We are performing scheduled database maintenance, which may cause temporary downtime. We appreciate your patience and apologize for any inconvenience.

Actually, apparently I could post BUT could not reply or respond to any message… so that’s why you ever hear back from me… sorry

… never hear back… (my poor typing)

Chapter 8

The Rest of Dragon Bone Scene

I will be only pasting the the part of the novel and post my analysis in another reply because this scene is long and I can't cut, and my analysis is also long..

Shi Qi slowly spoke “From birth I was the prized child, the perfect one. A woman once learned ten years of dancing just so I could spare her one glance. A famous chess master came from far away and lived for seven years just so I would play one match with him. I was offered tens of thousands just to paint a portrait. Some called me a Master if I wrote one character. I thought that was who I was. That person locked me up and tortured me for two years, every day cursing me, that I was nothing. I didn’t care to argue back and silently endured his torture. He was so upset he said that he could prove it to me. He took me to all the places I once lived and put the me who was crippled, filthy, in rags, couldn’t speak, smelly, in the middle of the bustling city. People walked past me and not a single person looked at me just like he said. Often I saw people I knew and wanted to crawl over to ask for help but they just tossed money at me and immediately walked away in disgust. I finally understood that other than the expensive clothes on me, I was nothing. That was when he succeeded in completely destroying me. He tossed me in the river not even bothering to kill me because he knew he killed me inside already. I floated for a long time until I was laying in the logs. I knew I would die like this, and all I wanted was to feel the sunlight one more time. So struggled to climb towards the sun and then passed out knowing that I wouldn’t see another sun and wouldn’t wake up again. But the Heavens, let you appear…..”
Xiao Liu had long forgotten to be angry and slowly turned around and rested her head on Shi Qi’s shoulder to listen to him talk. Shi Qi’s forehead was resting on Xiao Liu’s hair “I couldn’t open my eyes so I couldn’t see you. I could only sense. You didn’t want me to be afraid so told me your name. You didn’t want me to be shamed so told me jokes. You lightly wiped away my sweat and held me in your embrace and washed my hair which hadn’t been washed in three years. I knew how disgusting and horrific my body was, but you treated it like a treasure and tended to it with care. The three years of torture and degradation, the body even I couldn’t face and I couldn’t bear to walk out the door, that day you helped me bathe and when you saw my body you blushed beet red. In that instant I was truly reborn. In your eyes, I was still a man…..a man who affected you…..”

Xiao Liu yelled “Don’t you dare say another word!”

Shi Qi’s eyes misted with tears and it splashed on Xiao Liu’s hair, but his voice was filled with mirth “When you carried me out of the tub, you didn’t even dare look directly at me before placing me on the pallet. You ran off even before you were done talking. How could I ever think you were a man?”

Xiao Liu hit him on the chest and groused “You are so sneaky! And here I thought you were the most honest! I was hoodwinked!”

Shi Qi continued “That day, I put on my clothes and walked out the door, standing under the sun feeling the outdoors I hadn’t seen in a long time. In the eyes of others it was just a normal thing to do, but to me it was a rebirth and a new chance. Xiao Liu, I decided right then and there that I would never leave you.”

Xiao Liu said “A reborn phoenix must first be incinerated. But you cannot ever escape your past as Tu Shan Jing.”

