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Update: Deng Wei Vlog Lost You Forever Celebration night ?

There's whole videohttps://twitter.com/dailydengwei/status/1716420677480399298

 Winny Aye:
lol i dont know how to give advice only that lets share some scenary from novel and  drama on S1 main section. How about if i share jing song there?

Yes! Thanks! (carefully with letting aeration, their bashing is so unpleasant => I really dont want us to go/give this strangling image of us :)

for winny 's scrapbook(cr.to owner)

I have shared Jing song lyrics on S1 main comment section. I will repost it here too. 

"You are the moonlight that caresses the scars left by time.Healing the past. You are the breeze that dispels the lies in the world. Healing the changes of life. You are the warm sun that opens the window to darkness.  Removing the confusion. You are the flowers that bloom with the fragrance of life. Healing my time. I've kissed your sweetness and your warmth. I've kissed your purity and your truth. No more wandering hearts and no more panic in love. No more hardships. Times all turn into sweetness. I promised to love you deep and treasure you lifelong. I promised a lifetime companionship to the end of the world. You are no longer alone and I am no longer sorrowful. Along with you, I can bloom and grow    "..

Calming up the day..????


for winny 's scrapbook(cr.to owner)

Lol I didn’t even notice he side hugged her, I was too immersed in their visuals & happy vibe ?


for winny 's scrapbook(cr.to owner)

thanks for sharing ...very beautiful blue and inspiring..?

 Winny Aye:


I don’t understand? Are they saying XY’s peach blossom only vanishes because of the serpent? Errrmmm didn’t it also disappear when Jing kissed her,but returned again after the kiss? Scratch that, it definitely did but since they choose to skip Jing’s part,they didn’t notice that part too?.

What is the meaning of peach blossom? Well whats wrong with that? She dont have to lost her bloom because of Jing. because its her birth mark...right

Yeah but apparently they’re making it seem something “special” when it ain’t all that ??


Hand in hand inS2. Fighting their way! 

I like how her thumb ?? was on his jaw, that’s kinda hot

 Winny Aye:
Calming up the day..????

 Winny Aye:
I promised a lifetime companionship to the end of the world. You are no longer alone and I am no longer sorrowful. Along with you, I can bloom and grow  

Enjoying my tea with you thanks winny


Yeah but apparently they’re making it seem something “special” when it ain’t all that ??

i dont care  . you see i dont even care about those love bugs thingy , ? XL already accepted his fate. XY have another man in her heart and she and jing worked together to their destination ...=> thats yaojing...

I like how her thumb ?? was on his jaw, that’s kinda hot

3 angles of this one :p 

 Winny Aye:
i dont care  . you see i dont even care about those love bugs thingy , ? XL already accepted his fate. XY have another man in her heart and she and jing worked together to their destination ...=> thats yaojing...

The rest is...

heavy brainstorming to get what you need to feel ok. Because your fav has reached ironicly his own goals.


3 angles of this one :p 

I see what you tryna do there ?, cos if my woman did this,I’d sure let the candle flame on lol. I understand why Jing’s subconscious was lit ? again Tehehe ? 


The rest is...

heavy brainstorming to get what you need to feel ok.

I love this cartoon and gif ....??

From a friend from Tw. with this comment=>He’s so covered up but I feel like he’s not wearing much………. he’s good at doing that zzzz Reminds me of this one… so exposed.. but so covered.. but so exposed ... :D!