignore them. Unless they write something under a XL related post. But usually, I've been practicing "give not F". Unless they add some new perspective. AH has always added new and fresh perspective on Jing, and YaoJing and it leaves room for thoughts...and does build some empathy towards his character in general. 


I usually just ignore them. Unless they write something under a XL related post. But usually, I've been practicing "give not F". Unless they add some new perspective. AH has always added new and fresh perspective on Jing, and YaoJing and it leaves room for thoughts...and does build some empathy towards his character in general. 

Yep of course, I definitely not talk about AH, her thoughts amazing!! I blocked that Tree person who all time write under other people posts , and start some debates to later blame other people 


Yep of course, I definitely not talk about AH, her thoughts amazing!! I blocked that Tree person who all time write under other people posts , and start some debuts to later blame other people 

Hehehe...I love the way AH writes... ironically, even though I don't like Jing as a character, I also feel really sad about him. As someone mentioned before in the other forum, Jing deserves someone who truly loves him, not as an emotional crutch to fulfill childhood trauma, but because he has displaced his self-worth, it is kind of tragic for him to end in this sort of relationship.