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Reading in Lang Ya Bang Hall with Lin Chen 📜Nienna
Reading in Lang Ya Bang Hall with Lin Chen 📜NOTE: This page is best viewed in DARK MODE
aka some of my favorite sword-wielding characters from historical, wuxia, xanxia dramas
NOTE: words in blue are links (except for that one 😁)
e y Officer Xia Dong ✓ the first Bad-Ass Woman I saw in a C-Drama ✓ insane sword skills; ✓ can hold her own against any man - and does
✓silky-smooth swordsmanship ✓ known for his blade appearing out of nowhere to block attacks on Wei Wuxian; ✓ his sword does his talking
✓ unmatched technical prowess with a sword ✓ does not screw around ✓ so well focused and balanced that he dethrones the greatest swordsman in Goryeo
✓ bad-assery on a level with Lan Zhan ✓ uses two swords because she is twice as cool as everyone else ✓ called the "White Fox" for a good reason that I'll never find out because my the time Season 2 comes out, I'll be dead
✓ do not let his calm demeanor fool you: he is bad-assery on a High Heaven, Twin Dragon Stance level ✓ the sharp edge of his sword faces him, because he's tired of killing ✓ can disarm and knock out 10 thugs with wooden practice swords
✓ Tang Clan style bad-assery when throwing needles and very sharp objects ✓ he is the Black Tortoise: one of the Four Guardians and we know that tortoises are inherently bad-ass ✓ learns his martial skills will from the God of Liquor, which in itself is bad-ass ✓ his sacrifice is the ultimate bad-assery Du Er (Monk at the Futu Temple) ✓ stops a sword thrust from a reknown swordsman - using his plams - and then twists the sword to throw his opponent off balance...with one hand ✓ his"Sweeping" move in Ep 17 gives new meaning to the tai chi move "sweeping ten thousand warriors" ✓ will kill your cultivation if you don't stay where he told you to stay. Tian An ✓ don't let his occupation fool you: he's smart, capable, and strong ✓ he was just tyring to live a semi-reclusive life when the crap started ; he just responded, so deal with the wild blade of this stranger ✓ can do more with a Mo sword than most people can to with a regualr sword | ✓ do I even have to say it? I mean, look at him! ✓ ignore the reveal about him in Season 2 ✓technically not only a swordsman (there is nothing he can't use as a weapon), ✓ his swordsmanship is proven on the battlefield and through the metropolis of Chang'an. ✓ he is the Bruce Willis in Die Hard, of C-Drama ✓ trains when he doesn't need to - he's Moo Freaking Hyul ✓ when he squints his eyes and reaches for his sword hilt, it's a good time to run ✓ it takes more than another swordsman to stop him ✓ backlit image of him on a hill crest with his sword says bad-assery like few other images ![]() Six Flying Dragons ✓ starts out clumsy and in no time moves to warrior ✓ takes on anyone who threatens his principle: Lee Bang Won ✓ in his mature level, when he stabs someone, his sword is so fast that blood doesn't stick to it Brotherhood of Blades 1 & 2 ✓ member of the elite Embroidered Uniform Guards ✓ has to get bad-ass to clear the false accusations against him ✓ injuries do not and will not stop his blade in both BoB 1 and 2. Jin Fan ✓ masterful sword skills: Master. Full. ✓ calm under pressure, even when that pressure is the adoration from Gong Shi Zang ✓ the youngest person in the Gong clan to achieve the Red Jade distinction ✓ gives it up to be a Green Jade Guardian for Gon Zi Yu, which is indeed bad-ass Osagami Kakeru ✓ works w/ a secrtive organization to rid Japan of swords made out of negative emotions ("filth") ✓ is very , very, very hard to kill ✓ combats all enemies with his hands and a sword scabbard - no, you read it right - scabbard. |
So much bad-assery that I can't pick one:![]() The Bad-Assery was so amazingly difficult to rate. For a moment, I thought I'd put the character, Constable Wang Jia Luo / Wang Di Bao, because he is righteous to a flaw. But then I realized that he should have died at least 3 times in the series - which is bad-ass but not more bad-ass than the ther two characters whose bad-assery was on the same level of awesome COMMING SOON: HEROES 2024 Because China apparently needed to call another wuxia "Heroes" for its non-Mandarin speaking fans...?Any of these names would hav ebeen better: Floating World , In the Vast World, Hui Wei Is Not in Dynasty , Fu Shi Hui , Fu Shi Mang Mang, Hui Wei Bu Chao , Tian Xingjian , Tian Xing Jian |
Brief info about me:
- I like K & C historical (ish) drama. I want to watch more Japanese Dorama, but I'm too cheap to pay for a VPN (because I already subscribe to two drama services).
- I don't have a hard and fast rating system, other than this: I'd rather drop a series / movie than rate it poorly. Why go through the aggravation of watching something just to give it a bad review?
- This page (like my lists, and my life...) is a work in progress.
Dramas with a historical angle tend to be my favorites.Here are some examples |
Anyone who knows me knows that I listen to major sections of this soundtrack often...very in everytime I cook. |
And then there are songs from C or K Dramas that just are amazing on their own.
When I'm not listening to the OST from The Longest Day in Chang'an:
Book recommendations
The Dictionary of the Khazars | |
J.R.R. Tolkien: The Silmarillion | |
Garth Nix: The Abhorsen Series | |
Phillip Pullman: HIS Dark Materials | |
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