“My father died shortly after I was born. I have an older twin brother named Tu Shang Hou. He is different from me since birth, he likes raising beasts and is a very active person. I liked the arts and was very refined. But we were both very good at business even if our methods are different. We were equal and neither was better than the other. Because we were twins, we learned everything together and people couldn’t help but compare us. I was better at the classic arts but he was stronger at the spiritual powers. But our mother was always very cold towards him no matter what he did. Because of her attitude towards him, people around us complimented me and derided him as well. My brother tried hard and kept trying to win our mother’s approval, but she not only didn’t give it, she did everything in her power to keep beating him down. No matter what I did she complimented me. Under our mother’s control, the power in the family ended up in my hands. She found for me a fiancee in the powerful Fang Feng family daughter, but only gave my brother a maid for a wife. I raised a fuss for my brother but he continued to try and win her affection so married the maid. But our mother continued to be cold towards him. When she was dying, my brother gave her medicine but she tossed it in his face and told him to scram. She said he disgusted her. My brother finally broke down and cried and asked why she played favorites. She raged at him and said that he could not match up to me, that he had a disgusting heart and mind, that he couldn’t even compare to one toe on my foot. She died shortly thereafter and I was very sad, but felt my brother was even more sad. He didn’t just lose a mother, he lost any chance of getting her acceptance. When she died he started to drink and told everyone that it was enough there was one Tu Shan Jing in this world, there was no need for a pathetic useless Tu Shan Hou. Our grandmother didn’t want him to kill himself so finally told the truth. He wasn’t my mother’s son, he was born of our father and a maid. The maid killed herself after she gave birth to him. Because he was born 8 days before me, our grandmother made the announcement that we were twins. After he heard this he stopped drinking and started getting a grip on himself. I felt very bad towards him so treated him very well and that made our grandmother happy and she complimented me often for being so caring. She told my brother to help me always. After my mother died four years, grandmother decided to have my wedding and announce to the world that I would be the clan leader. One day, my brother came to see me and asked to talk. I went with him without any suspicion, and when I woke up I was in a deep dark jail cell, my powers sealed, my limbs in dragon bone chains.”
Shi Qi talked nonstop to get to this point, but 
the painful torture, the endless degradation, it all came rushing back and in the darkness his body clenched tightly. Xiao Liu quickly pressed on his heart and softly murmured “This is not that prison, I am here, Shi Qi, I am here.”

Shi Qi buried his head in Xiao Liu’s hair and after some time was able to calm down. “When I was being tortured and shamed, I thought about making him pay when I got out. But if that happened then even if I lived a part of me would still be dead. I would never be a complete person, I would only be someone tormented by shame and vengeance. Thankfully the person who saved me was you, no matter how broken down and scarred I was, you only saw me as a treasure and cared for me tenderly. No matter how many horrific scars were on my body, you would always…..blush…..” This time Xiao Liu didn’t interrupt Shi Qi and quietly let him finish.

“Xiao Liu, when I see you, I have no hatred and vengeance in my heart, only gratitude. I am grateful the Heavens let me live, let me have a still whole body, let my eyes still see, so that I can see you pretend to be stupid, let my ears hear, so that I can hear you complain, let my hands still work, so that I can help you dry your hair, let my legs still move, so that I can carry you. Xiao Liu, I don’t want revenge, I just want to be Ye Shi Qi.”

Xiao Liu lowered her head.

Shi Qi said “I don’t want to go back because my brother is very capable and much more ruthless than me. He’s actually a more suitable leader of the clan than me. If he’s there, the family will be fine. As long as there is no Tu Shan Jing, then Tu Shan Hou will be the best. But that day I went with you to the jewelry store without knowing it belonged to the family. Jing Ye recognized me and the entire store saw me, word would soon get back to my brother that I was alive. I don’t want revenge, and I want even less to be Tu Shan Jing, but once my brother knows he will hunt me down no matter where I go. I was afraid he would hurt you and Lao Mu and them so I had to go back to being Tu Shan Jing. If I am in the open, then my brother will know where his target is and not aim wildly.”

Xiao Liu sighed “You don’t want to hurt him but he wants to hurt you. For your own safety you ought to kill him, but if you do you can’t have a peace of mind. His death is an instant release but you’ll carry the guilt your whole life. I guess you really can’t kill him.”

Shi Qi was so happy “I knew you would understand and support me. Jing Ye and them cannot understand why I don’t want revenge.”

Xiao Liu said “I’m different than you. You are kindness, I am practical.”

