She knows best how she feels.  

Yang Zi: "Xiao Yao is in love with Tushan Jing "

                                                                 Season 2 we are ready! <3

Wei Wei  is killing it. Love it


Wei Wei  is killing it. Love it

yessss....he's so ethereal..makes my day♡

The translation of the Figaro interview

Tu Shan Jing's coronation day 

(I am using the word coronation because Clan Leaders for Nine Tails foxes are known as their Kings..)

I will be sharing..the part from novel (Koala's translation)

Chapter 23

Two days later, the Tu Shan clan held a not very spectacular but still very solemn clan leader initiation ceremony.

The Yellow Emperor, the Grand Emperor, the Middle Plains Six Big Families, everyone sent representatives to attend. The Grand Emperor send his Eldest Princess and Ru So as his envoys and Xiao Yao secretly thanked her dad for giving her a legitimate reason to be at Qing Qiu and witness the most important ceremony in Jing’s life.

Perhaps because all nine-tailed foxes are white so the Tu Shan clan preferred white, the altar was decked out in white and below the altar were jade beams carved in various displays of nine-tailed foxes.

Jing wore the most formal attire and first prayed to the Heavens and the ancestors, before thanking the Grand Madam, and finally ascending to the altar to accept from the clan elder the nine-tailed fox jade emblem which represented all the Tu Shan clan wealth and power. The two elders placed a white nine-tailed fox lined coat around Jing which represented the king of the foxes and the Tu Shan clan being the ruler of the entire fox kingdom.

The ceremonial horns sounded and the elders announced the completion of the ceremony.

Jing turned and walked to the edge of the altar to look down on all the Tu Shan clan members sitting below.

Behind him a huge white spectral nine-tailed fox suddenly appeared, with nine fluffy tails that danced like dragons in the sky, covering almost the entire air above them in a display of the power and magic of the nine-tailed fox tribe.

Such glorious omen did not always appear in every clan leader initiation ceremony so all the clan members kneeled to the ground in supplication and bowed to Jing.


Jing was such a blessed clan leader. I am glad that he stayed on his throne for tens of years before following Xiao Yao to roam the Ocean world. He chose his heart over other things.

In my next reply, I would like to share about the initial origin of legend of nine tailed foxes. They definetly are not evil spirit people later make them into. I am very happy Tong Hua took this legend for her romantic male lead. Its very blessing. 

some pics from drama ep34.

love this 9 tailed fox jade

 Winny Aye:
in chapter 26..

Xiao Yao hadn’t seen Jing in over a year and seeing him like this, Xiao Yao maintained her smile and quietly stood next to the Xi Ling clan leader. She remembered in the ocean when he let his hair loose, the stirring in her heart. She remembered twining his hair around her fingers, each strand was a longing. Everything felt like yesterday but it was already black hair turned white and all longing severed.

This puple part her true emotion towards Jing..Her longing.

Xiao Yao felt her heart was being clawed at by a large hand, so painful it was like being ripped apart. She could only keep smiling when suddenly she felt her heart violently beating. Xiao Yao couldn’t maintain her fake smile anymore, much like a person could endure severe pain without any change in expression yet couldn’t control exhibiting bodily reaction to intense exercise. Xiao Yao clutched her chest and took a few deep breaths.

This red part is where XL control her (to my understanding) because its more bodily hurt than emotional hurt.

My interpretation was somewhat similar, but with some differences. 

I thought that the blue text showed the effects of the heartache that XY felt because of TSJ, the red text showed XL using the bug connection to manipulate her heartbeat, and the gold text showed the outcome that XL created through his interference: (1) XY couldn't maintain her fake smile any longer; (2) XY was forced to sit at TSJ's table instead of observing him from afar while painfully masking her inner heartache with a fake smile; (3) TSJ was able to touch her wrist and show her that he still cared about her by trying to ease her pain; and (4) XY was distracted from the intensity of her very painful heartache ("so painful it was like being ripped apart"!). 

When XL took XY to the ocean later on in the chapter, that also seemed like something XL decided to do to distract XY from her heartache over TSJ (and also CX's marriage to Xing Yue). On that trip, she's able to have a deep, restful sleep for the first time since she broke up with TSJ. Afterwards, she felt like it was a day that they stole. An escape from the realities of her life at that moment, and all the heartache she was feeling. 

