Winny Aye:
While reading I was thinking why don't she use pain killer. Is it telling us that she would heal herself at all cost, but will not avoid pain she had to endure.

(some pics)

So what your take ? ( writen mine ) -curious about your thoughts on this subject :)

Chapter 6: Like a Familiar Person Has Come

Xiao Liu and Xuan

Xiang Liu’s rage was like the churning ocean, threatening to swallow everything in its path. Xiao Liu knew Xiang Liu would kill him but felt no fear.

The red blood around her made her see the fire red phoenix flowers. Under the phoenix tree, there was a Mom who made a swing for her. She stood on the swing and welcomed the falling phoenix leaves. She rose high and her laughter blanketed the earth. Gege stood under the phoenix tree, looking up at her with a smile. When she came down, he pushed her up again. Her swing rose up, came down, rose up, came down…..


Xuan asked “Why are you here in Qing Shui Town.”

“Wandering the world, I wandered my way here. I liked it so decided to stay.”

“You and Nine-lives Xiang Liu are…..very close?” Xiao Liu thought “This question isn’t suitable to be answered when drinking.”

“Then drink a few more bowls then answer.”

Xuan poured Xiao Liu a big bowl and Xiao Liu drank it “I’m scared of him, but I don’t dislike him. I am not enemies with him, but also not friends.”

Xuan replied “He’s too smart, otherwise I really want to sit down and calmly drink with him once.”

Xiao Liu asked “You and Ah Nian… it really just sibling feelings between you guys?”

Xuan laughed “Now this question is suited to answer when drinking.”

Xiao Liu poured him a big bowl and Xuan gulped it down. He said nothing so Xiao Liu poured him another bowl. He gulped it down and took out a satchel from his robe. He opened it and pulled out a furry thing that looked like a snowball. He shook it and it expanded into a white fox tail “This is my little sister cousin’s precious treasure. When we were parting, she gave it to me but said it was just temporarily for me to play with. But that temporarily has become three hundred years.”

Xuan lightly stroked the white fox tail “My little sister is the daughter of my Aunt and my Master. I promised my Aunt I would take care of my little sister, but I broke my promise. When my little sister was small, she went missing. They all say she’s dead but I still have a shred of hope. I hope that she is alive and will come back to ask for this fox tail back. Ah Nian is also the daughter of my Master. I am good to her because it’s like being good to my missing sister.”

Xiao Liu appeared totally under the influence and needed to hold onto Xuan. He raised a bowl and used it to wipe away a tear. Xuan curled the fox tail back into a ball and put it into the satchel, and then tucked the satchel snugly next to his body. He poured more wine and drank with Xiao Liu.

After two jugs were finished, the two fell asleep drunk. In the middle of the night, Xiao Liu woke up to find Xuan had left. Xiao Liu couldn’t fall back asleep so laid awake until sunrise.

For the rest of the Winter, Xuan and Xiao Liu would often drink together. In the beginning, the two would shoot the breeze but after some time, Xuan really saw Xiao Liu as a friend and would even ask him how to use poisons. Xiao Liu was very honest and open with Xuan, telling him all about poisons and how to cure it and mix it. He even shared simple ways to avoid poisons. Sometimes Xiao Liu would earnestly warn him “Xiang Liu wants to kill you. Even if he can’t send soldiers to Qing Shui Town, the Sheng Nong resistance army is based near here for the past hundreds of years. You really should leave soon.”

Xuan thought they were real friends but when he wanted to get closer, 

Xiao Liu would pretend to be clueless.

The two appeared to be only superficial friends. When they were drunk, they could laugh. When they were sober, they were strangers.

Although it was not directly said, readers could guess that Xiao Liu is Xuan's little lost cousin. The nine tailed fox tail is evidence. When Xiao Liu was near death, she would think of her happy times in childhood with her mom and her brother. After, saving his life, I have a feeling Xuan really wanted to befriend Xiao Liu.It seems to me Xiao Liu was distancing herself from Xuan although liked spending time with him. Xuan must have felt that Xiao Liu might not be sincere because she also helped Xiang Liu, and therefore could not trust her completely. And Xiao Liu's feelings for Xiang Liu that she mentioned are honest because she don't hate him. Yet they could not be called "friends". 


So what your take ? ( writen mine ) -curious about your thoughts on this subject :)

I will reply very soon..

 Winny Aye:

I will reply very soon..

Looking foward to it :)! Have a Happy Day!


In summary, Xiao Liu's decision not to use painkillers can be interpreted as a symbolic expression of her resilience and determination, while her audible displays of pain may serve as a means of emotional catharsis, allowing her to confront and process the complexities of her injuries on both physical and emotional levels.

=> It portrays her as someone who confronts adversity with courage and uses pain as a catalyst for personal growth. This approach can be seen as a form of self-awareness, as Xiao Liu confronts and allows herself to feel and express the full range of painfull emotions associated with her experiences.

I love you explain it in details . I agree with you that Xiao Liu not using pain killers represents her confronting the complexities of her injuries on both physical and emotional levels. Her courage for personal growth is something.  And yes about self awareness, I think WXL is mostly very true to herself.