Shi Qi said in a low voice “You are being practical for my own good.”

Xiao Liu huffed but said nothing.

Shi Qi’s breathing was erratic and his heartbeat was also fast. Xiao Liu knew what he wanted to say but was embarrassed to say. So she didn’t rush and instead nestled like a cat on his shoulder waiting patiently.

“Xiao Liu….I……I know I am engaged and have no right to say this to you…..and I never dared to….but…….I will call off the engagement, I will call off the engagement! You wait for me for twenty years….no…..no, fifteen years. You give Tu Shan Jing fifteen years, and after fifteen years I’ll give you back a Ye Shi Qi.”

Xiao Liu asked “How do you want me to wait?”

“You…..you won’t let another man……into your heart.”

Xiao Liu was silent.

In the darkness, Shi Qi couldn’t see Xiao Liu’s expression and he was so nervous he forgot to breath.

Xiao Liu suddenly burst out laughing and Shi Qi didn’t know if her laughter was mocking him for daring or….

Xiao Liu said “You, you really don’t know me at all. My heart is cold and there is a hard shell encasing it. Forget fifteen years, likely in fifty years there won’t be a man who goes inside.”

Shi Qi asked “So you’re agreeing? Let’s make a palm promise.”

Xiao Liu lazily raised her palm and Shi Qi felt where it was and then solemnly pressed his palm on hers. After they joined palms, he didn’t release and instead tightly held her hand “Xiao Liu, I’m, I’m so happy.” His voice was quivering as his heart soared.

Xiao Liu couldn’t help but smile “You said everything boils down to a business transaction, so why do I feel like I’m not getting the better end of the bargain here.”

Shi Qi shook her hand “That doesn’t include love, only love can never be measured by profit or loss. Family love, sibling love, friendship love, romantic love, it seems so easy but is a rare treasure that cannot be bought with any amount of money.”

Xiao Liu giggled “They say Tu Shan Jing is a shrewd businessman and great at conversation. I didn’t believe it since you’re always so stupid looking around me and rarely talking. Today I finally believe it.”

Shi Qi laughed lightly and his laughter was just like his personality – gentle, peaceful, pure.

Xiao Liu said “Shi Qi, I’m not like you. I’m not a businessman but I know that I am a ruthless person. I am ruthless towards others and even more ruthless towards myself. Do you know that?”

“I do.”

Xiao Liu laughed “Do you really?”

Shi Qi said “I know you never give yourself hope so you don’t trust first and won’t give first. You have a true heart but if the other doesn’t appreciate it, then you won’t give it. I’m willing to wait, wait until you’re willing to hope.”

“What if in my entire lifetime I’m not willing?”

“Then I’ll wait an entire lifetime. As long as you don’t disappear, then even if it’s an entire lifetime it will still be happy.” Shi Qi smiled – Xiao Liu was ruthless and cold to herself, but to everyone else in her life she was so good. Lao Mu, Chuan Zi, Mai Zi, Xan Tian Er, these people were just passing by in her life yet she gave them everything they needed for their own lives.

Darkness like death, silence like death, the most infamous jail cell in the vast wilderness made any prisoner seek death, but to Shi Qi and Xiao Liu, as they talked they didn’t even feel like time was passing. Shi Qi was so grateful that Zhuan Xu locked him up in the same cell as Xiao Liu, and only here did he have the courage to reveal his greatest wish. He even wished now to never leave, he was willing to spend an entire lifetime here with Xiao Liu. When the footsteps of the jailer sounded, Shi Qi felt like it was much too short.

Chapter 8 

My Analysis Part 9

Please see the highlights. If I said anything wrong, of course you can point me out.

About Tushan Jing
According to Ye Shi Qi the former self as Tushan Jing was prized man, born wealthy with refine talents in arts. Since childhood, he was spoiled by his family. He was an expert of expert whom several smart beings had to look up to. The only unfortunate matter was that he had the brother who looked at him as the product of the suffering. The brother did everything to let out his anger and downgraded feelings on Tushan Jing. Only after three years of torture and  humilations, and he realized that Tushan Jing was a lie. It was just a title after all. 

