YaoJing artwork i found from Koala page too..love how they are amoug wisteria flowers..

Yes I do think YaoJing love is beyond time.

 Winny Aye:
Lost You Forever titles associating with poems...

Thank you for your in puts! <3

 As I belive this was writen with passion, it is a very subjective and reductive point of view on the subject! As such it is to take only as that: the creator's of this thread point of view, and his own perception, and understanding. 

I wanted to respond directly and in depth to his point of view, but finally for now , I'll just share here some notes about it :). So this person don't feel attacked, wich is the last thing I would  intend!:)

                         * Overall : His analysis  is certainly not a  canon one, very very far from that I think :

1.Overall Bias Towards Xiang Liu:

While the analyses provide a compelling perspective, it seems that there may be an intentional bias towards Xiang Liu's character, concretly overshadowing the other characters, in  particularly Jing and Cang Xuan. It's crucial to note that the narrative is multifaceted, and each character plays a significant role in shaping the overall story. To ensure a comprehensive understanding, we should explore the nuances associated with all the main characters.

2.Subjectivity in Literary Analysis:

Literary analysis is inherently subjective, influenced by personal experiences, interpretations, and perspectives.

 =>The danger lies in the potential restriction that subjectivity can impose. An exclusive focus on one character might inadvertently overlook the richness and complexity of the relationships involving other characters.

=> I think that it is essential to acknowledge the potential limitations of subjectivity and bias, ensuring a holistic exploration of the narrative and characters. By considering alternative perspectives and embracing the complexity of relationships, we can truly appreciate the depth of the author's storytelling.  Who never explicit by herself the whole constellation of all possible meanings to the use of those poems in her work.

So as follow:

 In examining literary analyses, it's crucial to approach the material with an open mind, acknowledging that interpretations may vary among readers. The following critique aims to offer a comprehensive perspective, addressing various facets of the discussed poems. 

.It's important to note that literary analysis often involves subjective interpretation, and different readers may derive diverse meanings from the same text. 

*This critique, therefore my answer: 

 seeks to highlight potential biases and limitations in the analyses while presenting alternative viewpoints. 

Let's develop.


Vol 2 - Ch 15 (Chapter 32): 隻影向誰去 A Shadow Headed in Which Direction

Poem: 摸魚兒-雁丘 - Grave of the Swallow (by Yuan Hao Wen)

The poet reflects on the nature of love, its joys, sorrows, and the bittersweet nature of parting. 


  • The poem's themes of joy, sorrow, and separation are universal and can apply to various characters, including Jing and Cang Xuan.

    • Jing: The poem's universal themes could resonate with Jing, who experiences joy and sorrow in his relationship with Xiao Yao. His parting from her during her journey is a moment of separation.
    • Cang Xuan: The theme of separation may also relate to Cang Xuan, who, despite his deep connection with Xiao Yao, has moments of distance due to his duties and responsibilities.

Conclusion: By expanding the interpretation to includeing, and Cang Xuan, we capture the multifaceted nature of the characters and their relationships, illustrating that the themes of the poem have relevance beyond a singular perspective.

Vol 2 - Ch 16 (Chapter 33): 風不定,人初靜 The Wind is Moving, The Person is Still

Poem: 天仙子-送春 - Farewell to the Spring by 張先 - Zhang Xian

The poet describes the passage of time and the fleeting nature of life. While it's associated with longing, it doesn't exclusively align with any specific character.


  • The poem's themes of transience and longing are broad and can be linked to various characters, including Jing waiting for Xiao Yao's return.
  • Jing's Longing: The poem's depiction of the fleeting nature of life and the passage of time can resonate with Jing's experience. As he patiently awaits Xiao Yao's return, he may reflect on the impermanence of moments and the longing for her company during the changing seasons.
  • Transience in Relationships: The broader theme of transience can be applied to relationships in the story, not limited to a specific character. It reflects the impermanence of connections and the inevitable changes that occur in the characters' lives.

Conclusion: Expanding the interpretation to include Jing's perspective provides a more comprehensive view of the poem's themes, demonstrating that the ideas of transience and longing are not exclusive to a single character's experience.

Vol 3 - Ch1 (Chapter 34) – 東風惡,歡情薄 (The Malevolent East Wind, the Fleeting Pleasure)

                                                 Poem: 釵頭鳳 - Phoenix Hairpin by 陸遊 - Lu You

The poet expresses the deep yearning between a couple separated for years. While it could be tied to Xiang Liu, it's equally applicable to Jing, who experiences a similar separation from Xiao Yao.


  • The theme of yearning and separation can be seen in Jing's storyline, making the interpretation broader than focusing solely on Xiang Liu.
  • Broad Theme of Separation: Lu You's poem captures a universal theme of separation and longing, extending beyond a specific character. Jing's separation from Xiao Yao, paralleling the sentiments in the poem, broadens the scope of its relevance.