IMO, the green text helped to show what XL wanted: for XY to not feel heartache. That was the main reason he used the bug connection to interfere with her heartbeat, and it was the main reason he took her to the ocean. 


Chapter 26 (Koala's translation):

Chun and Jing were familiar with each other and Chun playfully said, “Jing gege, last time I saw you, you were friendly and outgoing. How come it’s been just a year and you’re so standoffish?”

Jing stood up and greeted the Xi Ling clan leader with a smile. Both the Xi Ling clan leader and Chun were startled to see a few strands of white hair on Jing’s head. Chun was still a youth and he asked in shock “Jing gege, what happened to you?”

The Xi Ling clan leader shot his son a look and Chun immediately shut up. The Xi Ling clan leader smiled and asked about the Grand Madam’s health and whatnot and Jing answered all his questions.

Xiao Yao hadn’t seen Jing in over a year and seeing him like this, Xiao Yao maintained her smile and quietly stood next to the Xi Ling clan leader. She remembered in the ocean when he let his hair loose, the stirring in her heart. She remembered twining his hair around her fingers, each strand was a longing. Everything felt like yesterday but it was already black hair turned white and all longing severed.

Xiao Yao felt her heart was being clawed at by a large hand, so painful it was like being ripped apart. She could only keep smiling when suddenly she felt her heart violently beating. Xiao Yao couldn’t maintain her fake smile anymore, much like a person could endure severe pain without any change in expression yet couldn’t control exhibiting bodily reaction to intense exercise. Xiao Yao clutched her chest and took a few deep breaths.

Xing Yue hurriedly assisted her and asked in concern, “Are you okay?”

Xiao Yao smiled and shook her head. The Xi Ling clan leader saw her face flushed bright red and quickly said, “I remember your constitution is not strong. Hurry and sit down to rest.”

Xing Yue helped Xiao Yao to sit down at Jing’s table.

Jing anxiously put one hand on Xiao Yao’s wrist while his other clutched the wine cup and transformed the wine into a fog. Everyone knew the Tu Shan clan had the power to mystify which was very useful for taking away pain. No one thought it weird what Jing was doing.

Her heart continued to beat wildly and strongly, so much that she felt like all her blood was rushing into her head. Xiao Yao couldn’t control it and muttered under her breath, “Xiang Liu, will you cut it out already?”

Everyone only heard “cut it out already”, but Jing was sitting closest to her and he was completely familiar with Xiao Yao’s voice, so he heard every word she said.

Her heartbeat started to return to normal and Xiao Yao gently pulled her hand away from Jing. “Thank you, I’m fine now.”

Jing pulled his hand back but it clenched into a tight fist to tamp down everything he was feeling.

Xiao Yao stood up and politely thanked him before returning to the Xi Ling clan leader’s side. 


Xiao Yao sat cross-legged on the ground while Fang Feng Bei leaned against a tree and drank.

Xiao Yao stared at him while he smiled down at her. She said nothing and he appeared to have no intention of speaking either.

Finally Xiao Yao spoke first. “Did you attend Jing and Yi Yang’s wedding?”

“I may be irresponsible, but I still would manage to attend my little sister’s wedding to the Tu Shan clan leader.”

The pain in my heart, do you feel it?” Xiao Yao’s face turned red, not clear if it was over embarrassment or frustration. The reason the heart was tucked deep inside the body was so that people’s feelings, whether it was happiness or sorrow, would remain concealed. But right now her heart felt like it was stark naked before Xiang Liu, like she was stripped naked before him to observe.

Xiang Liu softly chuckled. “If you’re afraid I will feel everything, then stop tormenting yourself. If your heart doesn’t hurt, then I’ll be better off as well.”

Xiao Yao heard the last thing he said and immediately perked up. “If my body hurts 9/10th, then you hurt 1/10th. But if my heart hurts, does your heart hurt just as much?”

Xiang Liu honestly said, “Yes! If your heart hurts, my heart hurts just as much. What of it? Are you planning to use that to reckon with me?”

Xiao Yao was silent. He was right! She could inflict bodily pain on herself, but she couldn’t make happiness or sadness.