A Reborn Phoenix 
Tushan Jing was nearly dead, both his body and soul. Nevertheless he approached to the warmth of the sun before he thought he was going to die. But his time was just not over yet and his savior appeared. Even with scars and on body and soul, he was very much alive. If we recalled chapter one, his torture was specific cuttings and not one chopped death. The past torture and hatred were never very far away. However, Ye Shi Qi/Tushan Jing knew he could never reborn completely if he embraced the hatred. Because it is not him, who would rather be glad that he still had his whole body to live. 

Graditute and Taking Chances
Tushan Jing was grateful to be reborn as Ye Shi Qi. In the last seven chapters, we could see the development of attraction between Ye Shi Qi and Wen Xiao Liu. If I was not spoiled before I would really have thought this story was a BL (Boy Love). After reviving the life, the human attraction and romance was also there for him. Probably at that moment he took what was offered to him with graditute and taking chances on this new growing feelings. 

The Promise of Entire Lifetime Against All Odds
The couple was in the prison. In fact, Wen Xiao Liu and Ye Shi Qi were imprisoned by Zhuan Xu. Yet they both were at peace and joyful. This is explained with the line "They did not even feel like time was passing. " Especially Ye Shi Qi, who wished this moment was forever. He felt like he did not want tomorrow anymore. He was grateful of Zhuan Xu. In here, he finally confessed his feelings. There was no words of "I love you". However, Wen Xiao Liu knew it and felt it by his heartbeat. He promised her to get himself free from loveless marriage and and be with her as Ye Shi Qi forever. He talked of the timing 15 years, to keep herself for him, and not to fall in love with another man.
I felt the need to explain here a little bit more. Because this is the area many are critizing the character for which many facts and reasons I sort of disagree. One have to understand that the love between Ye Shi Qi and Wen Xiao Liu is like first love, there is passion. Ye Shi Qi was not flawless. He had his own insecurities, because of his imperfections and family ties, and he was taking this chance for himself to be with her, and so that she would not disappear from his life. In the last couple chapters , he had seen her trying her best to get away from him. (Yes, he also knew he had possible rival). That is why I take this action as a sincere challenge and call out from a man in love. (One has to admit jealousy is common in couple when one is likely to go out with another? Or at least feeling you wish your partner doesn't go with another ? I am say to get a clear view of romantic&passionate love, that is not pure saint love. There's many kind of love). Because everything had exception. Sometimes in emotion matters, right or wrong were not as it seems. The wrong can be right and the right can be wrong. Surely the love between Xiao Jing is commitment. By revealing all about himself, Jing surely is commiting to her. He understands her that he needs to take this first step. Because Wen Xiao Liu would not initiate  this chance even if she really wanted it. The tone that was written in the scene, both of them calming. It's surely is not one sided from Ye Shi Qi.
Because of the phrase here, "Shi Qi quietly held Xiao Liu and Xiao Liu quietly listened to his heartbeat. In this place of death, separated from the world’s enticements and entanglements, it made the complicated relationship between a man and a woman so very simple. It was just him and her. Xiao Liu suddenly felt right being here and that was calming."
There is a mentioning of " relationship between a man and a woman" when separated from the world. It is just him and her. By hearing Ye Shi Qi's heartbeating, Xiao Liu was calming. All in all, this promise was heartfully made and accepted by both parties.  