 Winny Aye:


In summary, Xiao Liu's decision not to use painkillers can be interpreted as a symbolic expression of her resilience and determination, while her audible displays of pain may serve as a means of emotional catharsis, allowing her to confront and process the complexities of her injuries on both physical and emotional levels.

=> It portrays her as someone who confronts adversity with courage and uses pain as a catalyst for personal growth. This approach can be seen as a form of self-awareness, as Xiao Liu confronts and allows herself to feel and express the full range of painfull emotions associated with her experiences.

I love you explain it in details . I agree with you that Xiao Liu not using pain killers represents her confronting the complexities of her injuries on both physical and emotional levels. Her courage for personal growth is something.  And yes about self awareness, I think WXL is mostly very true to herself.

Do you remember how she, Xiao Liu recognized immediatly that capacity on another character? It was Yeshiqi (ep.2-pic covering the scene):

She can recognise it , because she is just the same!. Having enduring torture in her youth, she became a doctor specialized in fertility, giving birth and giving life and hope to others.

=> As some other characters  (XL), tortured in youth too- ends up acting quite opposite: inflicting freely physical pain to others. He was beaten and  treated roughly in his youth too - but he just does the same to others.  It's a  mimic attitude. A vicious circle. It is certainly not an resilient attitude, even for soldiers. It suits more assassins methods.

And the opposite of Yeshiqi/TSJ & Xiao Liu/Xiao Yao's dealing with it, as we can see with their resilience attitudes..

* So - we just steped in another important point Xiao Liu/Xiao Yao - share with TSJ/Yeshiqi => her dealing with pain signify her inner strength and unwavering commitment to overcoming obstacles. By choosing not to numb her pain, Xiao Liu demonstrates a willingness to confront challenges head-on, embodying a sense of resilience that goes beyond mere physical healing. 

....Rather than suppressing or avoiding the pain, she confronts it daily, acknowledging and working through the emotional aspects of her injuries. This approach aligns with the idea that true healing involves not just the physical body but also the emotional and psychological aspects of one's well-being. As Yeshiqi did with the wounds infliged by his own brother and reaching out for the flower of life/love scents he can recognise and choose, even when seemingly completly broken and bearing all the pain.

we just steped in another important point Xiao Liu/Xiao Yao - share with TSJ/Yeshiqi


                             Connections between Xiao Liu's - Yeshiqi 's approach to pain and torture:

Resilience and Determination:

  • Xiao Liu's Healing Process: Xiao Liu demonstrates resilience through her commitment to healing and her willingness to endure the pain associated with her injuries. Her choice not to use painkillers symbolizes a determination to face challenges head-on, similar to how she actively engages in her own healing process.

  • Yeshiqi's Endurance: Yeshiqi's ability to endure torture without making a sound or revealing weakness also reflects a profound resilience. His stoic endurance suggests a determination to withstand the physical and emotional torment imposed upon him. Like Xiao Liu, he chooses to confront the pain rather than succumb to it, showcasing inner strength and fortitude.

Emotional Catharsis through Pain Endurance:

  • Xiao Liu's Audible Expression: Xiao Liu's daily howls serve as an audible expression of her pain, offering a cathartic release for the emotional turmoil she experiences. The act of vocalizing her suffering becomes a form of emotional purging, allowing her to process and confront the challenges she faces.

  • Yeshiqi's Silent Endurance: Yeshiqi, on the other hand, endures the torture silently. His ability to keep his emotions in check and maintain composure despite the intense pain reflects a different approach to emotional catharsis. The control he exerts over his reactions suggests a silent, internal processing of the trauma he undergoes.

Dignity Amidst Adversity:

  • Xiao Liu's Respect for Yeshiqi: Xiao Liu's respect for Yeshiqi grows as she witnesses his composed behavior during the healing process. Despite the degrading and shameful nature of the torture he endured, Yeshiqi maintains his dignity. Xiao Liu recognizes parallels between his response to torture and her own reaction, understanding that the person being shamed may possess more dignity than the one inflicting shame.

  • Symbolism of Dignity in Pain: Both characters, Xiao Liu and Yeshiqi, symbolize the preservation of dignity in the face of adversity. Xiao Liu's decision not to use painkillers and Yeshiqi's composed endurance of torture illustrate that their characters transcend mere physical pain; they maintain a sense of self-respect and dignity in the midst of challenging circumstances.

In essence, the parallel narratives of Xiao Liu and Yeshiqi showcase the multifaceted nature of resilience, determination, and emotional catharsis. Both characters choose to confront pain and adversity in their unique ways, contributing to their individual growth and portraying the richness of their characters within the narrative.

* Resumé: 

YSQ/TSJ: Silent echoes of pain reverberate within, yet in silence, strength is found. Endurance, the quiet anthem of resilience.

XY/Xiao Liu: In the symphony of healing, pain is the melody that underscores transformation. She choose not to mute the notes, for within them lies the raw beauty of resilience.