Xiang Liu suddenly said, “I’m a killer for hire sometimes.”

Xiao Yao looked quizzically at him and he said slowly, “If you pay, I can kill Fang Feng Yi Yang and her child for you.”

Xiao Yao smiled wanly “That is like the worst idea ever!”

Xiang Liu said in a half sincere, half joking way, “Then you stop giving yourself heartache in the future. If you keep causing trouble for me, maybe I’ll decide to kill you!”

Xiao Yao pouted, “I didn’t force you to take the voodoo bug into your body years ago.”

“Years ago, I knew you were useless and would often get injured. But I didn’t know you were this foolish and couldn’t even protect your own heart.”

Xiao Yao opened her mouth like she wanted to argue back but said nothing. She dejectedly lowered her head like a wilted sunflower.

A winged horse trotted over and Xiang Liu vaulted on its back. “Want to go?”

Xiao Yao raised her head and stared at Xiang Liu. “Where?”

“The ocean.”

Xiao Yao hesitated, this wasn’t Qing Shui Town, the ocean was very far from the Middle Plains.

Xiang Liu didn’t rush her as his hand held the reins and he stared into the vast distance. The winged horse was also silent and stepped quietly in place.

Xiao Yao couldn’t control her body and soul longing for the vast expanse of the ocean and she leaped up. “Let’s go to the ocean.”

Xiang Liu turned back and stared at Xiao Yao before he reached out his hand.

Xiao Yao grabbed his hand and vaulted on the winged horse’s back.


The two of them aimlessly ambled in the ocean until Xiao Yao got tired and laid down in the water and couldn’t move anymore.

Xiang Liu asked her, “Tired?”

Xiao Yao was tired and sleepy and murmured, “I’m just going to close my eyes for a second.” And she promptly fell asleep. With the water as her cushion, it was soft but continuously moving so her sleep was being jostled.

A pure white enormous clam shell floated over to them and slowly opened when it arrived next to them. Xiang Liu picked up Xiao Yao in his arms and gingerly placed her inside the clam shell. He didn’t sleep and instead leaned against the clam shell and stared at the glittering starfish in the distance.

Xiao Yao hadn’t slept through the night for the past year and would even wake up two or three times a night. Sometimes she needed sleeping pills on particularly bad nights to even fall asleep.

This sleep was deep and restful and she didn’t even have a single dream. When she was about to wake up, she finally had a dream and it was one where she was picking stars in the ocean. The ocean stars were growing like mushrooms in the mountains and she plucked one after another and it was in all sorts of colors. She ate one and discovered it was sweet. Xiao Yao laughed happily as she picked more and she actually laughed out loud and woke herself up with her laugh. She realized it was a dream but kept her eyes closed to remain happily ensconced in the happy dream.

Xiao Yao opened her eyes and saw Xiang Liu leaning against the clam shell next to her, one leg straight and the other curved with his arm resting on it as he lowered his head to stare at her, a smile curving on his lips. Xiao Yao smiled and stretched and sweetly said, “I had a happy dream.

Xiang Liu answered, “I know.”


Xiao Yao drank her soup and felt full and warm as her clothes were dry by now. She was very relaxed and comfortable and sprinkled poison in the soup and it mixed with the seafood to make an even more tasty flavor.

Xiang Liu wasn’t afraid of the heat and picked up the conch shell and drank the soup directly as he ate the fish.

Xiao Yao wrapped her arms around her knees and stared at the stars in the sky and listened to the waves crashing on the rocks.

After Xiang Liu was done eating he said, “Let’s go back.”

Xiao Yao didn’t move and continued to stare at the ocean. If it was possible, she really wanted to live like this for the rest of her life.

“Xiao Yao?” Xiang Liu stood before Xiao Yao. She raised her head to stare at him and smiled, “Don’t you feel like today was a day we stole to spend together? That there is only now and no tomorrow!

Xiang Liu was taken aback and said nothing.


IMO, the green text helped to show what XL wanted: for XY to not feel heartache. That was the main reason he used the bug connection to interfere with her heartbeat, and it was the main reason he took her to the ocean. 