I will say though that Lost You Forever is such a great and thought provoking show… there are many subtleties and even more possibilities, I often found myself puzzled by some of the scenes.    I have many many questions and I was so happy to have found your discussions…. You are all very insightful and your approaches are also very solid and well thought out… hopefully you can help me understand and enjoy TH‘s composition… thanks

Yes it is thought provoking story. One cannot skim read or skip. I realized this time that I have missed a lot. It's really good my other two friends are also analysing/reviewing it. In this way we can compare and see how we understand it. Of course we are just mere drama and novel fans.  It's actually very direct in writing though. There's just also a lot think. We  appreciated that you came here. Of course you can share your thoughts too by chance when you are feeling it. Thank u too.

 Winny Aye:

thanks so much for the reply...I am looking forward to your analysis ...i would love to see your take especially on Wen Xiao Liu..

You know I am hard on our dear WXL  lol will do analysis today 


Merry Christmas everyone!

Merry Christmas 


Merry Christmas everyone!

Merry Christmas 


I will say though that Lost You Forever is such a great and thought provoking show… there are many subtleties and even more possibilities, I often found myself puzzled by some of the scenes.    I have many many questions and I was so happy to have found your discussions…. You are all very insightful and your approaches are also very solid and well thought out… hopefully you can help me understand and enjoy TH‘s composition… thanks

Thank you so much.  Really appreciate the feedback. 


Dear friends… just a note to say thanks for all your kind welcome.   Unfortunately, it seems my account is still being reviewed by management, and I did try to reply to some of your greetings… but I couldn’t post anything yet.     Perhaps I will have to wait a few days for the review to be approved… in any case,  just want to say hello and Merry Christmas again, sorry….    i have never done this sort of thing before so everything is still very new to me (despite being such an old man)…

Merry Christmas. You will be fine.

Hey hey here! <3 Taking time to catch up and read your post....


You know I am hard on our dear WXL  lol will do analysis today 

I will be looking forward to ..♡

Actually, apparently I could post BUT could not reply or respond to any message… so that’s why you ever hear back from me… sorry

Haha! I think you have the quoting problem, the one we all encounter is our firsts post replies here... You can't ever quote a whole long post - unless you copy/paste it (and add the related @name manually to whom you reply). 

But: you can by passing on passages with your mouse - highlight parts by parts that interest you , and they will appear in your reply posts :)) 

It's tricky, we all had to learn to manage this part :D So dont worry, you can just at first just exercice yourself to it? Like with this post...:D 

Is this covering the problem you accounter? Cause there is NO account validation/ checking from MDL site to unlock anything...Once your account is created, you can do as much as others ... :)

+ It can be handy - if you want to relate to a specific passage here to- by right clicking on a tab, to duplicate it: so you'll have your repost/answer page always in front of you, while you can multi-tab for quote, or copy-paste purpose....

 Winny Aye:
I will say though that Lost You Forever is such a great and thought provoking show… there are many subtleties and even more possibilities, I often found myself puzzled by some of the scenes.    I have many many questions and I was so happy to have found your discussions…. You are all very insightful and your approaches are also very solid and well thought out… hopefully you can help me understand and enjoy TH‘s composition… thanks

Yes it is thought provoking story. One cannot skim read or skip. I realized this time that I have missed a lot. It's really good my other two friends are also analysing/reviewing it. In this way we can compare and see how we understand it. Of course we are just mere drama and novel fans.  It's actually very direct in writing though. There's just also a lot think. We  appreciated that you came here. Of course you can share your thoughts too by chance when you are feeling it. Thank u too.

@Winny , @ ah_luck  The key is to take the  time, as long as we have questions that arise from a chapter, we wont move on from that chapter foward...

The drama version is too take in consideration too : what Tong Hua explored, relvealed, highlighted in her drama script??? ....Is the context the same? What have changed? Oh here there is more on that point etc....so it get even richer :).

"Before her Hui Shui family would be gone before her. And I also think that she felt like she was not needed at Hui Shui anymore because Tian Er was doing well.  And everyone was on their own. Besides, Jing was on his own too (tied to his family). I think Xiao Liu was sort bored, out of place, lonely and want to cut her longing for Jing. So she decided to leave for somewhere to explore the world again."