Conclusion: By acknowledging Jing's storyline and the theme of separation, the interpretation becomes more inclusive, emphasizing that the poem's sentiments  can be applied to another character.


Vol 3 Ch17 (Chapter 50) 结发两不疑 Hair Bound Together Without Any Doubts

                                Poem: 留别妻 Parting from My Wife (poet unknown)

The poem describes a man leaving for war, promising to return if alive. While it'can be associated with Xiang Liu, it also deeply resonates with Cang Xuan's sacrifice for his people.


  • The poem's theme of sacrifice for a greater cause applies to Cang Xuan as well, adding complexity beyond Xiang Liu. Cang Xuan, driven by a sense of duty, sacrifices personal happiness for the greater good, mirroring the sentiments of the poem .
  • Dual Interpretation: While Xiang Liu's sacrifice is evident, acknowledging Cang Xuan's comparable sacrifice adds depth to the poem's relevance. Both characters share the common thread of sacrificing personal happiness for broader responsibilities!.

Conclusion: Expanding the analysis to include Cang Xuan enhances the richness of interpretation, illustrating that the poem captures the sacrifices made by multiple characters...

Vol 3 - Ch16 (Chapter 49): 相逢犹恐是梦中 Fearing still that this meeting is in a dream.

                                 Poem: 鹧鸪天 - The Partridge's Sky by 晏几道 - Yan Jidao

The poet expresses the fear that their meeting might be a dream. The poem also reflects the uncertainty in Xiao Yao's relationship with both Jing and Cang Xuan.


  • The fear of a dream-like meeting can also be applied to both Jing, who finally reunites with Xiao Yao, and Cang Xuan, whose connection with Xiao Yao has its uncertainties:
  •  Jing's Reunion: The fear of a dream-like meeting resonates with Jing's long-awaited reunion with Xiao Yao. The uncertainty and disbelief that this moment is real apply to Jing's perspective as much as to Xiang Liu.
  • Cang Xuan's Uncertainties: Considering Cang Xuan's intricate relationship with Xiao Yao, the fear expressed in the poem also captures the uncertainties in their connection. Cang Xuan, like Xiang Liu, faces the possibility that their interactions might be ephemeral or illusory, impossible.

Dual Interpretation: The poem encompasses the broader spectrum of relationships, including Jing's joyous reunion and Cang Xuan's complex connection, challenging a singular focus on Xiang Liu.

Conclusion: Expanding the analysis to encompass Jing and Cang Xuan shows that the poem's themes extend beyond Xiang Liu, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the characters' experiences and fears.


                             Conclusion: Embracing Open Interpretations

In literary analysis, the beauty lies in the diversity of interpretations. The poems woven into the fabric of "Lost You Forever" are no exception. While one might be tempted to tether these verses exclusively to the character of Xiang Liu, a more enriching approach is to keep the interpretations open, allowing the poems to resonate with various facets of the narrative.

1. Characters' Universality:

  • Allowing open interpretations acknowledges that the characters, especially protagonists like Jing and Cang Xuan, share universal human experiences of love, separation, and longing. Each character's journey adds unique layers to these shared emotions.

2. Story's Complexity:

  • Tong Hua's story thrives on complexity, weaving a tapestry of relationships, sacrifices, and choices. Restricting the analysis to a single character overlooks the intricate connections that contribute to the narrative's richness.

3. Reader Engagement:

  • Open interpretations invite readers to engage actively with the text. Encouraging diverse viewpoints enhances the reading experience, prompting discussions, and allowing for a more inclusive understanding of the characters' emotional landscapes.

4. Multiple Narratives/Harmony:

  • The novel is a narrative symphony with multiple characters playing distinct roles. A holistic interpretation embraces this harmony, acknowledging that each character's story is a crucial note contributing to the overarching melody of the novel.
  • The novel deliberately incorporates multiple perspectives, and each character's storyline is a narrative thread contributing to the overarching tale. Open interpretations honor this narrative diversity, allowing each character to shine in their unique light.

5. Avoiding Reductionism:

  • Reducing the poems solely to one character risks oversimplification. Embracing open interpretations prevents the reduction of multifaceted characters to a singular lens, fostering a more nuanced understanding of their motivations and struggles.

In essence, the beauty of these poems lies in their ability to evoke a myriad of emotions and connect with various characters in different ways. Embracing open interpretations celebrates the depth and complexity of the narrative, inviting readers to explore the rich tapestry of "Lost You Forever" from multiple angles.