Thank you so much for sharing a more full picture .. yep there's some differences but mostly same. I may had harsh on XL in comments but yep I don't really think he had ill will of XY. (well he maintained that vibe till the end) That's why he took her to ocean where she finally had her good sleep, picking up the stars in ocean. Yes it is a healing. 

About Nine Tailed Fox...

I am taking some info(copy paste)from this site..

Who is the Nine-Tailed Fox?

The nine-tailed fox is a magical creature known for its silver-white fur and nine tails. Sometimes, it is depicted with golden fur.

It's a majestic fox that is not also known for its beauty but is also recognized for its shape-shifting abilities.

According to eastern folklores, it has the ability to transform into any human form it wants. Most of the time, this creature takes the form of a beautiful woman.

It is said that the nine-tailed fox obtained its powers after practicing for almost 100 years. The more magic it got, the more tails it would grow.

The nine-tailed fox goes by the name "Huli Jing" in Chinese, "kitsune" in Japanese, and "gumiho" in Korean.

These names literally mean "fox spirit".

The Nine-Tailed Fox in Early History

Originating in China, the nine-tailed fox was initially seen as a spirit of good fortune.

In one story, when Yu the Great was battling a big flood, the nine-tailed fox was said to transform itself into a beautiful woman and assisted the king.

It is also believed that this mythical fox would also only appear in prosperous kingdoms.

For this reason, it became an auspicious symbol representing abundance and prosperity.

Nine-Tailed Fox Meaning in Feng Shui

Despite having a bad reputation, in feng shui, the nine-tailed fox is mostly seen as a good omen.

Most especially, this feng shui symbol represents love.

Because of the nine-tailed fox's ability to seduce men, it is seen as a potent love charm.

If you are single and looking for love, wearing a nine-tailed fox pendant can help you attract your soulmate.

You may also place a figurine of the nine-tailed fox in the relationship area of your home to bring more love into your life. The relationship area is located in the southwest corner of your home.

Aside from attracting love, the nine-tailed fox is also a good luck charm for wealth.

Carrying its symbol can help bring more abundance into your life.


So yep....Jing represents majestic beauty, good luck, food fortune, abundance and LOVE (and also life + passion and serene) how can u not love him....


Exactly the plot of drama and novel isn't that complicated. That's why I don't understand the other side obsession of making it complicated more than what it is.  

Well it depends..i guess some people prefer to dig down more symbols than actual actions and make theory for those symbols ... dont get me it refers to only some fans, even in history about a famous king in history , a novelist writing a novel based on him... after decades u know what the info of novel is more popular and even believe to be truer than the facts in history book. The situation is similar to that.


XL 's words of love towards Jing have always been crystal clear. She knows best how she feels.  

Lol u are giving me BL feel again ...hhehhee but yep..♡

A few related thoughts on chapter 26...


Chapter 26 (Koala's translation):

Chun and Jing were familiar with each other and Chun playfully said, “Jing gege, last time I saw you, you were friendly and outgoing. How come it’s been just a year and you’re so standoffish?”

Jing stood up and greeted the Xi Ling clan leader with a smile. Both the Xi Ling clan leader and Chun were startled to see a few strands of white hair on Jing’s head. Chun was still a youth and he asked in shock “Jing gege, what happened to you?”

The Xi Ling clan leader shot his son a look and Chun immediately shut up. The Xi Ling clan leader smiled and asked about the Grand Madam’s health and whatnot and Jing answered all his questions.

Xiao Yao hadn’t seen Jing in over a year and seeing him like this, Xiao Yao maintained her smile and quietly stood next to the Xi Ling clan leader. She remembered in the ocean when he let his hair loose, the stirring in her heart. She remembered twining his hair around her fingers, each strand was a longing. Everything felt like yesterday but it was already black hair turned white and all longing severed.

Xiao Yao felt her heart was being clawed at by a large hand, so painful it was like being ripped apart. She could only keep smiling when suddenly she felt her heart violently beating. Xiao Yao couldn’t maintain her fake smile anymore, much like a person could endure severe pain without any change in expression yet couldn’t control exhibiting bodily reaction to intense exercise. Xiao Yao clutched her chest and took a few deep breaths.


She remembered in the ocean when he let his hair loose, the stirring in her heart.