                                              **** Resilient Echoes -XiaoJing Bond****

The shared experiences of enduring pain +> demonstrating resilience, and maintaining dignity in the face of adversity  create another strong bond between Xiao Liu and Yeshiqi. Here's how their commonalities in facing challenges can bring them closer:

  1. Mutual Understanding: Both Xiao Liu and Yeshiqi have undergone intense physical and emotional challenges. This shared experience can lead to a mutual understanding of each other's struggles. They may recognize the strength and determination in one another, fostering a deeper connection based on empathy and shared hardship.

  2. Respect for Strength: Witnessing each other's ability to endure pain and adversity may instill a profound respect for the strength and resilience they possess. This mutual respect can serve as a foundation for trust and building a strong relationship, as they recognize the inner fortitude in one another.

  3. Empathy for Emotional Struggles: The emotional catharsis they both experience—Xiao Liu through her audible expressions of pain and Yeshiqi through his silent endurance—can create a bridge of empathy. They may understand the emotional toll of their respective challenges and find solace in knowing that the other person comprehends the internal struggles they face.

  4. Shared Symbolism of Dignity: Both characters symbolize the preservation of dignity despite the pain and humiliation they endure. This shared symbolism can create a sense of solidarity. They appreciate each other's ability to maintain a sense of self-respect, finding common ground in their response to adversity.

  5. Collective Growth Through Challenges: The journey of overcoming challenges and enduring pain can be transformative. As Xiao Liu and Yeshiqi navigate their individual paths of healing and growth, their shared experiences can contribute to a sense of collective growth. Facing challenges together create a bond that goes beyond mere understanding, evolving into a deeper connection forged in the crucible of shared adversity.

  6. Interdependence in Healing: Yeshiqi assumes the role of caregiver, a poignant reversal of roles that transcends the bounds of physical mending. Xiao Liu, accustomed to being the healer, finds solace in the reciprocity of care as Yeshiqi tends to her wounds. Their interdependence becomes a powerful dynamic, intertwining their destinies as each becomes the salve to the other's wounds. Xiao Liu's skills as a healer meld seamlessly with Yeshiqi's need for care, creating a profound connection that extends beyond the realm of physical recovery. In this symbiotic dance of support and healing, they navigate the complexities of their shared journey, forging bonds that deepen with every shared moment of vulnerability and strength. The caregiver & the doc.

In summary, their shared experiences of resilience, determination, and maintaining dignity in the face of adversity lay the groundwork for a connection built on understanding, respect, and empathy. As they navigate their individual journeys, the parallels in their responses to challenges  can draw Xiao Liu and Yeshiqi even more closer together, forming a bond that transcends the physical and emotional pain they've endured.

 Winny Aye:
Chapter 6: Like a Familiar Person Has Come

Have to read yours and Pengs general ch.6 posts - cause just finished my thoughts around the non taking painkillers you mentioned:D....So a little late, but this subject interested me a lot! <3 Will catch up! 

ps: if you have anything to add regarding my post, please let me know <3

 Winny Aye:


In summary, Xiao Liu's decision not to use painkillers can be interpreted as a symbolic expression of her resilience and determination, while her audible displays of pain may serve as a means of emotional catharsis, allowing her to confront and process the complexities of her injuries on both physical and emotional levels.

=> It portrays her as someone who confronts adversity with courage and uses pain as a catalyst for personal growth. This approach can be seen as a form of self-awareness, as Xiao Liu confronts and allows herself to feel and express the full range of painfull emotions associated with her experiences.

I love you explain it in details . I agree with you that Xiao Liu not using pain killers represents her confronting the complexities of her injuries on both physical and emotional levels. Her courage for personal growth is something.  And yes about self awareness, I think WXL is mostly very true to herself.

  agree with both of you. I honestly did not pay much attention to that when reading the chapter.   From someone who had stated in previous chapters that she feared pain the most, it is strange and admirable that she is willing to endure it .

@Symbolika1  finally I finished you chap 5 analysis. Perfect. All the points have been covered.


Have to read yours and Pengs general ch.6 posts - cause just finished my thoughts around the non taking painkillers you mentioned:D....So a little late, but this subject interested me a lot! <3 Will catch up! 

ps: if you have anything to add regarding my post, please let me know <3

Mine is completed. It is very short because WXY left  Jing again. lol 

Do you remember how she, Xiao Liu recognized immediatly that capacity on another character? It was Yeshiqi  

@Symbolika1.  Those   have a few thing in common. Nice to see this.  

@Symbolica 1 

Are you going to put this  analysis of WXL and YSQ  and pain with chapter 5? Or 6. It is very interesting.  

Do you remember how she, Xiao Liu recognized immediatly that capacity on another character? It was Yeshiqi  

@Symbolika1.  Those   have a few thing in common. Nice to see this.  

Professional deformation :D And us , taking time and sharing here is a bliss! Helps a lot <3 With that said, can't wait to read you more @Winny and @Peng, Happy HUgs! XD!


Good analysis of the whole chapter. Did find when WXL was remembering her cousin when they were young  so touching because at that same moment XL  extremely angry at what she had done.   Xuan wanting a friend is something that touched me. All those years he was not able  to build a friendship with someone.