=> The novel's brilliance lies in its refusal to be reduced to a single storyline or character  as to  invites readers to immerse themselves in the entirety of the narrative, unlocking a more profound and fulfilling reading experience.  BUT SURELY NOT TO REDUCE IT!. 

                                       Question:)=> Why would someone reduce a colorfull palette????

 Winny Aye:
YaoJing love is beyond time.

Hahaha I may answer this tomorrow or later...made a long post already!:D

 Winny Aye:

Yes she vowed to herself she will be forever his wife.

So this should be considered when analysing those poem. Only Jing has been refered by XY as her husband. 


Girl, you know they’ll LITERALLY twist anything relating to XY & Jing. Heck even if XY says she loves Jing,they’ll say she actually means the serpent ??. Damn if you,damn if you don’t. XY literally wanted to die in the coffin to go meet Jing cos he’d taken her soul with him. Besides koala page is heavily xl fan, so she writes a whole freaking thesis about xl before she starts the story itself so I wouldn’t count on that. That’s why I put whysodrama blog on here,cos she translates the exact words written in the novel for better understanding.

100% agree with all you wrote. 


Lmao but didn’t XY already made her vows & also when she found out that it was CX who ordered the hit on Jing & the YE hiding it from her. She said,’one killed my husband & my other relative helped hide it’, so in short, she’s already his wife…dead or alive. Even when she attacked the serpent,she also told him that, you never harmed Jing & you wouldn’t do the same thing to his wife. The evidence is RIGHT THERE!!!?.

EXACTLY. All in the written by TH.

lol the world doesn’t revolve around the serpent,now this is where I’m gonna be mean. He’s STILL A DEAD MAN & dead men tell no tales, no matter how they look at it,he’s gonna croak.  Do they think XY will run to him,if he made his feelings known? XY can be dense sometimes but very smart when it comes to matters of the heart. Do they want her to end up like her mother? Cos it’ll be a continuous cycle. Lmao hilarious,feelings & love is something you can’t control & her feelings for Jing has been there since day 1! Even the serpent is not a fool cos he knows who she’s in love with. Or they want Jing to say,’okay, run & be with Mr serpent, cos I know you like him’ lmao..maybe they like seeing XY heartbroken , it arouses them 🥴. I dunno,maybe they’re sadists🤷🏽‍♀️.

 => iQIYI’s costume drama “与晋长安” • Casts: #SongYi #DengWei • Filming is expected to start from March 2024. 

=>Youku's female centric historical drama: "Kill My Sins" (掌心) Director: Wang Wei (Day and Night, Fearless Whispers) Tentatively Starring: #YuShuxin and #DengWei 

Two main incoming great costume dramas and directors for Deng Wei <3! 



And more in my thread :D :https://mydramalist.com/discussions/general-discussion/121137-deng-wei-a-daily-picture-show?page=last#p2856803


 => iQIYI’s costume drama “与晋长安” • Casts: #SongYi #DengWei • Filming is expected to start from March 2024. 

=>Youku's female centric historical drama: "Kill My Sins" (掌心) Director: Wang Wei (Day and Night, Fearless Whispers) Tentatively Starring: #YuShuxin and #DengWei 

Two main incoming great costume dramas and directors for Deng Wei <3! 

Saw this on twitter and another one with another female actress, it has a war/female general vibe but dunno how credible it is.

@Winny Aye 

What this fan wrote is beautiful.  All Jing fans I am sure felt the same. 

What this fan wrote is beautiful.  All Jing fans I am sure felt the same. 

I was I was moved too! <3

It sounds like a love hymn...


Excellent analyses and point is view regarding thd poem.  

I was bias towards Jing   lol.


 => iQIYI’s costume drama “与晋长安” • Casts: #SongYi #DengWei • Filming is expected to start from March 2024. 

=>Youku's female centric historical drama: "Kill My Sins" (掌心) Director: Wang Wei (Day and Night, Fearless Whispers) Tentatively Starring: #YuShuxin and #DengWei 

Two main incoming great costume dramas and directors for Deng Wei <3! 



And more in my thread :D :https://mydramalist.com/discussions/general-discussion/121137-deng-wei-a-daily-picture-show?page=last#p2856803

The one with  Yu Shuxin will be very hard for me to watch. I will focus on  their lips  lol 

The one with  Yu Shuxin will be very hard for me to watch. I will focus on  their lips  lol 

You are sooo right! :D 

Fanart of DW's lips....<3

                                                                                     "Meeting in nightwoods"

A quick inspiration :D, Have a good day <3


Excellent analyses and point is view regarding thd poem.  

I was bias towards Jing.

lol I was bias towards Jing too. Yes Symbolika made really good analysis on poems involvement. We should not consider it applies to only 1 character. But most like to the events that were happening the main characters. Yes its a good job.