I understood that but the fact remained that she is running away again. All the reason she gave herself are just  excuses. They are not even valid excuses.  Even if she was leaving to cut her tie with Jing. It is  a lame excuse  let's be honest.  In real life we do not simple  leave town and travel the world because the man we are longing  for  is engaged and is in the same town.  Xiao Yao  was really taking the easy way out.

 Winny Aye:
Well XY likes exploring the world . Jing is not the only reason. Its just that to me Jing is the thread that is still holding her back. And she wanted to cut. So i dont think she's lame. For me it's understandable.

Let me try to capture all of her motives, as I guess there is not only one motive.We saw that Xiao Liu prepared her run away for long, so why is she so eager to run away?

***Xiao Liu's eagerness to run away is rooted in a combination of deep-seated motivations and a carefully calculated response to the challenges and complexities surrounding her. Let's explore the underlying reasons in depth:

  1. Political Intrigue and Unwanted Attention:

    • Xiao Liu finds herself entangled in a web of political intrigue, especially with the revelation of Zhuan Xu's identity and the mention of an Imperial Summons. Her reluctance to be involved in political matters and the potential unwanted attention from powerful figures like Zhuan Xu create a sense of urgency to escape.
  2. Protection of Secrets:

    • Xiao Liu carries significant secrets, including her knowledge of Tushan Jing's true identity. The need to protect these secrets not only adds to her emotional burden but also presents a constant threat of exposure. Running away becomes a strategy to distance herself from situations where these secrets might be uncovered and imply him further in a more vast and political implications.
  3. Fear of Repercussions:

    • There's a palpable fear of the consequences Xiao Liu might face if she stays. The mention of Zhuan Xu's pursuit and the careful planning of departure suggest a proactive approach to avoid potential harm or repercussions. Xiao Liu is aware that her actions and the secrets she holds may have significant consequences.
  4. Longing for Freedom and Independence:

    • Xiao Liu's desire for freedom, symbolized by her wish to run away, reflects a longing for a life unburdened by political complexities. The metaphor of looking at the stars and wishing for a carefree trip underscores her yearning for independence in the vast world and a break from the constraints of her current circumstances.
  5. Emotional Turmoil and Past Trauma:

    • Xiao Liu's internal struggle and the lack of inquiry from Jing hint at deeper emotional turmoil. The reluctance to disclose her reasons for wanting to escape suggests a history of trauma or experiences that have left a lasting impact on her. Running away becomes a means to distance herself from painful memories or unresolved issues she can't yet face.
  6. Avoidance of Emotional Entanglement:

    • The drama highlight the portrayal of Xiao Liu avoiding Jing due to fear that her and his identity might lead to emotional entanglement , it further emphasizes her desire to maintain a certain emotional distance. This avoidance may stem from past experiences or a fear of being vulnerable and emotionally attached.
  7. Preparation and Resourcefulness:

    • Xiao Liu's long preparation for her escape underscores her resourcefulness and strategic thinking. This is not a spontaneous decision but a carefully planned move, indicating the seriousness of the threats she perceives and the importance of securing her freedom.

Very brief summary: Xiao Liu's eagerness to run away is a response to a complex interplay of political threats, the need to protect secrets, fear of consequences, a longing for independence, and underlying emotional turmoil with her feelings for Jing, and later includes CX (gege). Her decision is a proactive attempt to navigate a precarious situation and shape her own destiny in a way that minimizes risks and preserves her autonomy.