I believe this is XY recalling this scene from chapter 14:

They headed to a nearby port where Zhuan Xu had a boat ready and they all boarded and headed out to sea.


Xiao Yao smiled. “You have fifteen years, Jing. What are you planning to do?”

“I don’t know, but I know I will come back to you. I’ve promised to listen to you for the rest of my life…..” Jing’s forehead rested on Xiao Yao’s forehead and he prayed, “Please keep your heart for me.”

Xiao Yao’s hands sank into his hair and she grabbed it. “I can tell you’re a sneaky one, even if I want to forget it, you’ll find ways to keep reminding. You say you don’t dare hope, but then you don’t let go either.”

Jing’s voice conveyed his torment, “I….I just cannot…..I know you deserve better, but I cannot…..I’m sorry…..”

Xiao Yao quickly said, “I understand, I understand.”


Jing looked at Xiao Yao and wanted to put the hat on her but she held his hand and wouldn’t let him. She bit her lips and closed her eyes. Jing tenderly kissed her on the forehead, until the very last minute when he lifted his head and put the hat on her.

Xiao Yao ran to the back of the boat to fix her clothes and hair. She heard Xing Yue, Zhuan Xu, and Feng Long talking. She looked up and saw Jing’s hair was a mess from her raking her fingers through it. It was too late to tell him and her face darkened with worry. Then she saw Jing stand up and release the band tying his hair up and sent his hair flying in the sea breeze. He leaned against the railing and looked up at the sunrise.

Xiao Yao’s heart leaped to her chest like a little deer lost. Zhuan Xu had to call her a few times to get her attention. He pushed her softly. “What are you thinking?”

Xiao Yao quickly said, “Oh, you guys are back.” Her face was bright red but thankfully it was covered by the veil so no one could see it. Zhuan Xu seemed to understand something and concern flitted across his eyes.


XY raked her fingers through TSJ's hair in chapter 14, but there is no mention of her twining TSJ's hair around her fingers in that chapter. I believe "She remembered twining his hair around her fingers, each strand was a longing." is XY recalling her twining TSJ's hair around her fingers in chapter 16. 

Xiao Yao released the crown tying his hair up and his hair fell all around him. She put her hands in his hair and felt how smooth and strong it was. Xiao Yao asked, “Does Jing Ye or Lan Xiang wash your hair now?”


“Who else is serving you?” Xiao Yao wanted to jerk his hair off.

“Not used to it anymore. I wash it myself.”

Xiao Yao’s anger turned to glee and she lightly played with his hair. Jing was like a content cat being stroked. Xiao Yao secretly grinned. “Last time on the sea when you leaned against the side with your hair on your back, I wanted to touch it.

Jing smiled and wanted to open his eyes to look at her but she put her hands over his eyes. “No, stay like this.” If he opened his eyes, she would be embarrassed.

Jing obediently kept his eyes closed.

Xiao Yao played with his hair, even sniffing it and being happy it smelled like her medicinal herbs. Xiao Yao murmured, “I haven’t washed your hair for you in a long time. Next time let me wash your hair.”

Jing smiled. “Sure.”

Xiao Yao yawned and Jing sat up. “Xiao Yao, you’re tired. Go sleep.”

Xiao Yao felt her arms were empty and Jing pushed her down. “Be good.”

Xiao Yao really was tired so she laid down on the pallet and pulled him. “You lay down, I want to keep touching your hair.

Jing laid down and Xiao Yao’s hands played with his hair. “Will you be gone when I wake up tomorrow?”

“When you arrive in the Middle Plains, I’ll come get you.”

Xiao Yao closed her eyes. “Whatever you do, just don’t make me wait too long.”


Jing finally got up his courage and asked, “Xiao Yao, are you missing me?”

No one answered him.

Jing’s heart fell until he called out, “Xiao Yao.”

Xiao Yao’s eyes were tightly closed and she was in deep blissful slumber. Jing was relieved and smiled.

In the morning, Xiao Yao woke up and found a blanket covering her.

All the things on the desk had been arranged neatly and only three handkerchiefs remained.

Xiao Yao wanted to go grab the handkerchiefs when she felt something on her hand. She looked down and it was a long strand of hair tightly wound around her finger. Likely when Jing was leaving, he didn’t want to wake her up so he cut the strand off.

