
Winny Aye 

I think I will be rereading the the whole book from prolouge to epilouge again. I mean Thai version. So may take few days.

if you can, go. (⁠^⁠^⁠) im sure the transl is not that far from orig ch one or the transl eng?. 

Sounds of Desert. 

hope i can make time for this soon.(⁠^⁠^⁠) 

anyway, ill always stick to what TH said and how Tencent teased us w/yaojing focused shorts, them as harmonious lovers, and more, and TH's  part of the LYF team and they kissed!! {so naturally and intimately done, though not as how the novel described it coz of course, we know, right, censorship smth haha.} and had flirty eye contacts and that we're so obese w/those. lmao. so discussions are good too for some exercises here. haha.

lol the novel’s version was very steamy hehe, even I was like well damn, this is HOT & kept smiling like an idiot lmao. But I wanted them to add the part where Jing kissed XY’s eyelashes,her hair & smile. I think I’d have passed out ? if they had included that part??


Yup! This is from the own horses mouth,’the one XY is missing is tushan Jing’. Did we force him to say that? NO! Did we put a gun to his head to make him say that? NO! He knows & feels it from XY herself. During their breakup, XY, ah nian & Xing Yue went shopping & XY came out to get some air,a car drove by accidentally splashing water on her which made her drop her accessory case. Jing bent down to take it for her & when she knelt & saw it was Jing,all the emotions she tried soo hard to suppress came rushing back, she started crying & had to flee from him.

right. haha true. he knew it himself so why would he take advantage of her situation, that would not be him, he would be like xuan. xuan thought that w/o jing, xy can see her as a lover or at least begin to see him as that, but at that point, yaojing has gone deeper already, in short, too late, way too late. yess that part, he was the last one she bid farewell with, and it wasn't planned, just coz of the smell of the food. my heart broke for their unexpected meeting on the street. one of the scenes i wanted to see in the drama, and for sure will need boxes of tissues for the first eps in s2. (⁠T⁠T⁠)(⁠T⁠T⁠)


I think we will, cos Jie Chang from the Ji tribe will be with Jing cos he’s been staying at his place since Jing’s marriage with YY. I think I saw a pic of the actor who’s going too play Lie Ji Chang on twitter in his costume & also the boat scene too. I’ve never seen XY cry soo much for any man except Jing. After their heart to heart talk, she still cried in his arms & when she realized it,she was feeling shy lol. Girrrl it’s a bit to late to feel shy, when you were bawling your eyes out in Jing’s arms tho hehe.

 Winny Aye:

The reason is his body is not found and within she still believes he could come back...still yearning for him...u know what i mean... yep I do not deny her bond other guys

yes. she said it's better if he died in her arms at least they'll say their farewells to each other but not one that he just disappeared and everyone's saying he died. she's so pitiful there, even how the y.emp described her is breaking my heart, even w/ miao pu's thoughts, {i wanted to see how the drama did this part though, if it's as heart-rending as the novel} she was like a bride left on the altar. ? it wasn't easy for them to reach that point, they've been through so much. yes i think that only with xuan that yl and yj would meet in the middle lol. 

 Winny Aye:

Lol its Halloween time. Tmr is oct31..i will think about some aesthetic. .??..off to do some work..will come back  later

haha go. I'll wait for tmr before i share what i found if it's not yet shared though. haha. looking forward to that. :⁠-⁠D*⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠*

 Winny Aye:

For me this the most accurate word! :) I think this word can relate to her feelings of attraction/ reactions to the seduction, sexual desire . But as "confused" as XY have been => Jing is undeniably the one she freely choose to touch, caress, kiss etc. Temptation and toying with a man was never enough from XiaoYao pov to rip her from Jing !- to whom she once again , acted with    full (conscious/unconscious) womanly desires and love  :).

You can come to desire someone, but what I think is important, is how you deal with it when you are already deeply in love with someone, someone who is sexualy attractive to you  too, as you always touch him with pleasure. And I'm glad of Xiao Yao's reactivity/objectivity , because she just know what she want most :).

(bb some stuff in my atelier to do :p)


lol the novel’s version was very steamy hehe, even I was like well damn, this is HOT & kept smiling like an idiot lmao. But I wanted them to add the part where Jing kissed XY’s eyelashes,her hair & smile. I think I’d have passed out ? if they had included that part??

you're not alone there, my reaction too the first time reading it, lmao. i was like ohhhhhhhh wait, read slowly LOL, there's one like this in this novel too? that's a lot, wonder how the drama would be? ?? yessss they cut a lot {even with Jing during the cherry blossom death scene with trying to wake XY up.} but yesss me too that'd be toooooooo much already for us to handle lmao. {i remember stardramachaser's Facebook post that someone had been replaying that kiss scene and her mom, i think accdg to gg transl haha, asked her why that certain part of the song keeps repeating or being replayed nonstop smth like that ??}

xuan has the greatest part of her heart

Can't agree :) adjective "greatest" is way to much :D! 



I think we will, cos Jie Chang from the Ji tribe will be with Jing cos he’s been staying at his place since Jing’s marriage with YY. I think I saw a pic of the actor who’s going too play Lie Ji Chang on twitter in his costume & also the boat scene too. I’ve never seen XY cry soo much for any man except Jing. After their heart to heart talk, she still cried in his arms & when she realized it,she was feeling shy lol. Girrrl it’s a bit to late to feel shy, when you were bawling your eyes out in Jing’s arms tho hehe.

i saw that too, haha. he's one annoying but interesting char esp for yaojing and the boat scene haha. how he keeps pushing Jing to XY and being his spokesperson lol.

that's soooo true. her vulnerability shows most with him. yesss lol. too late to feel shy like when she also cried for hrs when Jing came at the right time with his crane {which i hope s2 will let us seeeeee--the crane!} during her royal mother supposed coronation day that they didn't notice, they're the only ones left in that hall. Lmao. {another i hope they won't cut out coz whyyyy that's an impt part of their reunion, so im holding onto my little hope haha.}

Can y'all post other Jing art here, cos the gangster one in suits is being used as wallpaper on my phone lol ☺️. That art is too fire ?, whoever did it, THANK YOU!!!!!? & please do more mmkay?


Can y'all post other Jing art here, cos the gangster one in suits is being used as wallpaper on my phone lol ☺️. That art is too fire ?, whoever did it, THANK YOU!!!!!? & please do more mmkay?

okay i saw some others, lol wait ?

 Winny Aye:
Lol its Halloween time. Tmr is oct31..i will think about some aesthetic. .??..off to do some work..will come back  later

See ya! <3

so what’s the point in trying to be a rebound when you know you’re already going to croak & when you know she’s already in love with another man?

Agree :D

 Winny Aye:
But to me from TH words, their love blooms because they have same inner core wish. Thats why it broke a XY' shell that covers her heart. In life we could meet people we are attracted towards but how many of them would make you want to stick together with them without any force....thats what i get...

Exactly what I meant to write :D

Hahaha :p

so discussions are good too for some exercises here. haha.

Watch out your muscles! :D


it may not be as interesting as the gangsta DW/Jing one haha, but here's some i found along w/that gangsta edit being shared on weibo haha.

his jewelries and diamond necklace though and his foxy ears and flowers lol.