 => Further:

  1. Forethought and Anticipation:

    • Xiao Liu's preparations suggest a high level of foresight and anticipation. She has likely been monitoring the political landscape and assessing potential threats for a considerable period. This foresight allows her to plan her escape methodically, taking into account various contingencies.
  2. Understanding Political Dynamics:

    • The involvement of Zhuan Xu, the revelation of his identity, and the Imperial Summons all point to a complex political scenario. Xiao Liu's ability to grasp the intricate political dynamics indicates a keen intellect. Her preparations are not just about physical escape but also about navigating the political intricacies surrounding her.
  3. Potential Dangers of Bugs Connection:

    • Xiao Liu could also wanted to run away from xl controlling through bugs . She has witnesses XL using her and bug to take Xuan's life. And said she have a "bad feeling about it". She saw the bug worked through a certain distance(CX removal). As a physician, Xiao Liu had awareness of bug transfering  between her and XL that there's potential surveillance and so she said "I had bad feelings about it!" This is showing that Xiao Liu sensing of  controlling through bugs connection. She could need to distance herself from it's activity.

                    It demonstrates a shrewd understanding of the importance of who is in control.

  1. Strategic Departure Plans:

    • The decision to leave Hui Chun Clinic in Tian Er's hands and the overall orchestration of her departure showcase Xiao Liu's strategic thinking. She ensures that her absence won't leave a void in the clinic and that her departure will be executed smoothly. This level of planning reflects a desire to minimize the impact of her absence on those she leaves behind.

  2. Emotional Preparedness:

    • Beyond the practical aspects, Xiao Liu's preparations may also include emotional readiness. The decision to distance herself emotionally, as seen in her avoidance of Jing, indicates a proactive effort to mitigate potential emotional entanglements that could complicate her escape. She sees her feelings as a tie, not having control on her jalous reactions is burdening her. In particulary when she is not aware of all the manipulation setting around jing's engagement.

      By distancing herself emotionally, especially from Jing, Xiao Liu aims to create a necessary detachment to navigate the complexities of her situation. The burden of uncontrolled emotions, particularly jealousy and the emotional ties she perceives, could potentially hinder her ability to make rational decisions.

      Xiao Liu's awareness of the manipulation surrounding Jing's engagement adds another dimension to her emotional preparedness. It showcases her keen understanding of the political machinations and the potential emotional toll they could take on her. Thus, her decision to create emotional distance becomes not only a means of self-preservation but also a strategy to maintain clarity and focus amidst the intricate web of political and personal challenges.

  3. Long-Term Planning:

    •  Her long-term planning hints at a sustained effort to carve out a path for herself, indicating a commitment to a future free from the constraints of her current circumstances.


 Xiao Liu's eagerness to run away is rooted in a complex interplay of political threats, emotional entanglements, and a deep-seated desire for freedom. Her meticulous preparations, spanning both practical and emotional aspects, highlight the gravity of the challenges she perceives. Beyond the immediate political dangers, Xiao Liu recognizes the emotional ties that bind her, particularly her jealousy and the emotional burden of her feelings for Jing.

Her avoidance of Jing and the creation of emotional distance underscore a proactive effort to disentangle herself from potential complications that could arise during her escape. Xiao Liu sees her own emotions, especially her jealousy, as a potential hindrance to her plans. The lack of awareness about the manipulations surrounding Jing's engagement adds another layer of complexity, fueling her urgency to distance herself emotionally.

-  However, the narrative takes a nuanced turn with Jing's unwavering determination to accompany Xiao Liu. His willingness to help, despite the risks and challenges, reflects a genuine love and loyalty. Xiao Liu's acceptance of Jing's presence in her escape signifies a profound shift in their relationship. It suggests that, amidst the political turmoil and personal struggles, Xiao Liu finds solace and support in Jing's companionship. The unspoken understanding between them becomes a source of strength, offering Xiao Liu a counterbalance to the uncertainties of her journey.

In essence, Xiao Liu's eagerness to run away is a multidimensional response to both external threats and internal conflicts. Jing's steadfast commitment to accompany and support her adds a layer of emotional depth to the narrative, highlighting the evolving loving dynamics of their relationship in the face of adversity. 

As Peng would say...my 2 cents :D! Feel free to add or comment! :)


Merry Christmas everyone!

merry christmas..♡♡