Xiao Yao looked at the strand on her finger and fell back on the pallet. Right now he was god-knows-where already, leaving only a strand to tie around her thoughts.


Everything felt like yesterday but it was already black hair turned white and all longing severed.

As the Xi Ling clan leader and Xi Ling Chun observed, a few strands of TSJ's hair turned white in the year after he married FFYY. 

Both the Xi Ling clan leader and Chun were startled to see a few strands of white hair on Jing’s head.

To XY, wanting to touch TSJ's black hair in chapter 14 and twining TSJ's hair around her fingers in chapter 16 felt like yesterday. But in chapter 26 (some of) that black hair had turned white and XY was trying to sever her longing for TSJ, who was now married with a child on the way (even though TSJ and XY's meeting scene in the middle of chapter 26 occurs when a year has passed since XY diagnosed FFYY as approximately three months pregnant, Tu Shan Zhen isn't born until almost the end of chapter 26, so goddess pregnancies must last longer than nine months).  

And there is a very interesting parallel for this in chapter 35. 

In her teary eyes, Xiao Yao saw a shape appear from the corner of the dark room. Xiao Yao immediately used her arms to cover her face and wipe away her tears.

“Who are you? Why are you hiding there?” Xiao Yao’s voice was scratchy but she was already calm.

The shadow didn’t speak, but also didn’t leave. Instead it walked over to the pallet.

Xiao Yao didn’t raise her head, but clearly felt it. The other heart was walking towards her and beating with her heart. “Xiang Liu!”

Xiao Yao lifted her head and saw Xiang Liu dressed all in black with a black cloak covering him, wrapping his entire form snugly in pure black. He seemed like an imposing but ordinary person, until the slight gap in his hood showed a few white hairs.


Xiao Yao buried her head in her lap and grew silent. She felt her heart all jumbled and she didn’t know if it was for Xiang Liu or for herself.

“What are you thinking about?”

“As Qi Yo’s daughter, there is no place in the world for me.”

Xiang Liu lifted Xiao Yao’s head. “If you have nowhere to go, then you can always go out to sea. The ocean is so vast that there will be a place for you.”

Xiao Yao remembered that she had the ability of a sea demon now and the endless ocean might be a nightmare for others but was paradise for her. If Xuan Yuan and Gao Xing didn’t have a place for her, she could always go to the sea. Having discovered a secret passage that no one else knew could save her life, Xiao Yao suddenly felt a sliver of calm.

She stared at Xiang Liu and the man before her was that dissolute wastrel, but the moment she was about to become torn again, a strand of white hair fell that reminded her exactly who he was. Xiao Yao softly stroked his hair and said, “This place is not safe to stay. Pay your respects and hurry off!”


White-haired XL "killed" black-haired FFB in chapter 32. In chapter 35, XY hadn't seen FFB or XL in a year (since they parted ways at the end of the previous winter in QS town, where they spent a month together after XL took XY away from her wedding with Feng Long). In that scene, XL's all-black attire, which even covered his white hair, made him look like FFB. XY was nearly torn again, until seeing a few strands of XL's white hair made her remember exactly who he was. Like TSJ in chapter 26 (a man who was married and was about to have a child with another woman) XL (a man who is eternally loyal to the Sheng Nong remnant army, and who is CX's mortal enemy) is someone she could not be with. 

The theme of black hair transforming into white hair representing loss and a transition from a person who is smiling, warm and attainable to a person who is neither smiling nor attainable is repeated in XY's dream in chapter 27.

Xiao Yao closed the door and walked over to her pallet and laid down.

She knew tonight that she wouldn’t be able to fall asleep unless she took a sleeping aid. She swallowed a few pills and fell asleep.

In her dream, she saw Jing with his son, but she couldn’t see his son’s face, only that he curled in his dad’s arms and called him sweetly “Daddy” while Jing smiled back.

Xiao Yao ran away as fast as she could and in a second she ran from Qing Qiu to Qing Shui Town. Xiao Yao jumped in the river and swam towards the vast blue ocean. She could see endless horizons and the joy of swimming freely, but she was so, so tired! Where could she go in this entire world? Fang Feng Bei appeared on the surface and he sat on an all-white clam shell smiling at her with his black hair flying in the breeze. Xiao Yao swam towards him but in a second his hair turned all white and he became Xiang Liu coldly staring at her. White clam shell, all white Xiang Liu, it was like an ice mountain floating on the ocean surface.

