Weibo? Any way this is everywhere, and the other way around too- What can we do? Fan war is not what we seek.
We are wise, we are diamonds=> unbreakable , beautifull as XiaoJings and SERENE.
TH have given us a happy end. Why care about anything that could be changed? I mean even if XL fan base pushed too far , what's the point? It's been filmed already= dead end.
I hope it ends like that...I can forgive anything else..? but yep...I will try not to get into this fanwar thingy although sometimes i cant help... .I mean i can't agree with their "XY must love XL because he's so selfless and push her away and treat her rough so she doesn't love him...?." I will never be ever agree with XL fans about XY loving XL more than Jing since i didn't see her took actions as much. Guess im not into that kind of selflessness. ..