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XL witnesses Xiao Yao’s love for Jing by sight and feeling.  In the end, he selflessly helps them be together - this is so admirable and let us not forget that.  He loves Xiao Yao, by extension of the bug, loves what Xiao Yao loves.  

i will not downgrade XL in anyway.  Will respect the guy for his maturity and selflessness. but i cant deny or  think he wont make good romantic partner by all his actions in lyf. I mean it s questionable. 

 Winny Aye:

Yep ...very idiotic one. I cannot get to their fantasy of men..they want to lable Jing as "weak" ....thats all. I cant wait for S2 when they reconcoil and get married .

There’re women who don’t value themselves & it shows in their actions & choices. Run from women like that cos they’ll make you as miserable as them. There’re soo many CX & xl walking around but a few Jing,that’s why a Jing is precious cos he’s a rare jem. Why do think a lot of women are on meds or seeing a shrink? They’d rather cheat on a Jing for a CX or xl cos he’s not breaking their hearts,using them or abusing them.

 Just cannot stand physical violence.

                                                                                   He lost me forever right there.


                                                                                   He lost me forever right there.

So true!  Lost me forever in seeing validity in XL shipping.  

I am a YaoJing shipper from the very beginning and will stay true to them.  


"It's only Xiao Yao that is saving Jing's life. For three times, Jing cannot save Xiao Yao at all. The reason why he decided to die with Xiao Yao in the fire is because he has no strength to help her at all. He is a weak man. The only thing is that he is born to a rich family so that he has some intelligence that he can give what Xiao Yao want.thats all. He is both weak mentally and physically..." -->{this is enough, i can't continue w/this}.

For this i will answer with what XL said on chapter 47.

"If Tu Shan Jing was stupid and careless enough to have let Hou pull this off, then all I can say is that for the past hundreds of years, I was dealing with a totally different Tu Shan Jing.”

is this what you've replied that acct's comment? lol *⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠*you just dropped a bomb there, jijiji. i know we said before that we should engage less w/them or not engage at all esp on mdl s1 page and talk less abt it here on the thread too but ill let this one here coz it's true, it's XL himself who said it and this line is from TH's novel, did they miss this by any chance and keep repeating themselves w/those arguments? i can't w/them.

it's not his fault his family has lots of fortune, he's brilliant, and he's so talented that he can create or enhance his own powers and that no one can rival him {that if he wasn't tortured and his powers weren't sealed, then Hou can't even touch a strand of his hair} go complain to TH. so being rich means being intelligent to know what XY wants and give it? did i get that right? =⁠_⁠= *i feel like i see stars*


Wait is that Wei ying & lan zhan???

Actually I’ve yet to read the novel cos damn it I’m already busy with thousand autumns , wait I’m not even done with Princess agents too??


Those jeans are so cool!  So creative!  I might DIY one myself, thanks to Deng Wei!  He inspires positivity! ?

yessssss thanks for bringing it up (⁠^⁠^⁠) i find it so funny coz the c-fan said how did the 2 pants connect and that emoji and made me laugh so hard when i noticed the design too and that fan's reaction.? his fashion taste and his way of matching his ootd, head to foot, is reallyyy interesting and he dares to wear them confidently and proud, i mean that makes him standout(⁠^⁠^⁠) and yesss he inspires positivity, trueeee.^⁠_⁠^??


There’re women who don’t value themselves & it shows in their actions & choices. Run from women like that cos they’ll make you as miserable as them. There’re soo many CX & xl walking around but a few Jing,that’s why a Jing is precious cos he’s a rare jem. Why do think a lot of women are on meds or seeing a shrink? They’d rather cheat on a Jing for a CX or xl cos he’s not breaking their hearts,using them or abusing them.

Our society does not lack any CX or XL.  But there is a severe lack of Jing.

Let’s pray that for any girl who already has a Jing in her life, she won’t let him go, and that she loves and appreciates him.

Actually I’ve yet to read the novel cos damn it I’m already busy with thousand autumns , wait I’m not even done with Princess agents too??

The Untamed was my rabbit hole to CDrama hahaha! Yeah I have too much ongoing things too :p.


Oh so he...could have wanted Jing all for himself? :D Just joking around (I love those 2 below btw) - But the pressure in here was so high these days, with xl fan crew, and their bashing, that I was near to unlike completely the character, because of twisted mental repercussion he gives to some people :).

I think this is a completly different story :p...

yessssss oh myyy same---

btw, this is sooooo cute? SY related stuff? My mind's kind of his villain role and Jing or SY lol, need to recharge haha


yessssss oh myyy same---

btw, this is sooooo cute? SY related stuff? My mind's kind of his villain role and Jing or SY lol, need to recharge haha

Lol that’s Wei wuxian & lan zhan from untamed


XL may be the strongest by individual strength and most beautiful (ok, depends on the eyes of the beholder) in looks.  But most girls (including myself) are eternally turned away from him because he greeted Xiao Yao with 40 whips!  Just cannot stand physical violence.  All the good from him that came after just cannot overcome the memory of that physical violence.  This is an Eternal Strikeout!!

But I am curious, those women supports the Yao-Liu shipping, how do they psychologically process,  overcome the effect of physical violence in a relationship, let alone support it?

XL is beautiful and his silver hair stay smooth throughout S1. About 40 whips, an XL fan had argue it before that its for trepassing. WXL could be spy. But the way he steps on her is something  . He greeted her by making her fall of chair and throwing off her from above . Even in the second half the way of novel, he treated XY in controling way including creating pain in her heart and i dont understand his theory of treat her rough so that she wont loves him or to have good feelings for him. I find it quite a sadist extreme way. Just like XY why would he think times are not memorable. XL certain ly is a romantic guy.. but certainly not romantic lover.  I mean who would want to be after a man who will push you away (if xl fans are certain xy love s him).. well there may be women who are after men who will push them away...but do you  think its going to benefit any living? thats what I mean.

By the way....thanks for joining yaojing family here..??


yessssss thanks for bringing it up (⁠^⁠^⁠) i find it so funny coz the c-fan said how did the 2 pants connect and that emoji and made me laugh so hard when i noticed the design too and that fan's reaction.? his fashion taste and his way of matching his ootd, head to foot, is reallyyy interesting and he dares to wear them confidently and proud, i mean that makes him standout(⁠^⁠^⁠) and yesss he inspires positivity, trueeee.^⁠_⁠^??

You need 2 pairs of similar sized jeans.  A pair of short jeans for the inside.  You can connect permanently by sewing them together, or connect temporarily by using several dozens of small safety pins.  They way how the outer layer folds down, i cannot tell whether he sewed them together or safety-pin connected together.  If i were him, I would sew them together.  His jeans are one and only….  I laughed really hard when i saw that picture.  That was the happy pill of the day!  Thanks again for posting it.  My appreciation for DW went up a level for his creativity.  ? 


The Untamed was my rabbit hole to CDrama hahaha! Yeah I have too much ongoing things too :p.

I know I have 100+ more novels to read, I’ve read The Guardian but only chapter 12, cos I keep getting distracted with other novels lol.

 But there is a severe lack of Jing.

Let’s pray that for any girl who already has a Jing in her life, she won’t let him go, and that she loves and appreciates him.

I wouldn't say that :) They are Jings . My grandfathers were Jings,my father is a Jing, my husband is a Jing (older one as me :D), my sons are Jings. I'm even partly a kind of Jingy woman :D.  It's all about kindness, and forgiveness (not forgeting), gentleness/delicacy to others and the world. Before Lyf, I could refer our characters to Hobbits from Tolkien, now Yeshiqi is part of my inner world too . Wish you find yours <3