The black-hair-him, the white-hair-him, closer and further away……Xiao Yao suddenly turned and swam towards land, as she swam her tears tumbled down like rain……

Xiao Yao startled awake from her dream and felt coldness next to her. She touched her face and discovered that she was drenched in tears.


One more detail. When XL took XY to the ocean in chapter 26, XL's hair was black throughout that entire chapter.

When the winged horse left Zhi Yi Castle behind, Xiang Liu switched rides to his white condor.

Xiao Yao sat on Furball and stared at Xiang Liu, feeling like it was another lifetime ago. She asked, “Aren’t you going to transform your hair color back?

Xiang Liu said, “This is dyed and not transformation.”

“Why pick such a hassle of a method?”

“The first time it was to avoid making a mistake, later it became a habit.”

Xiao Yao stared at the plump clouds passing by and thought about Xiang Liu being hesitant and afraid of making a mistake and she couldn’t help but laugh.


It was the middle of the night when they arrived in the deep ocean.


When they reached the surface, it was already sunset. Xiao Yao realized they spent a day and a night under the sea.


Xiao Yao didn’t move and continued to stare at the ocean. If it was possible, she really wanted to live like this for the rest of her life. 


Xiao Yao found Xing Yue who said, “Zhuan Xu just stayed one night and then took Shu Hui to Sheng Nong Mountain. Why don’t you stay here tonight?”

Xiao Yao said, “Next time, I need to hurry back. I didn’t tell Zhuan Xu before leaving with Fang Feng Bei to play. I’m afraid he’s pissed so can you have a cloud carriage take me back to Sheng Nong Mountain.”

 Winny Aye:


IMO, the green text helped to show what XL wanted: for XY to not feel heartache. That was the main reason he used the bug connection to interfere with her heartbeat, and it was the main reason he took her to the ocean. 

Thank you so much for sharing a more full picture .. yep there's some differences but mostly same. I may had harsh on XL in comments but yep I don't really think he had ill will of XY. (well he maintained that vibe till the end) That's why he took her to ocean where she finally had her good sleep, picking up the stars in ocean. Yes it is a healing. 

Happy to <3

 Winny Aye:
I may had harsh on XL in comments but yep I don't really think he had ill will of XY. (well he maintained that vibe till the end)

Yes, he had a very tricky balancing act to carry out. 

In their first meeting, XY told XL that she had no means of protecting herself, no one to rely on and no place to go. XL decided to give her each of those things (as emphasized by the wishes that XL carved into the ice crystal ball before returning it to XY), and succeeded in doing so before he died. 

In their second meeting, XY told XL that she was afraid of being lonely and that if she couldn't find a life-long companion, a temporary companion would also do. XL started visiting her occasionally for no reason after that, as if he had already decided that he wanted to help alleviate her loneliness. Later on, he became her companion using his FFB persona and constantly alleviated her loneliness, especially when she was separated from TSJ (when he was living in Qing Qiu with FFYY) and when she felt heartbroken over TSJ (after the breakup). But when he was FFB he made a point to emphasize that their companionship was temporary and not something that XY should rely on or expect to continue indefinitely. 

And, as noted in XL's epilogue, XL assigned himself the role of standing watch to protect XY. He willingly accepted the transfer of the Lovers' Bug from CX to himself, knowing what it entailed. He travelled thousands of miles to offer to save her from Five Gods Mountain in chapter 8. He used the bug connection, one of his lives, and over 400 transfusions of his essential blood to save XY's life in chapter 22. He saved her life again in chapter 43 and again in chapter 48. He placed Left Ear by her side as a bodyguard (who saved her life in chapter 44) and notified CX when XY was in danger in chapter 44.

But he also knew that he couldn't be her life-long companion. So confessing or admitting to his true feelings would have hurt her in the long run (even though the Lovers' Bug became evidence of his feelings when XY found out the truth about the bugs). To lessen the pain that XY would feel when he died, he had to make sure that she didn't develop deeper feelings for him. He often had to pretend that he didn't care about her, and at times he had to push her away. As you said, he kept that up until the end, and he had to pretend to be absolutely ruthless in chapter 46 when he pushed XY to finally cut ties with him. In chapter 48, he didn't even let XY keep the memories of him that she saved in her mirror.

After XY's assassination, TSJ demonstrated the depths of his devotion. XL also knew that TSJ was someone that could be XY's life-long companion (and a person she could rely on for life). So, from chapter 22 on, XL pushed her to be with TSJ. XL enabled XY to save TSJ's life in chapter 22 and he secretly saved TSJ's life again between chapter 46 and chapter 49 so that TSJ could return, save XY from condemning herself to a miserable life as the Royal Mother, and marry her. When XL returned the ice crystal ball to XY (as a present for her wedding to TSJ), he not only carved his wishes for her into the ice crystal, he also added a figure of a man (representing TSJ) that held the extended hand of the mermaid (representing XY) while the merman (representing XL) remained facing away from the mermaid. IMO, the message there is pretty clear.

Really it shouldn't have been possible for XL to do all of the things he wanted to do... teach her archery, give her a place that she would always be able to go, give her a person to rely on, alleviate her loneliness and heartache, be her confidant and close companion, protect her, save her life several times over... but also keep her at a certain distance, make her question his feelings for her, stop her from developing such deep feelings for him that she would be broken by his death, and push her to pursue a happy ending with another man. But he managed to do it all. 


Yes a few related thoughts. But some different maybe. But i guess the writing is open to points. It's interesting to share some thoughts especially that might be different but maybe still not that so in some way. 

About White VS Black =>  Wither VS Bloom => DeathVSLife

Symbolika talked about this color a bit long ago. 

These two colors associating with Xiao Yao and her longing in two men. For me, her attraction to Jing is more explicitly written, about his black hair, how she'd severed those longing because Jing's hair got white, but the lines also mentioned her asking about dying hair to XL/FFB. XL had white hair (not the same as Jing's hair turning white) and FFB had black hair. By XL killing off FFB, he is so sure what he had decided for life, very different from what XY had wished for him (Have a good life as a normal guy). XL knew what he had to do, especially for XY. And we know what he did but XY didn't. Because he keep this mysterious vibe until the story ended. And about him severed all ties with XY including the memories from mirror (her past with him), XL fans might refer to as he did not want to burden to XY emotions. Which i don't deny but i just can't help think it's his way handling situation. All is gone must be gone. !! Personally I do not like that even though it sounds good intention according to Tong Hua I guess. 


Xiao Yao didn’t move and continued to stare at the ocean. If it was possible, she really wanted to live like this for the rest of her life.

I will be very honest about what I think about this line though.  For me, the interactions between XL and XY in chapter 26 is impressive more than in chapter 22. There was this mentioning of he embracing but did not want her to know and that she knew about it but did not want him to know that she knew and it's buried at the dark side of the ocean. For me, it's meaning they are rejecting each other about their attraction. And it also made me think she subconsious knew about his feelings (my take) . And yet she's more clingy towards XL, and some sensation mentioned. But he had not really give in get their relationship go deeper.  Like I said its like she's already have this feel in the dark side of the ocean. So when phrase in gold pop up, what I am actually feeling is that she's beginning to belong to this ocean world since she got essential blood from XL, which indicate she may come here at the end, leavin ZX's world, because its the place she got healed, maybe with somebody, but i would not strictly say it's with XL although with she's with him at the moment .

About Left Ear,

Um maybe it's true XL had managed(already planned) to made XY met Left Ear. But I will still take it as it's XY own decision to take Left Ear work for her. For me there's no absolute. 

Yes it's true. XL lived behind all the happy ending of Jing&Xiao Yao. Yep, its all for her. He's the righteous brave and romantic hero. But for me romantic hero and love interest are different. So overall I actually like him as the role he played. And IF he had acted differently I may have different opinion of him too. But yep to me nothing is certain and absolute. 

Hello! :)) Before going through reading, sharing some beautifull pics for today <3



Yang Zi for Valentino.


Hello! :)) Before going through reading, sharing some beautifull pics for today <3



Yang Zi for Valentino.

Handsome & Beautiful ..♡♡